

The provided content discusses the use of React custom Hooks to enhance code reusability, maintainability, and performance in functional components by encapsulating stateful logic.


React custom Hooks are a powerful feature that enables developers to extract and share stateful logic across components, leading to more concise and maintainable code. This article delves into the definition, usage, and design principles of custom Hooks, demonstrating their effectiveness in improving component performance and implementing decoupled logic through examples like form state management. It emphasizes the advantages of Hooks, such as better reusability of logic and state, more flexible component design, and easier testing. The article also outlines key design principles for creating custom Hooks, including adherence to the single responsibility principle, clear function signatures, and testability, ensuring that the Hooks are reusable, maintainable, and easy to understand.


  • Custom Hooks are praised for their ability to make functional components more powerful and flexible, addressing issues commonly faced with class components.
  • The article suggests that using custom Hooks can significantly reduce boilerplate code and improve the readability of React applications.
  • It is conveyed that custom Hooks contribute to a more modular codebase, allowing for the encapsulation of complex logic into reusable functions.
  • The author expresses that custom Hooks facilitate easier testing of component logic by separating it from the component itself.
  • The article advocates for following React's naming conventions and Hooks rules when creating custom Hooks to ensure consistency and proper execution order.
  • It is implied that custom Hooks can lead to more efficient rendering by avoiding unnecessary re-renders, thus enhancing application performance.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of clear documentation and comments in custom Hooks to aid other developers in understanding and using them correctly.

Mastering React Custom Hooks: Best Practices and Techniques

React custom Hooks are a powerful and practical feature that can help developers extract logic and state from components, improving the reusability and logic abstraction capabilities of components. 🚀

This paper will introduce the definition, usage, and design principles of React custom Hooks, analyze its optimization effect on functional components, and demonstrate through examples how to use custom Hooks to improve component performance, reuse logic, and implement decoupling of logic. 🎣

Overview of React Custom Hooks

Definition and advantages of Hooks

Hooks are an important feature introduced in React 16.8 that allow the use of state and other React features in functional components. Hooks are designed to solve some problems when using complex logic, shared state, and handling side effects in class components, giving functional components more power and flexibility. 💪

Hooks are special functions that allow you to “hook into” state, lifecycle, and other React features in React functional components. They provide a way to use concepts like this.state and this.props in functional components without requiring class components. 🎣

Hooks provide several specific API functions, the most commonly used ones include useState, useEffect, useContextetc. These functions can be called inside functional components to handle state management, side effects, and other operations related to the component logic. 🚀

The main Hooks functions include:

  1. useState: 📊Used to add and manage state in functional components. useStateThe function returns a state value and a function that updates that state, allowing us to share and update state between components.
  2. useEffect: 🔄Used to handle side-effect operations, such as subscribing to data sources, network requests, event listening, etc. useEffectThe function receives a side-effect function and executes the function when the component renders. It can also clean up side effects when components are updated or uninstalled.
  3. useContext:🌐 Used to access React context in functional components. useContextThe function receives a context object and returns its current value. It effectively eliminates the need to use static contextTypeand in class components this.context.

In addition to the above three commonly used Hooks functions, React also provides other Hooks functions, such as useReducer, useCallback, useMemo, useRefetc., to meet different needs and scenarios.

Advantages of Hooks:

🚀 More concise and easier-to-understand code: Compared with traditional class components, using Hooks can write less and more concise code. Hooks make the logic more centralized, reduce the boilerplate code of components, and improve the readability and maintainability of the code.

♻️ Better reusable logic and state: By using custom Hooks, we can encapsulate reusable logic and state into a function and then share it among multiple components. This method of code reuse avoids the problems of state transfer and repeated writing between components.

💡 More flexible component design: Using Hooks allows you to design components more flexibly without the restrictions of class components. We can use state, side effects, and other React features in functional components to make the logic of the component more free and clear.

🧪 Easier to test: Functional components and Hooks separate the logic and state of the component, making testing simpler and more direct. We can easily test component logic in a targeted manner without having to worry about complex lifecycle and state management in class components.

