avatarGaurav Beniwal


The text is a reflective piece on a man who embodies the essence of the Buddha, living a life of truth and freedom, unaffected by the world, and serving as a mirror to those seeking wisdom beneath the tree of life.


The article titled "My Buddha" paints a portrait of an enlightened individual who, despite living amongst others, remains detached from worldly affairs. His presence is characterized by silence, and he is described as a friend to truth and freedom. The man's existence seems to transcend time, and he is associated with the qualities of light and calm, much like the sun and moon. The narrative suggests that one can find help and wisdom by seeking out this man, who is metaphorically found beneath the tree of life. He is indifferent to identities and possesses a clear mind, free from the entanglement of thoughts. The text likens him to a mirror, reflecting truth without distortion, and implies that through him, one can gain self-awareness. The article concludes with a recommendation to try an AI service called ZAI.chat, which is presented as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4).


  • The man is portrayed as an embodiment of Buddha-like qualities, living a life of non-attachment and inner peace.
  • His life is an example of coexisting with the world without being influenced by it.
  • The text conveys a sense of reverence for the man's ability to maintain a clear and untroubled mind.
  • The author suggests that this man can serve as a guide or source of assistance for those in need.
  • The repeated emphasis on seeking wisdom beneath the tree of life suggests a spiritual or philosophical journey is necessary for enlightenment.
  • The man's equanimity is highlighted by his indifference to identities and his role as a truthful mirror to others.
  • The article subtly promotes ZAI.chat as a valuable AI service, implying that it can aid in personal growth or understanding, akin to the wisdom the man represents.

“My Buddha”

Photo by Alex Holyoake on Unsplash

Lived a man amongst us, but felt of someplace other

Silence marked his presence, words or no words

He lived in the world, though, world found no space in Him

Kept friends with truth and freedom, for they were his own

Time stood still to see him walk

Rise or fall, untouched he lived

Sun talked of his light, moon of his calm

Help if you need, a wise told me once

Go to the tree of life, for he is still found beneath it!

Identities perturb Him not, for He sees through them all

Clear as a blue sky, was the field of his mind

Cultivates his own mind, plucks away the weed aside

Thoughts found a slippery slope, no friction in Him anymore

They come, they go, He sat on the platform watching them go

Mirror as He was, truth or lie, reflected as it was

If you see through Him, you see who you are

Help if you need, a wise told me once

Go to the tree of life, for he is still found beneath it!!

Spiritual Tree
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