

This context provides a beginner's guide to mastering Wireshark, a network protocol analyzer, covering installation, interface navigation, basic packet capturing techniques, and advanced features.


The text introduces Wireshark, a powerful network protocol analyzer, and provides a comprehensive guide for beginners. It starts with the installation process and moves on to navigating the user-friendly interface. The guide then covers basic packet capturing techniques, such as starting a capture, understanding the main window, and saving or opening capture files. The article also delves into analyzing network traffic using filters and following TCP streams. It concludes with a brief overview of advanced Wireshark features, including custom filters, decrypting SSL/TLS traffic, automating tasks, and analyzing malicious traffic.


  • Wireshark is an essential tool for anyone working in network administration, cybersecurity, or IT in general.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of learning to filter data effectively for network traffic analysis.
  • Wireshark's powerful filtering capabilities are one of its most useful features, allowing users to isolate packets based on nearly any criteria.
  • The author encourages regular practice with real-world scenarios to enhance proficiency in using Wireshark.
  • Wireshark's applications are vast, from troubleshooting network issues to detecting malicious activities and verifying network protocols.
  • The author suggests customizing Wireshark's settings and layout to suit individual analysis styles.
  • The journey of mastering Wireshark is described as one of continuous learning and discovery.

Mastering Wireshark: A Beginner’s Guide for Networks Analysis

Dive into the world of network analysis with our all-level Wireshark tutorial. From basic packet capture to advanced filtering, become a Wireshark expert today!

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My first encounter with Wireshark during my university years was nothing short of an eye-opener.

I was astonished to discover that this tool could lay bare the vast expanse of internet traffic traversing a network, revealing the intricacies of data packets in real-time. Back then, much of this traffic was unencrypted, a stark contrast to today’s increasingly secure web, thanks in part to protocols like QUIC.

This revelation sparked a fascination in me, driving my passion for cybersecurity and the technical complexities behind network analysis.

Wireshark, the world’s premier network protocol analyzer, is an indispensable tool for anyone keen on understanding the nuances of network traffic.

Whether you’re troubleshooting, verifying protocol implementations, or on the hunt for security vulnerabilities, Wireshark offers the detailed insights needed to navigate the complex digital networks of today.

This tutorial aims to take you from the basics of capturing and analyzing network traffic with Wireshark to exploring its advanced features, providing practical tips and use cases along the way.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid foundation in using Wireshark to bolster your network analysis and cybersecurity skills.

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What is Wireshark?

Wireshark is the world’s leading network protocol analyzer, allowing users to capture and interactively browse the traffic running on a computer network.

It’s an essential tool for anyone working in network administration, cybersecurity, or IT in general, providing deep insights into the complexities of network traffic and helping diagnose various network-related issues.


Installing Wireshark

Getting started with Wireshark is straightforward. Visit the official Wireshark website and download the version compatible with your operating system. Follow the installation instructions, and you’ll be set to capture your first packet in no time.

Navigating the Wireshark Interface

Upon launching Wireshark, you’ll be greeted by a user-friendly interface displaying a list of available network interfaces. This main window is your gateway to capturing network packets.

Familiarizing yourself with the interface’s layout — comprising the packet list pane, the packet details pane, and the packet bytes pane — is key to effective analysis.

All images present in this subsection are from Wireshark official documentation.

  • The Main Window: Central hub for interaction, displaying packet data along with menus and toolbars.
  • The Menu: Access to actions and settings, organized by categories.
  • The “File” Menu: Open, Save, Export, Print, Quit.
  • The “Edit” Menu: Find Packet, Preferences.
  • The “View” Menu: Zoom In/Out, Font and Colors, Time Display Format.
  • The “Go” Menu: Go to Packet, Next.
  • The “Capture” Menu: Start, Stop, Options.
  • The “Analyze” Menu: Apply as Filter, Decode As.
  • The “Statistics” Menu: Capture File Properties, Protocol Hierarchy.
  • The “Telephony” Menu: VoIP Calls, SIP Flows.
  • The “Wireless” Menu: WLAN Traffic, Bluetooth.
  • The “Tools” Menu: Firewall ACL Rules, Lua.

