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Mr. Beast advises new YouTubers to create and upload content consistently, focus on a strong hook, over-deliver on promises, and understand that success often requires many iterations and a deep understanding of the audience rather than a strict posting schedule.


The article distills Mr. Beast's guidance for aspiring YouTubers embarking on their journey in 2023 and beyond. Despite the potential to earn substantial sums per video, Mr. Beast emphasizes the importance of realistic expectations, acknowledging that initial videos may garner minimal views. He advocates for regular content creation, continuous improvement, and the critical role of an engaging hook within the first five seconds of a video, given YouTube's Autoplay feature. Mr. Beast stresses the necessity of aligning content with viewer expectations set by the title and thumbnail, ensuring that the actual video matches or exceeds these expectations. He also debunks the myth that substantial funding is a prerequisite for success on the platform, citing his own experiences with low-budget videos that achieved high viewership. Lastly, Mr. Beast challenges the fixation on a rigid posting schedule, suggesting that quality and audience engagement should be prioritized over frequency, as the so-called "algorithm" rewards content that resonates with viewers.


  • Mr. Beast suggests that new creators should not be deterred by the prospect of zero views on their initial videos, as improvement comes with consistent practice and content production.
  • The quality of the first five seconds of a video is crucial due to YouTube's Autoplay feature, which can either capture or lose a viewer's attention.
  • Over-delivering on the content promised in the title and thumbnail is essential for retaining viewer interest and increasing watch time.
  • Success on YouTube is not contingent upon a large budget; creativity and execution are the key drivers of a video's success.
  • A flexible posting schedule that prioritizes content quality and audience engagement is more beneficial

Mr Beast’s Advice For New YouTube Channels (2023/24)

He makes up to $2 million per video.

Created by Author

It goes without saying that Mr. Beast is one of the most successful YouTubers on the planet right now.

The amount of money he earns from just 1 video, is insane and is said to be up to $2 million.

So I wanted to know what Mr. Beast would do if he was starting a brand new YouTube channel in 2023, going into next year.

It had to be without the loyal fanbase he has now, and without spending any money.

I did a deep dive through all of his interviews, what he said in his own videos, and any secret tips and tricks he’s dropped.

I’m going to share with you the important bits, that he says will have a big impact on those starting out.


The first piece of advice coming directly from Mr. Beast himself is that your first video will almost certainly get zero views.

He mentioned that people get too overwhelmed with their research about what they should and shouldn’t be creating, so it takes them months to even release a video.

Instead of wasting so much time planning, spend your time creating content that you think is good, and just get it out there.

Your audience will tell you whether it’s good or not. They’re savage.

You’re 1st 100 videos are probably going to suck anyway, so he recommends uploading videos regularly and improving on each one.

Even if it’s just 1 thing you improve each time, by video #100, you’re pretty much guaranteed to get views.

He says there are freak cases, where people see success immediately, but that’s due to the creator having such a unique personality, or something crazy happening in the video that people just can’t pass on.

Most people, however, won’t see much success until they’ve created their first 100 videos, but remember, they need to get better each time.

Now this isn’t what most of you want to hear, Heck, it put me on a downer about my own channel too, but I’m glad he said it.

I’ve witnessed so many people starting new businesses and YouTube channels, only to quit in a month because they set their expectations too high.

What Mr. Beast said here, should encourage you to manage your expectations.

Know that if you aren’t getting great views, you don’t suck, your videos do and normal people take a lot of videos to get it right, including Mr. Beast himself.


The next point Mr. Beast makes is that it’s now more difficult than ever, to attract people to watch your video.

There was a time when having the perfect thumbnail would guarantee clicks on your video.

But now, YouTube has enrolled an Autoplay feature, which means viewers get a 5-second peak at your video, just by hovering over your thumbnail!

If you scroll through YouTube, you’ll see that the thumbnail disappears after half a second, and the first 5 seconds of the video show up.

This doesn’t make thumbnails redundant.

They’re still very important. They still show in the suggested video column on the right and in Google search.

The emphasis here is that you should make the first 5 seconds of your video explode with great content, and it should contain something called a hook.

A hook is the part of your video where you draw viewers in, essentially hooking them in to watch your video.

If you don’t have a great hook, people will just scroll past now without even clicking, because YouTube autoplays it for them.

The hook has been a key part of YouTube videos since forever.

Before, it needed to convince viewers to watch the rest of your video, but now, it has to convince people to click first, and then watch.

This brings me to the next point Mr. Beast makes.


You need to make sure you over-deliver on what your title and thumbnail promise.

If you have the title as ‘Something Explodes’, and the thumbnail is a picture of a huge explosion, but you talk about something completely different in the hook, people won’t watch the rest of your video.

So in the hook, you need to make sure you at least match expectations that you’ve already set, better yet, exceed them.

Give them what they clicked for, and ram something else in their face that they didn’t even expect, but they love!

Mr. Beast mentions that it takes most people at least 20 seconds to meet viewer expectations, or even mention anything related to the title or thumbnail.

That’s why, he says, there’s such a steep drop-off in watch time.


Mr. Beast makes it clear that you don’t need money to start and succeed with a new YouTube channel.

It’s easy to think that you do because, in a lot of his videos, you can see how huge the budget is.

He gives away millions, he blows up expensive stuff, he’s got a full team behind him, and he’s said in the past that he uses all the money earned from the video before, on his next video.

But, he also explains, that on many of his videos, he spends hardly any money at all.

Those videos such as the ‘Lost in the desert’ videos, have very little upfront investment, but they still get 100’s of millions of views.

He believes that even if they were posted on a new channel, they’d see the same success because they’re really cool videos.

Mr. Beast started off poor, and it took him 7 years to buy a camera by saving up YouTube income.


The final piece of Mr. Beast's wisdom is that too many new creators get hung up on a strict posting schedule.

This is dangerous for your channel.

Don’t promise your audience that you’ll drop 1 video a day, or 1 a week because this will guarantee poor quality.

Yes, some say that the algorithm prefers a set schedule or a posting time, but Mr. Beast doesn’t agree.

Instead, every time we hear the word ‘algorithm’, we should replace it with ‘audience’.

So now, when you blame the algorithm for not pushing out your content, the fact is, your audience didn’t like your content enough to engage with it or watch it all the way through.

Your audience won’t care if you miss a few days of posting if you give them a mind-blowing video to watch whenever you actually do post.


There’s no one better to learn from than one of the masters of YouTube, Mr. Beast himself.

I’ve said previously in other articles that you should disregard the opinion of the masses, and only follow the advice of those who have already achieved the success you’re chasing.

He’s been there, done that, and got the t-shirt.

Don’t let the algorithm imprison your creativity, focus on the people. What do they want to see, who are you aiming your content at, and which niche are you creating for?

Whenever you make a promise, always try to over-deliver, it’ll make your viewers stay for the rest of the video and come back for more.

Remember, you don’t need any money to start a YouTube channel, you just need cool ideas, and a desire to succeed.

Follow me on Twitter for short pearls of wisdom.

Content Creation
Side Hustle
Make Money Online
Faceless Youtube
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