

Moliere and Baudelaire Visited — Part 1

Poem #23 from the Poetry Portal

Ghosts — Photo by Jr Korpa on Unsplash

I On such a quiet night I’ve awakened in fright By vivid figure-heads Came dancing off my head Their faint far-sighted glance They argued as in trance A snap of chyron blurred Their eyes appeared disturbed.


Their whispers loud and clear ‘Moliere and Baudelaire’ Stirred my sluggish brain Afraid to ask their aim. What I supposed to be? They seized Morpheus from me, I lacked capacity In Their infirmary!


The manes cited some books Their names I can’t evoke. Henceforth I Wiki them Now I have learned their fame. “Moliere, you lucky one, You lived in ‘Enlightened’ France You gained and thrived as one More fame than everyone.”


“But Benedictine Popes Must hated your ‘Tartuffe’ Implied its impiety To guard their crap on society. So was the ‘Parlement’ Banned such a ‘harpagon’ Have they misread your play That most of France were gay?”


“Oh, my, oh Baudelaire Love of nature you declare Such a recurring past Still, an issue we canvass. If you remember it The term modernity, You coined it in the past We still use it today.”


“I know now what you think Concerning Earth’s extinct Such issue’s been on top Of our leaders’ lineup. Yes, all of us must work Protect the environment Some active in teamwork Some are in management.”


“Can you perhaps parlay Your message to some prey (like me) It’s obviously you care That everyone must hear. I can only profess To raise this awareness Care for environment Ask for their commitment.”


“I ask of you, Moliere, I think you also care Since both of you disturbed my peace, Now, go ahead, to farther East. In our time you can parlance Same humor as your pantomime No need to worry in advance No one will lock you up in camp.”

Written by Author: Santayana Rose — is passionate about writing and ideas.

The Takeaway by Lewis Harrison

I love writing and reading poems. Poetry bypasses my left brain intellect and connects that part of me that seeks meaning, rhythm, emotional resonance, and literary texture.

For me, the best poetry has a natural richness of meter, intonation, and rhythm.

Many readers of poetry, aren’t aware of the fact that rhythm and meter are different, though closely related. Meter brings the definitive pattern established for a verse, while rhythm is the actual sound that comes from poetic words and phrases.

I have many friends and associates, who write wonderful poetry. Usually, they drop their creations into a Facebook post where it is likely to be noticed by less than 25 people. I have decided to create a Poetry Portal in several wonderful publications on Medium.com. Here I have gotten permission from my poet friends and associates to repost the writings of these gifted creators.

Here is an introduction to this series of poems.

When it states written by Lewis Harrison at the bottom of this poem it refers to the Poetry Portal. This specific poem is by Santayana Rose.

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