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My Fire Burns Bright

The flames devour and destroy, but they also renew and reinvigorate. To preserve, one must also exterminate.

My Fire Burns Bright — by Paul Mansfield using MidJourney
Content Warning: Bad things happen below.

The flames lept and danced, pirouetting from one virgin page to the next. It was mesmerizing, this dance of salvation. Only from the flames will we find salvation. Only the cleansing fire can save us from the evils found within the degenerate minds of the masses. The reds and yellows and oranges of our beautiful god of fire leap amongst the pages of the sacrileges we have found. It devours the sins found on the pages. It purges the abominations from our view, leaving only ash behind.

I feel the fire. I feel its dance. The fire calls to me. The fire demands payment. We must purge the evil from this world, and fire demands payment. Payment not just in gasoline. Not just in the filthy, filthy words printed on those pages. The fire demands payment in flesh. In blood.

The fire demands we surrender to its all-engulfing inferno. Simple books and magazines will not satisfy the fire. Our fire. My fire.

My fire calls to me. Demands my love. Demands my sacrifice. I watch the flames dance, and I know only in the fire is there truth. The flame does not care about the evil words in these awful stories. They are but the kindling for us to put the entire world ablaze.

I turn to my Julie, and I can see the flames also speak to her. I touch her arm and give it a gentle squeeze. She turns and knows what must be done. The flames demand sacrifices.

The flames demand flesh.

Without a word, I take her in my arms, and we kiss deeply as I pour what remains of the petrol from our last full jerry can over us. The flames need no invitation. They have been waiting for us to join them.

To become one with the cleansing fire.

Our tongues intertwine, and my loins alight with the fire of earthly passion. Fortunately, our flames of salvation burn brighter. Burn with more conviction. Julie and I become one with the flames as we pass from this existence and become one with salvation.

We become one with our burning saviour. Our sins burn away as our flesh smokes and curdles our blood. Our mortal form will fall away to ashes, charred beyond recognition. But our souls will live forever in the sacred flames.

Only in the spirit of the blaze can we find our purpose. Our meaning. Our redemption.


Saving Our Souls from the Evils of Words — by Paul Mansfield using MidJourney
CW: This is a newsletter about transgressive fiction, you dumb fuck. 
Nobody's safe.
Your grannie agrees, as she sucks the cum out of my balls.
If transgressive fiction bothers you, please fuck off.
Yes! Really! 
If you don't want to read transgressive fiction, DON'T FUCKING READ IT!
Now, excuse me while I fuck your dad in the ass 
and cum in your dead sister's mouth.,


The unelected and unwanted arbitrators of truth, fairness, and good taste have decided a few of our stories are far too troubling for some people to handle. They feel some stories are too intense for the delicate amongst us to be reading. From last week to now, an unknown number of stories (my guess is a dozen) worth approximately 7.000 reads have disappeared. On top of flushing these stories down the proverbial toilet, the “powers-that-be” temporarily suspended at least one account for their extremely dark stories. Fortunately, the account I know about is back now.

As I say in the contentment warning above:

If transgressive fiction bothers you, please fuck off.

If you don’t want to be here, we don’t want you here, either. Go read some stupid listicles or some “10 Steps to get Rich by Being a Moron” articles. There’s always some life coach living in a van down by the river, willing to give you bad life advice. Read those!

But when you’ve grown up and can handle something other than the sugar-coated pablum society wants you to tread. Come on back.

There’ll always be time for Redemption!

This month’s theme is not just something, it’s everything. EVery prompt from everywhere. Or maybe just all of Redemption's past prompts. Read May More 💜’s article Sister June Enjoys Saucy Shenanigans with Augustus to find out.

Transgressive Thursday

Brewing Some Transgressive Tales— by Paul Mansfield using MidJourney

We have a full roster on this Transgressive Thursday. Enjoy the reading. It’ll be a spanking if you don’t.

You can find all the following wonderfully disturbing stories here: https://redemptionmagazine.com/tt/home.

Redemption Stats

Calculating the Stats by Paul Mansfield using MidJourney

We’re now at 355 followers (compared to 347 followers last newsletter). Our average is 98 views per story, compared to 100 last newsletter. We are also averaging 285 views per day (compared to 294 last newsletter) with an average of 136 unique daily visitors (compared to 146 last newsletter). We also have 403 minutes worth of stories per day read (416 minutes last newsletter).

Congrats to all the writers, and a big, big, big thanks to all the readers.

Viral Stories

Our Viral Eye— by Paul Mansfield using MidJourney

Redemption has more than a simple handful of stories I would call viral since they have over 1,000 views apiece. Fucking amazing! I was happy when we had our first to break that mark, and I’m just as happy every time I see a new one bust that pussy. Our next goal is 100,000 views on a story. Who’s up for the challenge?

  1. Shove It In by Paul Mansfield
  2. Sucking The Champion’s Dick by Sonja
  3. “I Will Pay You $377.91 to Suck My Dick” by Sonja Glucksberg
  4. Whipping my Wife’s Sister’s Butt in the Wigwam by May More
  5. The Waitress Served More Than Beer and Sausages by Nikolaos Skordilis
  6. “I Will Pay You 5 Dollars to Suck My Dick” by Sonja Glucksberg
  7. He Pimped Me Out to the Highest Bidder for the Night by May More
  8. He Fucked Martha in Her Vineyard by Sonja Glucksberg
  9. I Watched what you did to those Girls by May More
  10. She Was an Obedient Girl by Sonja Glucksberg
  11. Want Redemption? by Paul Mansfield
  12. Hitting the Sweet Spot by Alexander A gibbons
  13. Elegant is as Elegant Sucks by May More
  14. Sue Me, I Love Looking at Breasts by Sonja Glucksberg
  15. Panties on the Floor in Emergency Room #6 by The Quiet Man.
  16. Adorning his Pumped up Pole by May More
  17. Chief Fuck Officer by Sissitrix

Thanks to both the readers and the authors for their time.

Only the Beginning — by Paul Mansfield using MidJourney

Censorship is the tool of those who have the need to hide actualities from themselves and from others. Their fear is only their inability to face what is real, and I can’t vent any anger against them; I only feel this appalling sadness. Somewhere in their upbringing, they were shielded against the total facts of our existence.

Charles Bukowski

Paul Mansfield is a writer, a photographer, a guitar player, and a philosopher — some he does well, some not so well, but he still tries them all. You can follow him on Twitter @pmansfield.

And if you want to subscribe to Medium, here’s a link where I get paid a trifle to sell my soul to the Corporate Overlords. The Corporate Overlords eat the Great Old Ones for breakfast.

Short Story
Transgressive Thursday
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