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Much Ado About Love

A short humorous Shakespearean story

Pixabay image by StarGlade; Story by Pernoste & Dahl

Daniel: Oh, fair Elizabeth, our nuptial hour comes apace. Methinks I shall quickly dream away the time, those four happy days.

Elizabeth: What are you on about, Danny?

Daniel: I woo’d thee with my sword, but thou dids’t bewitch me with thine eyes. I will wed thee in a mere four days, with pomp, with reveling, and with triumph!!!

Elizabeth: You’re starting to scare me.

[Enter Ben, Elizabeth’s brother, bearing a message.]

Ben: Hey guys, we finally got a reply from Danny’s Uncle Bill. He and Aunt Jenny are definitely coming to the wedding, and they apologize for replying so late.

Daniel: Villains! I respect none by those names. Would they wert even clean enough to spit on! How canst I accept this? For shame! For shame!

Ben: [Looks at Elizabeth] What’s the matter with Danny? Danny, what’s the matter with you? Bill’s your uncle.

Daniel: My mother hath many times claimed it so.

Ben: You’re nuts.

Daniel: Begone, sir. I do desire that we become better strangers.

Ben: Screw you.

[Exit Ben, to the kitchen]

Daniel: [Calling after Ben] Thou art as fat as butter and nearly half as handsome! Eat not all of our foods!

Elizabeth: Danny?!

Daniel: [Stepping forward to take Elizabeth in his embrace] Yes, my Queen, daughter of the very moon. I am sickened with love when I look upon you. Your presence lingers my desires to take you abed. Dine on my lips, and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountain lies.

[Daniel kisses Elizabeth]

Elizabeth: [Laughing, she steps away] Danny!!!! The “pleasant fountain”?

Daniel: [Despondent, now that she stepped away] Where thou art, Elizabeth, lives the world itself, and where thou art not, even though but feet distant, is mere desolation.

[Elizabeth moves into the kitchen, and Daniel follows. They find Ben preparing his lunch]

Daniel: [to Ben] Eat, eat, eat! I am sickened when I do look upon you. Mayhaps you should dine on prunes, for thou hast but little more merit than a stewed prune.

Ben: Shut up, I’m eating a ham and cheese sandwich.

Daniel: Oh, yes, thou damned and luxurious pig. One needst die that another feedeth. Dine on thine own kin! Be merry!

I would beat thee, would it not infect my hands.

Ellizabeth: Danny, stop it! Have a sandwich.

Daniel: Elizabeth! Elizabeth!

[Takes Elizabeth’s hands in his own] I humbly do beseech your pardon, only for too much loving you.

Elizabeth: [Laughing] I love you, too, Danny.

[Elizabeth kisses Danny]

Daniel: Oh joy, that your love be expressed. Leap to these arms, untalk’d of and unseen….

[Glares at Ben]

… that your love be embolden’d, that as lovers we see to our amorous rites. Come, come, come slow night, four times you must pass that I might forever possess heaven so fine, a King to her Queen.

[To Ben] And fie to you, scoundrel, that thou dost spy upon our love.

Ben: Screw you. I’m eating. Go get a room.

Daniel: Villain. Thy mother….

Elizabeth: NOT about my mother!

Daniel: Apologies, my Queen. For thy sake and thine alone, shalt I befriend this cad who claims kinship with you.

Ben: I am her brother, you know. And I’m not fat. I weigh 170.

Daniel: [To Ben] Lies are easy, and not easy recanted. I shall become your good friend, indeed, helping thee in thy need, thy sorrows, and thy continuous weeping that we oft must suffer. Certain if I were a woman, I wouldst not kiss thee, but mayhaps something would.

Elizabeth: [laughing] “continuous weeping….”

Daniel: Friendship is the most important of all things, save when interfering in the affairs of love….

[turns to Elizabeth]

Elizabeth, my love…

Ben: I don’t … weep. And we already are friends. We’ve been friends for 20 years!

[Elizabeth and Daniel look at Ben quietly]

[Exit Ben, plate of food in hand, out the front door, muttering]

Daniel: I thought he’d never leave.

Elizabeth: [Dragging Daniel by the hand]

O happy dagger! I’ll be thy sheath! There rust and let me die happy.

[Exit Daniel and Elizabeth, to the bedroom]



Originally published at Vocal Media. No longer posted there.

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