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“Mastering Productivity: Strategies for a More Efficient and Fulfilling Life”

Productivity it’s not really about the apps, about being disciplined or motivated more than anyone else. Productivity isn’t to get more things done, it’s mostly learning to enjoy the journey. When we have fun doing the things that we’re doing the productivity takes care of itself.

Writing this post I don’t care about productivity because I really enjoy this journey and writing. If I weren’t enjoying this then I could need some practical ways to do the job that I have to. When I study for the university, I’m not really that productive but I use some strategies to help me. So what are these strategies?

  1. Plan for things to take way longer than you thought. When you do this, you don’t think that you have to finish the task on a specific time. You just plan it to take you longer than you think and you won’t be stressed about the time. You can plan to take you twice longer than you thought. It’s better to finish your task quicker than to push back the time because you didn’t finish it.
  2. You should start managing your energy, not just your time. I don’t know why, but everyone seems to don’t care about their energy. You should see at it like money. It’s a finite resource that needs to be wisely managed and wisely reallocated.
  3. A to-do list is a good way to have a program in your life. You don’t have to remember what you have to do in the day, you just look at your to-do list. If you want, you can do it the old way (with a paper and a pen) or you can download one app on your phone. Crossing off tasks provides a sense of accomplishment.
  4. Make sure to eliminate distractions. Identify common distractions and find a way to eliminate or minimize them. You could turn off social media notifications, keep your phone on another room and create a quiet workspace. You can also allocate the places in your house with a task. For example, when you want to read a book you can sit on the couch, but the couch will only for reading. This way your mind knows that when you sit there you’re going to read and will limit the thoughts.
  5. Focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking often leads to inefficiency as your brain has to switch between tasks, which consumes time and mental energy. Focusing on one thing, will help you complete it faster and than you would do if you were multitasking. It should be mentioned that when you focus on one thing you can dedicate your full attention to it, which leads to better understanding and higher quality of work.
  6. Take breaks. Regular breaks can actually boost your productivity. Use techniques like Pomodoro method (work for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break) to stay refreshed and focused.

Remember, productivity is a personal journey, and different strategies work for different people. Experiment with these tips and tailor them to fit your own preferences and work style. More about productivity in the upcoming posts.

Productivity Tips
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