avatarFrank Ontario | empathy, logic, love.


The article discusses the concept of "Conscious Community Prosperity" through the metaphor of overlapping energy streams connecting people, akin to the invisible connections in the chakra system, and its implications for the future of money and community economies.


The text presents a vision of a future economy that is deeply interconnected with human consciousness and well-being, termed "Conscious Community Prosperity." It suggests that the throat chakra, associated with communication and expression, is key to this new economic paradigm, which emphasizes giving and receiving as fundamental principles. The article contrasts this with the current "cut throat" competitive economy, proposing a more cooperative and egalitarian model that includes all forms of life and natural resources. It argues for the integration of divine will and higher self into economic practices, advocating for a cycle of giving and receiving that operates on a higher vibrational level, free from the toxicity of power dynamics and greed. The author posits that this approach will lead to a more inclusive, sustainable, and joyful economy that benefits all.


  • The author believes that current economic models are hierarchical and predatory, dominated


Money: Conscious Community Prosperity [2]

The Future of Money

Imagine the following two images sandwiched together so that the light streamers overlap the people connecting the people together like what can be seen in invisible worlds — a metaphor for Conscious Community Prosperity:

Photo by Federico Beccari on Unsplash
Photo by Jacek Dylag on Unsplash

Community Economies Have Been Around Forever

We don’t see them because these kinds of economies are not everywhere yet. Because they are on a much smaller scale, they are not effective in a world community. The control by large corporate entities and its greed dictates an economy that operates to suppress the “less than” because of its hierarchical model.

Employee-owned businesses are examples of community economies at work, for example. Non-profits like Kiva devoted to making micro-loans to the poor worldwide lends credence to access to the global marketplace by anyone.

While these are small examples of community economy at work, they are harbingers of trends / things to come as we break the hierarchical structures of predatory capitalism for a cooperative community economy that will span the planet, eventually. This new economy will have competition of the best kind within it and so much more. I will explain later.

Throat Chakra Key to New Economy

The throat chakra — at the base of the throat is the human body’s connection to conscious community prosperity. The second chakra survival economy will still be in place because it is the body’s need.

Our mouths, lips, teeth and tongue are at the gate of fuel assimilation — for food and air intake. The energy vortex/ cyclone at the based of the throat falls under conscious control and is part of our parasympathetic nervous system. The 2nd chakra at the naval falls under the sympathetic nervous system and is unconscious — unless we draw attention to it.

Because the throat chakra is about three bodily functions, it falls at a higher vibration and is reliant on the survival of our physical body, obviously.

The Three Functions

  • Assimilation of food for fuel
  • Breathing in air — connection to spirit/light and emotion
  • the voice — speaking and listening

Each of these three functions holds the key to giving and receiving. Food as fuel is a manifestation from our Mother — Earth. Breathing in air connects light as a higher frequency and emotion. This provides a base to receive frequencies of light and air (from grids etc.) from the breath of Earth. The vocal cords are part of the elegant completion of the cycle of giving and receiving via sound, another vibration and part of the connective tissue between me and you.

On a purely biological basis the human animal eats food produced from the soil, uses the food, defecates manure that is recycled into the soil (of course this is not possible in the current age because of pollutants in the food etc that are unsuitable for human manure/fertilizer). Humans breathe air whose waste is carbon dioxide for plants — a completed cycle. In this current age, there is too much carbon dioxide and not enough plant life to handle the increased load. You get the idea. The voice alone is part of Earth’s cycle, but with machine made noise, there is sound pollution, a topic for another time.

A Latifa: Higher Self/Divinity’s Connection to the Throat Chakra

Lafifas are interface points where our Higher Self or our Divine Aspects connect with various parts of the body. This may help dispel the notion that the Higher Self is above us or somehow separate from our physical bodies.

Latifas are subtle energy or light centers that live at certain points within the physical nature of human bodies. The word Latifa is from Iranian Sufism, denoting a subtle energy of a Dimension of Essence.

The latifa associated with the throat chakra is a bit below the chakra and is known as the connection to Divine Will under the words: “accept/obey”.

When I have surrendered my self-will, Divine Will fills that spot and me. It has been a feeling that is beyond words and extends perspective and understanding to a much wider context, then unconditional love enters. After the connection, my cognitive understanding is increased and expands my sense of self or ego in a balanced manner that is a basis for Conscious Community Prosperity and the right use of money.

