avatarFay Wylde


The founder of Moms for Liberty, an organization advocating for book bans and against LGBTQ rights, is embroiled in a scandal involving an alleged consensual three-way sexual relationship and an accusation of sexual assault against her husband, Christian Ziegler, which has prompted calls for his resignation from Governor Ron DeSantis.


The article discusses the hypocrisy of the founder of Moms for Liberty, Bridget Ziegler, whose organization campaigns against LGBTQ rights and advocates for book bans in schools. Her husband, Christian Ziegler, the Chair of the Florida Republican Party, faces allegations of sexual assault. The allegations include details of an alleged consensual three-way sexual relationship involving the Zieglers, which contrasts sharply with their public stance against LGBTQ content and the promotion of "Christian values." The scandal has drawn attention to the couple's private life, highlighting the discrepancy between their personal actions and their public advocacy. Governor Ron DeSantis has called for Ziegler's immediate resignation following the assault allegations.


  • The author expresses disdain for the hypocrisy displayed by Bridget Ziegler, who campaigns against LGBTQ rights while allegedly engaging in non-traditional sexual activities in her private life.
  • The article suggests that individuals like the Zieglers, who push for censorship and moral purity in public, should not engage in behaviors that contradict their advocacy.
  • There is a clear tone of sarcasm and criticism towards the Zieglers and other Florida Republicans involved in sex scandals, implying they are not practicing the values they preach.
  • The author points out the irony of Christian Ziegler's first name in relation to his alleged actions and the subsequent call for his resignation by Governor DeSantis.
  • The author has no issue with consensual adult sexual activities but takes issue with the Zieglers' alleged hypocrisy in promoting censorship and demonizing LGBTQ communities while engaging in the behavior they publicly condemn.
  • The article draws a parallel between the Zieglers' situation and the song "Harper Valley P.T.A.," which criticizes hypocrisy within a community, suggesting that the Zieglers and other Florida Republicans are being hypocritical in their actions.

‘Moms For Liberty’ Founder Into Kink?

Nothing against kink, but self-righteous book-banners don’t get to have their cake and eat it, too

Photo by Kristina Flour on Unsplash

I don’t normally write this sort of article. However, when someone turns out to be stunningly, staggeringly, and infuriatingly hypocritical about LGBTQ, I can’t resist.

So, I am stooping to a bit of New York Post-style gossip column writing. I can’t help it. Indulge me just this once.

In America, you are innocent until proven guilty. So, let me be clear here that I am talking about an allegation against a man of sexual assault. Buried within that allegation, however, is an acknowledgment of perfectly legal hanky-panky agreed to by the founder of Moms for Liberty.

That is right, the self-styled upholder of Christian values, on a crusade against the “evils” of LGBTQ, apparently was living a life of “do as I say, not as I do.”

First, An Allegation of Sexual Assault

We will leave it to the judicial process to determine the outcome of the allegations of sexual assault laid at the feet of the Chair of the Florida Republican Party, Mr. Christian Ziegler. (I just love how his first name is “Christian”; oh sorry, my snarky side chiming in there; just ignore that.) Innocent till proven guilty. It is an alleged sexual assault.

However, Darth Santis, er, I mean Governor Ron DeSantis, doesn’t seem inclined to wait and has declared Mr. Ziegler must resign. Now. Like, right now. Ron is not too inclined to stand by his man, is he? Read into that what you will.

So, a Republican sex scandal. An interesting story by itself. However, there is more to it. Does his last name ring a bell? Ziegler?

A Three-Way Sexual Encounter Too

Yep, turns out Ziegler’s wife is Bridget Ziegler, the co-founder of Moms for Liberty. She is one of those people spearheading book bans for alleged sexual content — like a same-sex kiss, oh how shocking and terrible.

So, here is the part of Mr. Ziegler’s story that caught my eye. His story would have otherwise not been worth my time, just yet another Republican caught with his pants down. Yawn. So cliche. However, there was an extra bit of info:

“The woman, according to sources close to the investigation, alleged that she and both Zieglers had been involved in a longstanding consensual three-way sexual relationship prior to the incident.” [emphasis added]

Allegedly. Or at least it was “allegedly” until I heard a little more about it.

My jaw hits the floor… and I start laughing. Well, laughing through my anger and fury about hypocrites, anyway.

The More The Merrier! But…

I first heard this news flipping through channels and pausing a moment at Joy Reid’s show on MSNBC. I do not normally watch her show (there are only so many hours in the day) but just as I paused there, I heard her say “What is up with Florida?” and so I had to listen. She showed the headline of Florida Republican Party chairman accused of sexual assault. Then, she mentioned the allegation of he and his wife, a founder of Moms of Liberty, being in a three-way relationship with another woman, and Joy, eyes twinkling, asked about Mrs. Ziegler: “So which is she then, a B or a Q?”

Now, to be clear, I have no problem with kink, no problem at all with three-way relationships. I see nothing wrong with consenting adults deciding three is not a crowd after all. I even have no problem with consenting adults opting for “the more the merrier!” Fine by me and none of my business, just as long as you all practice safe sex, of course.

So, I have no problem with a possible WMW scene going down at the Ziegler house.

What is not fine is to then go and start the organization “Moms for Liberty” to ban books and demonize LGBTQ folk.

You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too. You don’t get to go out and obsessively disrespect the LGBTQ community, accuse teachers of being groomers, and ban LGBTQ books from schools, and then get to go home and have your kinky little fun. Are you a B or are you a Q? I don’t care. I just want you to leave kids and parents alone and let them have their books and their rights, and then I will happily leave you alone and not write about your dirty laundry.

I’d Like to Sing A Song to All the Florida Republicans

No, that is not “like to sing a song” as in the Carpenter’s tune with the lyrics:

“Sing, sing a song Sing out loud Sing out strong Sing of good things not bad Sing of happy not sad”

Naw, not that song. I had in mind singing them the song Harper Valley P.T.A.

Because, you see, new details were later reported about the three-way plan.

As reported by Jessica De Leon for ABC News, according to the affidavit filed in court:

Ziegler and his wife — Sarasota School Board Member Bridget Ziegler who helped found Moms of Liberty — had made plans to have sex with the woman two days before, according to the affidavit. But when Ziegler’s wife could not make it at last minute, the other woman canceled responding in text message, ‘Sorry I was mostly in for her.’”

Hot times at the Harper Valley PTA.

And I wouldn’t care less about Bridget’s planned threesome rendezvous if it weren’t for the fact that you can’t be a “Moms for Liberty” champion of imposing heteronormative censorship and authoritarian puritanism on others and then… go eat some cake. (Aren’t you proud of me for not making an eat some “_____” joke there? Amazing restraint on my part. You go fill in the blank.)

Yeah, I want to sing them a song. Whether it is the Zieglers (say, wasn’t that the name of the kink couple in Eyes Wide Shut? My favorite Christmas movie — just kidding), or Matt Gaetz and his sex scandal, or Clay County Sheriff Darryl Daniels and his sex scandal, or Florida State Senator Jack Latvala and his sex scandal…

“Well, this is just a little Peyton Place And you’re all Harper Valley hypocrites.”

Not allegedly, but obviously.

Moms For Liberty
Republican Hypocrisy
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