My First Dose with Pfizer Vaccine
Just 2 minutes ago, I had my first dose of Pfizer Vaccine.
The Vaccine injected into my left arms wasn't painful.
Here is the process in Singapore
You will need to register, through the Ministry Of Health (MOH) website if you’d like to be vaccinated.
A day or 2 after registration online, you will receive an SMS- a short message system to your mobile phone.
Arrived exactly at the location stipulated on your SMS.
A questionnaire related to medical history and travel location within 14 days will be asked.
Food and drug allergy are reviewed.
The Vaccine
Poke on my left arm as I am right-handed.
After the vaccine, we need to rest in the room for 30 minutes for further observation.
A few nurses and doctors around watching over us.
If we feel unwell during this time, the medical personnel can attend to us quickly.
After leaving the room and if we feel sick for the next hours and days to come such as headache or fever, we need to take some paracetamol or panadol. (panadol is a Singapore local brand).
If symptoms persist, you are advised to see a doctor.
If you experiencing rashes and breathless, you need to call the emergency hotline.
As I am sitting here, those ahead of me were called up to be released.
I finally released after 30 minutes.
This is my life in a day.
Thanks for reading.
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