avatarAbhiraj Thakur


The article explains how to monitor Docker containers with Grafana, Loki, and Promtail.


This article teaches how to set up Grafana, Loki, and Promtail using Docker Compose and configure them to monitor Docker containers. The author provides detailed steps and code snippets to install Docker, Docker Compose, and the required plugins, as well as the configuration files for Loki and Promtail. The article also covers how to create a Docker network, configure the Docker daemon, and run Docker containers. Finally, it shows how to view the logs in Grafana.


  • The author believes that Grafana, Loki, and Promtail are useful tools for monitoring Docker containers.
  • The author thinks that Docker Compose is a convenient way to set up these tools.
  • The author provides a link to a YouTube tutorial for those who may need additional help setting up Grafana, Loki, and Promtail with Docker Compose.
  • The author suggests that the AI service ZAI.chat is a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus for those interested in trying out an AI service.

Monitoring Docker Containers with Grafana, Loki, and Promtail

In this blog, I will teach :

  • How you can run Grafana, Loki, and Promtail using docker-compose.
  • How you can monitor the docker logs using Grafana


Make sure your system has the following tools installed

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

To install them use the below command:

  • Docker:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install docker.io
  • Docker Compose:
# Download Docker Compose Binary
sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/latest/download/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

#Make Binary Executable
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

#Add User to Docker Group
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

#Verify Installation
docker-compose --version


To install the Grafana, Loki, and Promtail using Docker Compose we need two YAML files: docker-compose.yaml and loki-config.yaml.


version: '3'

    image: grafana/loki:latest
      - "3100:3100"
      - loki-net

    image: grafana/promtail:latest
      - ./promtail-config.yaml:/etc/promtail/promtail-config.yaml
      - loki-net
      - loki

    image: grafana/grafana:latest
      - "3000:3000"
      - loki-net
      - loki

    external: true



  • Loki: Uses the official Grafana Loki Docker image. It exposes port 3100 and connects to the “loki-net” network.
  • Promtail: Also uses the official Grafana Promtail Docker image. It mounts a local configuration file promtail-config.yaml into the container at /etc/promtail/promtail-config.yaml. It connects to the "loki-net" network and depends on the Loki service.
  • Grafana: Uses the official Grafana Docker image, exposes port 3000, sets the admin password to “admin” using an environment variable, and connects to the “loki-net” network. It depends on the Loki service.


  • loki-net: Declares a custom network named “loki-net” with the external: true flag. This suggests that the network is created externally (possibly before running this Docker Compose file) and is not managed by Docker Compose itself.


  • Specifies the version of the Docker Compose file format. In this case, it’s version 3.


  http_listen_port: 9080
  grpc_listen_port: 0

  filename: /tmp/positions.yaml

  - url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push

  - job_name: system
      - targets:
          - localhost
          job: varlogs
          __path__: /var/log/*log

  - job_name: docker
      - targets:
          - localhost
          job: docker_logs
          __path__: /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*-json.log


Server Configuration:

  • http_listen_port: 9080: Prometheus will listen for HTTP requests on port 9080.
  • grpc_listen_port: 0: Disables gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) for this Prometheus server.

Positions Configuration:

  • filename: /tmp/positions.yaml: Specifies the file path where Prometheus will store the current positions in the logs. This information is used to resume scraping after a restart.

Clients Configuration:

  • - url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push: Configures Prometheus to push logs to Loki, a horizontally scalable, highly available log aggregation system.

Scrape Configurations:

System Job:

  • job_name: system: Defines a job named "system" to scrape metrics related to the system.
  • static_configs: Configures static targets to scrape.
  • - targets: - localhost: Prometheus will scrape metrics from the local machine.
  • labels: Specifies additional labels for the scraped data.
  • job: varlogs: Identifies this as a job for scraping metrics from /var/log directories.
  • __path__: /var/log/*log: Specifies the path pattern to match log files.

Docker Job:

  • job_name: docker: Defines a job named "docker" to scrape metrics related to Docker containers.
  • static_configs: Configures static targets to scrape.
  • - targets: - localhost: Prometheus will scrape metrics from the local machine.
  • labels: Specifies additional labels for the scraped data.
  • job: docker_logs: Identifies this as a job for scraping metrics from Docker containers.
  • __path__: /var/lib/docker/containers/*/*-json.log: Specifies the path pattern to match Docker container log files.

Before running these 2 configuration files we need to create the docker network loki-net, run the below command to create:

docker network create loki-net

Before you run the docker-compose.yaml or any other docker container, you need to do 2 more things:

1. Installing Docker Plugins:

Install the docker drivers for Docker and Grafana/Loki:

docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:2.9.1 --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

2.Configure Docker daemon.json:

At location /etc/docker/daemon.json paste the below code:

    "log-driver": "loki",
    "log-opts": {
      "loki-url": "http://localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/push",
      "loki-batch-size": "400",

Restart the Docker service:

 sudo systemctl restart docker

Run the docker-compose.yaml:

docker-compose up -d

Running Docker containers:

Run the Docker images of your choice, whose logs you want to monitor. Here I am running the following Docker images:

  • Nginx
  • Todo
  • Reddit-clone

Monitoring Docker Containers logs in Grafana

  • Open the Grafana in your web browser running at port number 3000.

If you are opening Grafana for the first time use username: admin and password: admin.

Click on Add your first data source.

  • Choose Loki, as the data source. Loki is used for connecting the logs of an application.
  • Enter the name and connection URL, scroll down to test and save
  • Click on Add visualization in order to build the dashboard.
  • Select the desired data source.
  • Select the label, container_name select the value, i.e the running container name, let’s start with nginx logs:
  • Select the Logs as the Data visualization tool from the right side

Click on the run query.

  • This query returns the logs generated by the docker container, nginx.

You can also view logs based on a specific time frame of your choice; currently, it displays all the logs generated in the last 1 hour.

  • Now change the container_name to todo:

Logs generated for todo container:

  • Change the container_name to redditClone:

Logs Generated :

Now You can save this Dashboard.

  • Click on Save
  • Enter the Dashboard details like name, description and choose the folder to save the dashboard
  • Your Dashboard has been saved

You can change the dashboard, view it, and do some modifications in the dashboard.

Useful links if you get stuck:

- Youtube tutorial for setting up Grafana, Loki, and Promtail using Docker Compose and instaling Docker pluginm configuring: Meet Grafana LOKI, a Log Aggregation System for EVERYTHING

- Grafana Offical Documentation: Docker driver client

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