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Meet Your New Best Friend: You! A Guide to Stop Self-Sabotage

Photo by Emmanuel Denier on Unsplash

Have you ever watched a blockbuster movie where the hero is their own worst enemy? You may be thinking of Tony Stark from “Iron Man”, constantly wrestling with his ego and past mistakes. Or perhaps you’re thinking of Elsa from “Frozen”, who locks herself away because she fears her own power.

Now, what if I told you that you might be the protagonist of your own blockbuster saga, battling an enemy that resides within you?

For most of my life, I was like a hamster on a wheel, trying to chase success and happiness but constantly moving in circles. It felt like I was stuck in a never-ending episode of the “Twilight Zone”. No matter how hard I tried, the end goal of happiness or success would always remain elusive.

Photo by Matt Bero on Unsplash

The bitter truth? I was my own worst enemy.

I was the puppeteer who controlled my life’s stage, but I was entangled in my own strings. I would blame others, or circumstances, for my inability to move forward. It was as if I had donned an invisibility cloak, just like Harry Potter, but used it to hide from my potential instead of facing it head-on.

Does this sound familiar? Are you standing in your own way, too?

This destructive pattern manifested in several areas of my life — startups, relationships, fitness, you name it. But one day, something clicked. I told myself, “Everyone deserves happiness and so do you, Tommy.” That’s when I realized I was the architect of my own barriers. I was creating a maze within which I had lost myself.

And so, I started a new chapter. I began with daily affirmations, whispering to myself, “I, Tommy, deserve happiness too.” It was like planting a seed and nurturing it every day. Soon, the seed sprouted into a belief, and my body started to trust what my mind was saying.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Now, it’s your turn.

Imagine yourself on a stage. The spotlight is on you, and your loved ones are cheering, “You deserve happiness too, [insert your name here].” Repeat this to yourself, let it echo within you. Let it become your mantra, your daily affirmation, the song you sing in the shower, the graffiti on the walls of your mind.

You deserve to be the rockstar of your own life.

So, are you ready to stop being the villain in your own story and start being the hero? Are you ready to remove the obstacles you’ve placed in your own path and start the journey to happiness and success?

Because remember, the only thing standing between you and your dreams is… well, you.

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