

My Five Years Of Marriage Destroyed By Him — Now Divorced!

Healing does occur but it takes time — How I am happier now!

Robbi is an amazing YouTuber, basically a social media influencer. She has shared with the internet about her relationship. She was married for 5 years and got cheated on and they ended up divorcing.

Photo by Hutomo Abrianto on Unsplash

Her first piece of advice is:

1) Understand that you may not get closer:

You have to be okay with that. Now, this means that you may not know why something happened or you may not know why someone did something. You have to accept that and you have come to peace with it.

That can be hard because that kind of goes against each right that we as humans tend to look for patterns and problem-solve.

Things are going to change. Your mindset is going to change because now you have taken your power back and your authority back.

Your energy is better to be used to move forward to heal and take care of yourself.

2. Admit that you have been hurt:

This might sound simple but it is not. You cannot heal if you don't admit that you have been hurt.

It can be really hard to do because you are putting yourself in a space of vulnerable and it can be embarrassing and isolating but the truth is really hard to admit.

The thing is that many of us are not only overthinkers but overdoers as well.

As things are going to change you are going to be left with a void which we can tend to fill with keeping busy and also other people.

3. Spend time with people that will make you feel better:

It is important to surround yourself with people who will make you feel better and make you feel energized because when you are sad or anxious you might end up making decisions that you wouldn't have if you were right-minded.

4. Invest in yourself:

There is a quote that says,

" Heal for you, grow for you, show up for you, get better for you, make it personal this time".

These are all things that will get you to a place where you feel happy again. Because you are not doing it for revenge or anybody else but you are doing it for you.

5. Stay firm in your decision:

If you have decided to break up and you know that it is not a healthy situation for you to live in or you deserve better.

Leave it in the past and that means "stalking".

The internet makes it so much easier to know what is going on in the world especially the exes or people or friends that don't promote our healing.

"You are only one decision away from a different life."

6. Accountability:

This is a tough one because you are going against your eagerness, you are thinking and reflecting on yourself what could I have done, what could I have changed and what was my role? When you are thinking about all of that, make sure you are getting better.

7. Seek professional help:

If you are grieving and feeling sad, reach out to someone for help but also to someone professional, or a therapist to help you.

Professional help has helped Robbi so much with going through such a tough time.


Robbi says that she doesn’t even recognize that heartbroken younger Robbi anymore and she is in so much different place and she is so much healthier and happier than before.

Thank you ❤

Self Improvement
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