My First Digital Product Sale
A mental shift every beginner creator needs

My first sale on Gumroad is what I needed to keep going.
$7 is not much.
But here’s the best part:
It’s a free product.
More than the money I earned, it’s the momentum and mindset shift that I’m celebrating.
I wasn’t confident in building a digital product because there are tons out there from famous creators.
I didn’t want to publish my digital product because I had a small audience and thought nobody would download it.
I did it anyway.
I built the product for myself.
I needed accountability and I needed a plan. If this product will help me, there’s a good chance it will also help another person. Why get terrified of posting it when I’ve got nothing to lose?
I reassured myself I didn’t waste any time because it’s a product I could use for myself. If nobody downloads, then nobody will care that I built a crappy product.
So far, it got 15 sales without actively promoting it.
The takeaway is clear:
If you believe in your product or service, put it out there.
You’ll never know if somebody will find it useful.
You’ll never know how a tiny win can change the game for you.
Here’s a link to the product if you’re curious :)
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