avatarRavyne Hawke


The Promptly Written platform has announced "Self-Love. Self-Care." as its monthly theme for February, encouraging writers to focus on personal well-being rather than the traditional emphasis on others during Valentine's Day.


For the month of February, Promptly Written is shifting the focus from the usual Valentine's Day celebrations to the importance of self-love and self-care. The platform invites writers to explore this theme through various writing prompts, known as Writing Sparks, which are designed to inspire poems, fiction, essays, and articles. Contributors are encouraged to use the theme as a central element in their work and to tag their submissions with 'Monthly Theme' if appropriate. The initiative aims to remind individuals to prioritize their own needs amidst the bustle of everyday life and the societal pressure to give to others during this time of year.


  • The platform emphasizes the importance of self-focus and personal care during a month typically dedicated to expressing love for others.
  • Promptly Written suggests that taking time for oneself should not be viewed as selfish but rather as a necessary aspect of maintaining mental and emotional health.
  • The editorial team at Promptly Written acknowledges the potential for individuals to neglect their own needs, particularly when preoccupied with serving others or managing multiple responsibilities.
  • The Writing Sparks are presented as a tool to help writers reflect on personal experiences related to self-care and to share insights or advice on the subject.
  • The editor-in-chief, Ravyne Hawke, reassures participants that the writing prompts are not meant to cause stress and can be engaged with at one's own pace, emphasizing the non-prescriptive nature of the monthly theme.


Monthly Theme For February

Self-Love. Self-Care.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

For the month of February, the theme here at Promptly Written will be

Self-Love. Self-Care.

Normally during the month of February, we center on other people, usually love interests, spouses, or friends. We get all caught up in Valentine’s Day and giving to others that we forget about ourselves. This month, I give you the opportunity to be selfish and care more about YOU than other people. And I hope that the Monthly Theme Writing Sparks will help us all to do just that.

How To Use Monthly Themes

  1. Write specific poems, fiction, essays, or articles related to the theme — try using the Writing Sparks.
  2. Choose a Daily, Weekly prompt, Photo Challenge, or select a Writing Spark, and center your piece around the theme.
  3. Remember to tag your work appropriately and, if you wish, use ‘Monthly Theme’ as one of your tags if your work is centered around the theme.

Writing Sparks

  1. Write a poem or essay around the theme of Self-Love, Self-Care.
  2. Write a poem, piece of fiction, or an essay on Guilty Pleasures.
  3. Write a poem or essay on times in your life when you’ve neglected yourself. This could be because of serving others, mental health issues, or from juggling too many activities. How can you change your life to include self-love and self-care?
  4. Have you figured it all out? Write an article on tips for self-love and self-care.

Have a great February everyone! Make time for YOU this month. And please, do not stress yourselves out by attempting to keep up with the writing prompts here at PW. They will be available whenever the inspiration strikes!

~Ravyne Hawke, EIC

Monthly Theme
Writing Prompts
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