The Founding Principles of a Community Economy

The throat chakra’s highest vibration is the cycle of giving and receiving. Most of us (myself included) are fine with giving, because it’s something we feel we can control. Receiving is another matter. We can’t control what we receive. The mixed legacy of receiving arises from criticism mixed with a complement. If this begins in childhood, it sets up poison within the receiving end of the cycle and reception is blocked, denied or deflected. The poisonous parts of receiving are reflected in the power-over hierarchy of control by those at the top versus those beneath or at the layers below aka at the bottom.

The good news is we can ask for a compliment without mixed negative messages and raise the cycle of giving and receiving to a higher vibrational level. The cycle of giving and receiving can come from a place of purity and goodness. This can be a practice with oneself, one other, or many others.

What I give to you, what you receive from me, is a never-ending cycle of prosperity & abundance.

The cycle of giving and receiving, when practiced repeatedly, grows and includes all beings.

The cycle of giving and receiving or receiving and giving when practiced can grow and flourish like any plant or crop being attended to by a gardener or farmer.

Since perpetual energy making devices don’t yet exist in a 3-D world, we humans must continue to practice the cycle towards perfection or towards excellence. The joy of the giving-receiving cycle is its own reward. The side effect is a widening scope of influence and inclusion in a horizontal egalitarian economic structure.

When divine energies are added to the practice, then the sacred may be felt and acknowledged throughout the animal, plant, fungi, bacterial, and viral worlds and Earth as Mother/Father/Creator.

Competition of the Best Kind

Today competition is “cut throat” meant to defeat and obliterate “the rival corporation”. But competition can be re-tooled to highlight better features towards improvements in products and services, reducing/eliminating greed and power-over dynamics by including an ecological operating system.

Some athletes consider competition against oneself as the best kind of competition. It then becomes a quest for excellence and perfection as a player within their sport (and this is part of infinite play). This was made clear to me as a ping-pong player.

I was invited to a couple’s place for dinner. I saw his ping-pong table and suggested we play. His wife gave him the table as a Christmas present. When we started “the game” he told me that we wouldn’t be keeping score because he didn’t believe in competition. I was confused. My intuitive voice initiated an answer, rebuttal to his idea of competition and I said:

“The best competition is with myself. In this way, I strive for excellence in my craft or sport. It’s not about beating the other player for me. It’s about putting myself in front of limits in a container that creates energy. In this way, the points accrued in a game are the constraints of time and the rules of the game that challenge me to do my best. The other player, when he or she chooses along similar lines, creates the fun of competing against oneself for excellence. It has nothing to do with destroying the other player, at least in my mind. It’s about fun within the rules of the game.”

He didn’t care. He wanted to do it his way. So for the next ten minutes, we did the Zen thing. He was inattentive, so even the Zen thing of the ball going back and forth in a continuous volley was something he could not maintain. So we both stopped.

An All Inclusive Economy

The adage:

What I give to you, I receive from you and from all others in this system of conscious community prosperity.


What I give, I receive. Blessings out, blessings in, when the intent is that we all prosper together (includes plants, animals, land, water and air).

In other words, if I give you terrible advice or favors on purpose, I set myself up to receive terrible advice or bad favors from you and others in the system.

Working to maintain a giving and receiving economy when followed to its logical conclusions includes all beings (both biological, non-biological within the context of Earth):

1.All peoples have equal access to the economy 2.All natural resources are included as integral parts of the ecological economy (GNP). 3.When dominance moves towards monopolies, antitrust laws are enforced by governments (one role of government). 4.PAC and Big Money “donations” aka bribes are banned from all representatives of the people.

Since natural resources have yet to be acknowledged and respected as sacred, there needs to be a Bill of Rights for land, air, water rights. This would be temporary until we all begin treating ourselves and all else as sacred.

5.Bill of Rights for all species, water, land and air.

This kind of Bill of Rights necessitates corporations do not pollute least the violate these rights.


Without an economy that includes all inhabitants and resources of Earth, then the path we are currently on will lead to the demise of the majority of human beings — all 8 billion of us minus a million or so.

In the rebuilding stages without cities and electricity, hopefully we don’t repeat the same mistakes.

Exercises that link Survival and Prosperity Together will be elucidated in Part Three — coming soon.

Part One:

Thank-you for reading. Comments welcome.

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