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Sago Palm. Photo by author.

My Life In Photos — January 21–31, 2024

The photo-a-day challenge

We live full-time in our RV and travel around living in different parts of the country. Sometimes life is just as boring as living in a traditional home.

The deep freeze in North America came clear down to the Gulf of Mexico on the southern shore of Alabama and the Florida Panhandle. We stayed home and stayed inside for a few days. As you might know by now, I read, write, and crochet when I stay home in the RV.

The Sago Palm in the photo above has stayed mostly green through the freezing temperatures. You can see some brown ones on the bottom, but most of the other small palms are completely brown now.

January 21

Photo by author.

Like in this picture. Almost all of the small palms in the campground have turned brown and drooped to the ground.

January 22

Tiny House RV. Photo by author.

Walking around the campground allows us to see all the RVs and campers that pull in. Today, we saw a Tiny House hooked up to a pickup truck. That’s a first for us. I know they have been a thing for a while, but I have never seen one in person.

January 23

Photo by author.

Today is cloudy and chilly. Yes, I am reading and writing. Decided I better snap a picture before I forgot.

January 24

Lulu’s menu. Photo by author.

The weather warmed up today. There seems to be a lot of warm moisture coming in from the Gulf. Thunderstorms are expected, but it is finally warm enough to go outside and sit.

We went to a restaurant on the canal today for lunch. Lulu’s is owned by Lucy Buffett, sister to Jimmy Buffett. She owns one in Gulf Shores, Destin, and Myrtle Beach, that I know of.

This is a fun place with great food, drinks, and atmosphere. The only photo I took today was of the Menu.

January 25

Today, we ran around, stopped at a few stores, and picked up prescriptions. The dark gray skies indicate that rain is also expected.

Cherokee Farms RV Center. Photo by author.

The motor on our exterior doorstep is shot, and we need a new one. Amazon sells it for about $35, but we went to some local RV stores and shops to see if we could get one locally. Nobody had it in stock, and to get it was going to cost $160 to $200.

We can’t afford to shop locally at those prices, but at least we checked before buying it online.

January 26

We didn’t go anywhere today. Stayed home and cleaned the RV in preparation for leaving this wonderful state of Alabama on Monday.

Battleship game. Photo by author.

I talked Rich into playing Battleship with me. It’s not his favorite, but he gave in. He almost always loses.

January 27

Photo by author.

Yep, you guessed it. Rain.

January 28

Today we cleaned some more, organized and prepared the RV for traveling north to Ohio. We had to put all the outside stuff away and organize the outdoor compartments for traveling. While Rich did most of that, I worked on the inside cabinets.

Photo by author.

I thought I better take the time to snap a picture for the day.

January 29

Photo by author.

We left the campground today at 9:00 am central time and headed north to I-65. This is one of my favorite views — looking out the windshield. It was a beautiful sunny day and an uneventful travel day.

January 30

We woke up early and traveled through Nashville, Tennessee, at about 6:00 am.

Photo by author.

Nashville was busier than we thought it would be. We drove all day and made it home to northwest Ohio before dark. The best part of the day was when the grandkids came running to hug us.

January 31

Today was a recuperating day. Everyone kept telling us that the sun had not been shining here, but today, it did for a minute, and I was quick enough to get a picture of it out the window.

Photo by author.

But just look at those clouds.

We are glad to be in Ohio with family and settled down for another month.

I am excited for February and to see what the future holds. Sharing just one photo a day is difficult when I take so many usually. I am excited to focus on February and take a more meaningful picture each day.

Hey Dennett, I just discovered what I am excited about!

Weeds And Wildflowers
Photo A Day Challenge
My Life
Daily Life
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