avatarKallol Mazumdar


Everything moves

Moving in and out of my flesh

Everything rests!

“Earth’s resting hymn”: Poetic Murmur 8

Log: 16/09/2023, 01:06 AM (IST), Dampen Night

Credits: Matt Flores, Unsplash

Let me open the door, Hello, my cyanide boar, Looking good today, mate! Spreading hate, cocooning, dead bodies, figuring, contouring, sledging, the snitch that peeps in people’s buttocks, adamant to find a reigned unapologetic self, bewildered, rocked and throbbed, the lines that kill, create, perpetual, ghastly message, the facade is all so tamingly shrewd, in perpetual sights of elegance, and crowning Beauty shines in dead skulls, For I see flesh and bodies, with and without blood in Rwandan Genocide Hack the bodies to death, In frustrated, silting that preserves the grease, in bones, The bird came and died, Go back to Bhopal’s traumatized land, an elevation so grand, the mechanical planes, flew to the cosmos to hide, the traitor and unleashing the, defiled air choking millions out of air, if at all it's fair, my eyes shine in the glare.

Credits: Eddiehard Grosteiger, Pexels

Previous Poetic Murmur 7

Credits: Moteo Avilla Chinchilla, Unsplash

Rest of the poems on Earth’s Resting Hymn..

Credits: Mohammad Hasan, Pixabay

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Credits: Blauth Bianca, Pixabay
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