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Multiple MFA Devices for AWS IAM

ACM.120 Add more than one MFA device to an AWS IAM account for different purposes or in case of a lost device


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I’m thrilled to see that we can now add multiple MFA devices to a user in AWS IAM. I’m stopping in the middle of another blog post to try it out. AWS SSO already allows multiple keys but there are a few things you can’t do with AWS SSO and may still want to use AWS IAM in some cases as explained in this blog series.

Why you might want multiple MFA keys for your AWS IAM account

I spoke about why this feature is needed at the AWS Atlanta Summit earlier this year. Let’s say you use a Yubikey and you have a crazy dog like the one we just got it might be running around by your computer and break your Yubikey. You can use a backup device to access your account.

In fact, earlier this year my husband was goofing around when I was working on my computer and I almost completely destroyed a Yubikey. Luckily it had two ends and the one that worked in my mobile phone still worked so I could still get into some of my accounts that used that key.

There’s also the possibility that you could lose your key or it simply stops working. What about your root account? Perhaps you have two different keys stored in two separate places in case one or other locations is affected by a disaster.

Separate MFA devices for automation and the AWS Console

I explained why I don’t use Yubikeys with the AWS CLI here:

Although I don’t want to install the Yubikey CLI if I don’t have to on my primary work machine, I do like using a Yubikey best to login to websites.

It would be great if I could use a Yubikey for the AWS Console (web site) but a virtual MFA device for automation. That’s what I’m going to try out.

Adding a Yubikey to our IAM User account

We used CloudFormation to deploy a user account.

I explained how to use MFA with the AWS CLI in this post with virtual MFA:

In this post we used CloudFormation to auto-generate a password to use with the AWS console.

We leverage the AWS Console to enforce access to a user-specific AWS Secrets Manager Secret using MFA. Because I could only add one MFA device to our user I have been using the virtual MFA device to log into the console and with automation.

Now I want to know if I can use a separate device for the AWS Console and automation.

Adding a second MFA device in the AWS Console

Login to the AWS Console.

Click on the user for whom you want to add the second MFA device.

Note that the first time I logged in and looked at the screen where you 
can edit MFA, I initially did not see the new screen. I could only add 
one device. I added a new user and there I could see the new screen.
Then I looked at a different user that had MFA assigned and there was no 
MFA device assigned! What? Not to worry. Clicking around some more, I 
was able to see the new MFA screen and all the existing MFA devices 
were present. It could be that AWS was rolling out updates or a caching
issue but just click around a bit and you should be able to see the screen
below if you don't at first for an existing user.

MFA devices have moved to a list under the user password section.

We already have a virtual MFA device assigned.

Let’s see if we can add a hardware device also. Click “Assign MFA Device.”

Enter a Name. Select Security key.

After entering the pin for my device and clicking the buttom I now have two different types of MFA devices associated with the developer account.

If you recall from the post on using MFA with the CLI you specify a particular MFA device to use with a profile. For our Developer user, we can specify the virtual MFA device as our MFA device for automation.

Now you can test logging into the AWS Console using your new hardware MFA device assigned to the Developer IAM user.

One thing I would like to explore further: the ability to limit automation to a specific MFA device and console access to another.

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Teri Radichel | © 2nd Sight Lab 2022

About Teri Radichel:
⭐️ Author: Cybersecurity Books
⭐️ Presentations: Presentations by Teri Radichel
⭐️ Recognition: SANS Award, AWS Security Hero, IANS Faculty
⭐️ Certifications: SANS ~ GSE 240
⭐️ Education: BA Business, Master of Software Engineering, Master of Infosec
⭐️ Company: Penetration Tests, Assessments, Phone Consulting ~ 2nd Sight Lab
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