Custom Hooks

Custom Hooks are like magic wands in React! They let us wave away repetitive logic from our components, making them cleaner and more efficient. These hooks are our trusty companions in the land of code, helping us conquer complexity with ease! ✨✨

Imagine a world where handling form states is as simple as a flick of a wand. With custom Hooks like “useForm”, we can make that dream a reality! 🪄📝

But wait, there’s more! Custom Hooks aren’t just for forms. They’re versatile enchantments that can handle all sorts of tasks: from taming side effects to summoning network requests!

Here is an example custom Hook for handling form state:🔥

import { useState } from "react";

function useForm(initialState){
  const [value, setValues] = useState(initialState);

  const handleChange = (event) => {
    setValues({...values, [event.target.name]: event.target.value});

  const resetForm = () => {

  return [values, handleChange, resetForm];

export default useForm;

In the enchanting realm of React spells, behold the power of useState! 🪄 With this mystical hook, we craft a magical form state, encapsulating its essence in an array. 🔮

We can use this in components using custom Hooks:

import React from "react";
import useForm from "./useForm";

function MyForm(){
  const [values, handleChange, resetForm] = useForm({name: "", email: ""});
  const handleSubmit = (event) =>{
    // Handle form submission logic
  return (
     <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
       <input type="text" name="name" value={values.name} onChange={handleChange} />
       <input type="email" name="email" value={values.email} />
       <button type="submit">Submit</button>
       <button type="button" onClick={resetForm}>Reset</button>

export default MyForm;

🎶By using custom Hooks, we can extract the form logic out of the component, making the code more reusable and concise. This allows us to easily use the same form logic in other components.

Design principles of custom Hooks

When designing custom Hooks, there are some principles that can help us write code that is reusable, maintainable, and easy to understand. Here are some principles for designing custom Hooks:

Principle 1: 🎯 Single Responsibility Principle: Custom Hooks should focus on solving a specific problem or processing a specific logic. Avoid mixing too much functionality and logic into a custom Hook to make it clearer, easier to test, and easier to reuse.

Principle 2: 📝 Clear Function Signature: The function signature of custom Hooks should be clear and unambiguous so that developers can easily understand and use it. Function parameters and return values should have descriptive names and provide necessary documentation or comments.

Principle 3: 🔄 Naming Convention: Follow the naming convention of React Hooks, starting with “use” and using camel case naming. Doing so can make custom Hooks consistent with React’s built-in Hooks, making it easier for developers to identify and use them.

Principle 4: ⚙️ Configurability: Custom Hooks should provide sufficient configuration options to meet different scenarios and needs. By parameterizing custom Hooks, you can make them more flexible and customizable.

Principle 5: 🧪 Testability: Custom Hooks should be easy to test, and both unit tests and integration tests should be able to cover the functions of custom Hooks. This can be achieved by separating logic and side effects, providing clear functional interfaces, etc.

Principle 6: 📚 Documentation and Comments: Provide clear documentation and comments in the code of custom Hooks to explain the purpose, parameters, return values, and usage of custom Hooks. This helps other developers understand and use custom Hooks correctly.

Principle 7: ⚠️ Follow Hooks Rules: Custom Hooks should follow the rules of React Hooks and ensure that only Hooks provided by React are used within custom Hooks. In addition, avoid calling Hooks within conditional judgments, loops, or nested functions to ensure that the execution order of Hooks does not change.

Principle 8: 🏷️ Good Naming and Abstraction: Make the purpose and function of custom Hooks as clear as possible through good naming and abstraction. Reasonable naming and moderate abstraction can improve the readability and maintainability of code.

Following these design principles can help us write high-quality custom Hooks that are reusable, testable, and easy to understand and maintain.

Customize Hooks using React

Naming specifications and conventions for custom Hooks

The naming conventions and conventions for custom Hooks are as follows:

1. 🔍 The naming should accurately describe the function of Hooks: you can start with a verb, such as useFetchDataor useLocalStorage, or use a noun to describe the function, such as useScrollPositionor useWindowSize.

