avatarEmily Jennings


My Bio: Why I Write to Heal and Encourage Others

Living overseas, philosophy, teaching, writing, and software engineering: all you need to know

Photo of Author in Jeju Island

Hi, I’m Emily. I have always known I was a writer, ever since I was a child. I have been writing fiction for years. Now I write self-improvement posts on Medium. I keep things positive in my writing because I truly believe that humanity has a bright future if we all change our mindsets to healing ourselves and this planet.

Find my popular posts about consciousness, spirituality, healing, and meditation in the following links:

I like making websites, too. Since waking up to the unified consciousness, I decided to take action by using my skills in web development to heal others. So, I made the Awakening Journeys website. I am also planning to become a holistic healer in 2021, and offer people ways to begin healing their mind, body, and spirit.

I am currently a software engineer, but I’ve been through a very non-traditional journey. I studied philosophy at a university in Dunedin, New Zealand, where I started learning formally about metaphysics. I stayed there for five years and got a master’s there. I became a teacher in Jeju Island in South Korea at some point after that, and stayed there for five years, too. Then I had a baby and came back to the states.

I am a single mom, I live in Maryland now, and I know my true inner purpose. Life is beautiful.

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