

Me In 26 Words

Writing Challenge

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Thank you Teisha LeShea for tagging me in Courtney Capone’s writing challenge. You have to find a word using each letter of the alphabet to describe yourself. I gave it a go.

Ambitious: I’ve always wanted to accomplish my goals since childhood. I sometimes thought I was too ambitious, but having goals kept me disciplined. I told my mother what I wanted to do at three, and guess what? I achieved it. I do not give up easily.

Bold: It took me some time to call myself bold. Growing up, I was timid and wouldn’t speak up. I have found my voice and do not hesitate to use it when needed. I can also describe my efforts and my drive as bold.

Creative: Writing and painting are two of my joys. They allow me to use my imagination while playing with words and color.

Dependable: I am punctual, and if I’m not, I’ll let you know if I’m running behind. If you need me, I will do my best to be there. It doesn’t matter if it is late in the evening or the early hours of the morning.

Easygoing: I am calm and laid back. I don’t get upset that easily and give people the benefit of the doubt. It doesn’t mean I allow them to take advantage of my easygoing personality.

Funny: Laughter does the body good. I enjoy joking with friends and family or putting a smile on someone’s face. Most times, I am laughing just as much as they are.

Genuine: What you see is what you get. I am a sincere and honest person. Helpful: Don’t you love it when you need assistance, and someone offers you a helping hand? I am aware that not everyone wants someone rushing to their aid. That is why I ask first. However, I will admit that there are times when I do not offer. For instance, a lady was coming through the doors with her walker. The door wouldn’t open automatically. As a result, I got up from my seat and opened the door while she came in. If we are honest with ourselves, there will come a time in our lives when we will all need support.

Introvert: I enjoy spending time with a few people or alone. I am not a fan of large crowds/settings. I am reserved.

Jolly: Life has given me many reasons not to be happy, but I make it a point to be happy. I control how I feel. I intend to continue to express my delight.

Kind: I am always willing to do good, to do my part to leave a positive impact on others and the world.

Loving: I care deeply for others, which comes across in how I treat others and myself.

Motivated: Motivation comes from many sources, but I am one of my primary sources. I have no issues being my cheerleader.

Neat: I like when my environment is tidy and orderly. I will admit to having a tiny bit of OCD. You see it in my pantry where most things need to be arranged according to height etc. And yes, if you move something, I will notice and put it back in its spot.

Open-minded: I am willing to listen and reserve judgment. There are many things that I do not know and understand. Who is to say that I am right and you are wrong because we think differently. I have learned a lot by being open-minded.

Patient: Friends and relatives often told me that my patience would help make me a great teacher. Delays happen unexpectedly; sometimes, it takes longer for me to be seen at my doctor’s appointment. During those instances, I practice patience. It’s all about acceptance without getting upset about something you can’t change.

Quiet: I don’t talk much. Probably one of the reasons why I am an introvert. However, I do not shy away from speaking up when I need to.

Resourceful: If something goes wrong last minute, I can quickly find ways to help or alternatives to make it work. I have realized in situations where people are stressed and become overwhelmed, I can think fast on my feet.

Sentimental: I keep things that most would throw away. I have old handwritten cards from years ago and even writings from my childhood. I treasure unique and heartfelt gifts especially personal or handmade ones.

Trustworthy: I have to thank my mom for this quality. She taught me the importance of trust at a young age. People confide in me and know me to be truthful.

Understanding: I am sympathetic to the feelings of others. I have learned to forgive others when they have done something wrong.

Visual: I am a visual learner. I prefer looking at images to listening to a lecture. I recall information better that way.

Worthy: I often found it hard to accept the good things happening to me. At times, I felt that I was not deserving. I know now I am worthy of it all.

Xenodochial: I am kind and pleasant with a smile on my face most of the time. Strangers are comfortable approaching me and having conversations as if we had met before. There’s nothing wrong with being amiable and helpful. I would want others to treat me the same way.

Youthful: I am thankful for my genes. I do look younger than I am. I used to get annoyed, but the older I get, the more I appreciate it.

Zen: I practice being calm and relaxed in the presence of chaos. It gets people mad when they are screaming and I remain composed. What’s the point of yelling too? Complete waste of my time and energy.

I am tagging some other friends on this platform that I believe would have fun with this challenge. Marilyn Glover, Sharing Words, Vashni Stories, Arbab Z..

Thank you for reading. Your time is always appreciated!

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