2. 🔗 Use useprefixes: In order to distinguish them from ordinary functions, the names of custom Hooks should usestart with.

3. 🐫Use camelCase: Custom Hooks should be named using camelCase, with the first letter of each word capitalized, for example useFetchData.

4. 🔠Parameters for Hooks should optionsend with: If parameters need to be passed to Hooks, the parameter names should optionsend with, for example useFetchDataOptions.

5. 🔄 The return value must comply with the convention: Hooks should return an array or object containing relevant status and processing functions. For example, a Hooks with a state can return an array: [state, setState], or an object with multiple states and handlers: {state1, state2, handler1, handler2}.

6. 🔖When using custom Hooks, you must comply with the convention: When calling custom Hooks, you should constdeclare the variable with a keyword and start with useso that readers know that this is a custom Hook. For example: const useFetchData = useFetchData()

7. 📁 Organize in “use” Directory: For better code organization, store custom Hook files in a directory starting with “use”, such as src/hooks/useFetchData.js.

In summary, custom Hooks should start with “use”, use camel case naming, accurately describe their functions, have parameters ending with “Options”, return values conforming to conventions, and be declared with “const” when used.

How to define and use custom Hooks

Custom Hooks are functions named starting with useand returning an array. It allows you to reuse code logic in function components and can be used just like React's own Hooks. Here are the steps to define and use custom Hooks: 🔄📚

Define custom Hooks:

import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';

function useCustomHook() {
  const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

  useEffect(() => {
    document.title = `Count: ${count}`;
  }, [count]);

  const increment = () => {
    setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1);

  return [count, increment];

The custom Hook above is named useCustomHook, and it defines a countstate variable, and a incrementfunction for incrementing countthe value. useEffectListen for changes in and countdisplay countthe value in the page title.

Use custom Hooks:

import React from 'react';
import useCustomHook from './useCustomHook';

function App() {
  const [count, increment] = useCustomHook();
  return (
      <p>Count: {count}</p>
      <button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>

export default App;

In the above example, by calling useCustomHookthe custom Hook, assigning the returned countand incrementto Appvariables in the component respectively, these variables can be used in JSX to display the value of the counter and click the button to increment the counter.

In this way, we can reuse the logic in different functional components useCustomHook, making the code more modular and reusable.

Optimization effect of React custom Hooks

Avoid unnecessary rendering

When rendering components, avoiding unnecessary rendering can improve component performance. Some common methods include:

1. Use shouldComponentUpdatelife cycle methods : By overriding the method in the component shouldComponentUpdateand comparing the values ​​of props and state before and after in the method, you can decide whether to render the next time. If the before and after values ​​are the same, you can return false to avoid unnecessary rendering.⚙️

2. UsagePureComponent : PureComponentIt is a built-in component in React. It will automatically compare the values ​​​​of props and state every time it is rendered, and decide whether to render based on the comparison results. Use logic PureComponentthat avoids manual implementation .🔄

3. UsageReact.memo : React.memoIt is a higher-order component of React that can perform shallow comparison of components and prevent unnecessary rendering when props have not changed. 📝

4. Pass fewer props : If a component only needs a part of the props for rendering, you can avoid passing the entire props object to the component and instead pass only the required properties.🎁

5. Avoid frequent setState calls : setState is asynchronous and batched, but if setState is called multiple times in a short period of time, it may result in multiple unnecessary renderings. You can use setStatecallback functions or setStatefunction parameters to reduce unnecessary rendering.📌

Implementing these strategies can significantly enhance the performance of your React components.


Custom Hooks are an effective way to encapsulate complex logic and implement communication between components. By using custom Hooks, complex logic or communication logic can be abstracted into reusable modules, improving the maintainability and reusability of the code. This avoids redundancy and duplication of code while providing a concise, composable, and extensible way to handle complex logic and implement communication between components.

Custom Hooks can also provide better code reusability, allowing the same logic to be shared and used in multiple components. They serve as a reusable and unified way for communication between components, making the communication logic clearer and maintainable. ♻️🔗

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