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Morning thoughts

Self-care doesn’t mean you’re allowed to mistreat others

Photo by Max van den Oetelaar on Unsplash

Yesterday I read an article from Becca Brooks on the Morning Rituals, and I recognized myself in it big time.

I look forward to my morning “me” time every single day when the kids are still in bed. In order to get my mind and body ready for the day ahead, I like to start each morning with a cup of tea or coffee and some time spent journaling in the backyard.

Self-care was the first thing on my mind this morning.

And how, in my efforts to prioritize my own needs as part of self-care, I may be a little too inclined and protective at times, leading me to mistreat others.

Just as an example, if my body and mind require rest in the form of sleep, I may easily neglect the needs of others. And when I say easily, I mean I can fall asleep in seconds, leaving everything behind.

Then I started wondering if equilibrium was even attainable—practicing self-love and self-care while also loving and caring for others. This time, the reply is yes!

As part of my morning routine, I considered where I was coming from and where I wanted to go.

I woke up with these thoughts in mind:

Self-care is not selfish; it’s essential. I need to prioritize myself so I can better care for others.

I can’t pour from an empty cup. Self-care replenishes my spirit, so I can shine my light on the world.

Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for maintaining physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Self-care is an act of self-love, a reminder that I am worthy of care and kindness.

In the midst of chaos, I am finding solace in self-care. It’s my lifeline to inner peace.

I am my most valuable asset. And I should treat myself with the same love and care I would give to a cherished friend or a family member

And then I realized I’m wholeheartedly too focused on myself—it's not just about me; it’s not just about satisfying the "I." Self-care is not about perfection; it is about personal growth, balance, and learning how to fill your cup of tea, make sure it’s healthy, tasty, and hot, and then pour from it to others you love, enjoy, and care for.

Photo by Phyllis Poon on Unsplash

So, after this realization, I wrote my new mantras to follow in the upcoming weeks and months, making sure they would become part of my everyday life—just like the habit of brushing your teeth every morning.

True self-care involves nurturing my well-being without harming others, for it is in the harmony of both that we find lasting peace.

In the pursuit of self-care, let compassion be my guide, ensuring my healing journey never inflicts wounds on others.

The art of self-care lies in the delicate balance of nurturing my soul while treading lightly on the hearts of those around me.

Kindness to myself should never be an excuse for unkindness to others. Self-care and empathy can coexist beautifully.

Self-care isn’t a license for selfishness; it’s an opportunity to become a better, more compassionate version of yourself.

The most profound self-care is treating others with the same love and respect I extend to my own soul.

In the act of self-care, I allow empathy to be my constant companion, ensuring my journey uplifts not only myself but those around me, too.

We can grow together.

Self-care isn’t a zero-sum game; it’s a space where my healing can radiate outward, enriching the lives of others as well.

Thanks a lot for reading my thoughts. Wish me luck in this challenge!

I’d be delighted and grateful if you could share a similar tale of how you found a way to balance taking care of yourself and others.

Self Care
Self Love
Self Awareness Stories
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