Basic Packet Capturing Techniques

  1. Starting Your First Capture: Select the network interface you wish to monitor and click the shark fin icon to start capturing live network traffic.
  2. Understanding the Main Window: As packets begin to flow in, Wireshark displays them in real-time. Each row represents a single packet, with columns detailing the protocol, length, and info, among other things.
  3. Saving and Opening Capture Files: Captured data can be saved for later analysis. Use the File menu to save your session or to open a previously saved capture file.

Analyzing Network Traffic

Analyzing network traffic with Wireshark can unveil a wealth of information. Learning to filter this data effectively is crucial:

  • The Basics of Packet Analysis: Start by examining the packet details pane, which breaks down the selected packet’s structure. Look for anomalies or patterns relevant to your analysis.
  • Using Filters to Find What You Need: Wireshark’s powerful filtering capabilities allow you to isolate packets based on nearly any criteria. For instance, typing http in the filter bar will display only HTTP packets.
  • Following TCP Streams: This feature reconstructs the flow of a conversation between two endpoints, providing a comprehensive view of the exchange. Right-click a packet and select “Follow” > “TCP Stream” to use this feature.

Some filters

Wireshark’s filtering capabilities are one of its most powerful features, allowing users to sift through vast amounts of data to find exactly what they’re looking for. Below, I’ve listed 10 useful Wireshark display filters that can help you narrow down your analysis to specific packets or network behaviors. These filters can be directly entered into Wireshark’s filter bar:

  1. ip.addr == Filters all packets with the source or destination IP address of
  2. tcp.port == 443 Displays all TCP packets where the source or destination port is 443, commonly used for HTTPS traffic.
  3. http.request.method == “GET” Shows all HTTP GET request packets, useful for analyzing web browsing behavior.
  4. !(arp or icmp) Excludes all ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) and ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packets, focusing on higher-level protocols.
  5. tcp.flags.reset == 1 Filters for TCP packets where the RESET flag is set, often indicative of an aborted connection.
  6. udp.length > 200 Displays UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packets with a payload length greater than 200 bytes.
  7. ssl.handshake.type == 1 Filters for SSL/TLS packets that are part of a handshake process, specifically the “Client Hello” messages.
  8. dns.qry.name contains “google” Shows DNS (Domain Name System) queries that include “google” in the domain name, useful for tracking specific domain lookups.
  9. ip.src == and ip.dst == Filters packets where the source IP is and the destination IP is, useful for analyzing traffic between two specific hosts.
  10. http.response.code == 404 Displays all HTTP responses with a 404 Not Found status code, helpful for finding broken links or missing resources.

These filters can be combined and modified to suit your specific needs, offering a powerful way to analyze network traffic and diagnose issues. Remember, Wireshark’s filtering syntax is case-sensitive and allows for complex expressions, enabling you to drill down into the data with precision

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Advanced Wireshark Features

Custom Filters and Advanced Analysis:

Dive deeper by creating custom filters. For example, filtering by IP address or protocol type can narrow down your search to specific traffic types.

Decrypting SSL/TLS Traffic with Modern Protocols Like QUIC:

With the right setup, Wireshark can decrypt encrypted traffic, offering insights into secure communications. This requires access to the encryption keys and some configuration.

Automating Tasks with Wireshark:

For repetitive tasks, consider using Wireshark’s command-line version, TShark, which allows for automation and scripting.

Analysing malicious traffic

Wireshark’s applications are vast, from troubleshooting network issues to detecting malicious activities and verifying network protocols. Regular practice with real-world scenarios will enhance your proficiency.

If you want tutorial on these advance part of Wireshark, put a clap and ask in the comment section !

Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

  • Enhancing Your Wireshark Experience: Customize Wireshark’s settings and layout to suit your analysis style. Explore the preferences menu to tailor the application to your needs.
  • Resources for Further Learning: The official Wireshark website offers extensive documentation and user guides. Additionally, forums and online communities are invaluable resources for troubleshooting and advanced tips.


Wireshark is an indispensable tool for understanding the nuances of network traffic. Its depth and breadth offer endless possibilities for exploration and learning. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, Wireshark can illuminate the complexities of the digital world in ways few other tools can.

Remember, the journey of mastering Wireshark is one of continuous learning and discovery. Don’t hesitate to experiment, explore, and share your findings with the community.

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Penetration Testing
Network Analysis
Packet Capture
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