

Meet Grace: Why I Joined Illumination

And why I am here to tell you everything is OK

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I am not sure what Illumination is about other than its wild energy.

Illumination provides a higher vibration.

And so do I.

I’m not saying that in an egoistic way, but from a place of honesty and humbleness.

When I write, I write from my heart. And when I first started writing on Medium, I would pour my heart out and not get any recognition. Well, thanks to Illumination, we can get the recognition we deserve and rightly so because what I write is there to help you find your inner peace.

I am here to tell you it’s ok not to be ok.

I mean of course the founder of Illumination is a doctor and he’s a very clever one at that. He says “As founder and editor of ILLUMINATION, I made it easy and practical to access me via a link without limitations of Medium. I enjoy interactions with our readers, writers, and aspiring writers. I receive fascinating messages each day. Communicating with our writers and readers is a privilege to me.”

I adore that it is easy to find and contribute to this publication, so I am here to add to the vibration! So who am I?

I’m Grace. I was born and raised in Chester, UK. (A small city in between Liverpool and Manchester.)

I was raised as a Christian, with God in my heart and as my guide in life. I still see him as my guide and cherish my relationship with Him.

I went to church. I prayed. I played violin and piano.

I guess I’ve always been creative.

I moved to Spain when I was 19 to be an au pair. Fell in love with the culture and everything so ended up staying there again for two years teaching English. Thereafter, I moved to Germany and then back to England to complete my Journalism and Spanish degree.

See — I’ve always been a writer.

After my degree, I knew I didn’t necessarily want to go into journalism because basically, it’s f***ed up. So I took my own path instead and decided to follow my heart. Ended up moving to Spain and writing a book to help people with their emotions and lead a fulfilled life.

I always dreamt of writing a book and publishing it from a very young age when every year I’d keep a diary since my eighth birthday and one day writing my diary in Spain when I first fell in love, thought that people would enjoy reading something like this.

No, I haven’t published it — should I?!

So I made my dream come true. I’ve just published my second self-help book that’s been reviewed as “one of the best self-help books” and “a hug”. Do you know how happy this makes me? Over the moon. My dream is true because I followed my heart, and I speak from it.

I hope you feel it.

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Asides writing books and writing in general (my life lol), I also teach yoga and coach people to find their peace within. I guess you could say my calling in life and gift from God is to show people that they are worthy and loved. I love it because I am a people person and love working with people to see them go from sad to charged with love and light!! It’s a pleasure, a gift, a delight.

When I’m not on the mat, writing, or coaching, I am cooking or baking or reading. I always want to be inspired to write more books by reading other self-help books, so that’s what I do.

I am currently back in Germany in a mental clinic.

Bet you didn’t see that coming, did you?!

Even here, I’ve been described as having an aura of relaxation and ease (even in my hardest times). You see, I suffer from depression even when I write about self-help and help others. I put myself down and found myself worthless at one point where suicidal thoughts got the best of me…

But I’m still alive to tell a story and let you know that you are worthy.

I am thankful for being here and for meeting amazing writers on here too.. here’s a few: John Ross Agnes Louis Kelly Eden Noma Dek Jaja Requa Shikhar Chaudhary Sanem Tekkaya Vishnu*s Virtues Vishal Kataria Joe Donan

and I look forward to meeting more of you — I want to open up my vibration circle so hello there!

Personal Growth
Pesonal Development
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