

The provided content offers a comprehensive guide on Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), detailing what it is, how it works, practical examples, and defense mechanisms to secure web applications against such attacks.


Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a security vulnerability that exploits the trust between a user and a web application to perform unauthorized actions without the user's consent. This guide delves into the nature of CSRF attacks, the prerequisites for executing them, their potential impact on web security, and various real-world scenarios where CSRF can be used maliciously. It emphasizes the importance of implementing robust defense strategies, such as SameSite cookies, anti-CSRF tokens, and the validation of Origin and Referer headers. The article also touches on the misuse of modern web features like WebSockets and HTML5 storage for CSRF attacks and provides recommendations on how to mitigate these risks. By understanding and applying the discussed security measures, developers can better protect their web applications from CSRF vulnerabilities.


  • The author suggests that even seemingly secure websites are vulnerable to CSRF attacks if proper defenses are not in place.
  • There is an emphasis on the need for continuous learning and staying updated with the latest security threats and defense mechanisms in cybersecurity.
  • The author encourages the use of security tools like OWASP CSRFTester and CSRF Protector PHP for automated scanning and protection against CSRF vulnerabilities.
  • The article advocates for a proactive approach to security, with a call to action for developers to apply the discussed CSRF defenses in their projects.
  • It is implied that a comprehensive security strategy should include secure coding practices, regular security training, and a commitment to understanding the evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats.
  • The author believes that sharing knowledge and experiences within the cybersecurity community is important for improving security for everyone.
  • There is a personal appeal from the author to follow them on Medium, Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub for further insights and updates in the field of cybersecurity.

Mastering CSRF: A Beginner’s Guide to Cross-Site Request Forgery

Dive deep into the world of Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) with our comprehensive guide. Learn what CSRF is, how it works, and how to protect your web applications with practical tutorials and examples.

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In this article, we’ll explore Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), a prevalent security threat to web applications. We’ll start with the basics of CSRF, understanding its operation and potential risks.

Next, we’ll dive into detailed tutorials that demonstrate CSRF attacks and defenses in action, with code snippets to guide you through.

Whether you’re new to cybersecurity or looking to expand your knowledge, this article will equip you with the insights and skills to tackle CSRF.

You can also watch-out other tutorials at:

What is CSRF?

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a web security vulnerability that allows attackers to trick users into performing actions they did not intend to do on web applications where they are authenticated. This security flaw exploits the trust that a site has for the user’s browser, potentially leading to unauthorized commands being transmitted without the user’s knowledge.

At its core, CSRF involves an attacker inducing a victim to send a request to a web application on which the victim is authenticated with their credentials. This can result in unwanted actions, from changing email addresses to transferring funds, all without the user’s consent or knowledge.

How CSRF Attacks Work

CSRF attacks primarily rely on the presence of authentication cookies automatically sent with requests to a web app.

When a user is tricked into making a request (e.g., by clicking on a malicious link or loading an image), the browser includes these cookies, leading the app to believe that the request is legitimate.

The Impact of CSRF on Web Applications

The impact ranges from minor nuisances to significant security breaches, including unauthorized financial transactions, password changes, and the compromise of sensitive personal data.

The risk is particularly high for web applications that fail to implement adequate security measures against CSRF.

CSRF Attack Scenarios

Common vulnerabilities include:

  • Actions that can be performed using GET requests, where simply visiting a URL can trigger the action.
  • Forms that are submitted automatically using JavaScript, which can execute when a user visits a malicious page.

Real-world examples have shown that even well-secured websites can be vulnerable to CSRF attacks if proper CSRF protections are not in place.

Prerequisites for a CSRF Attack

  1. Identify a Valuable Action: The attacker targets actions that can compromise security or lead to unauthorized transactions.
  2. Session Management: The user must be authenticated, and the session is usually maintained with cookies.
  3. Absence of Unpredictable Parameters: Requests that do not require parameters unknown to the attacker are more vulnerable.

CSRF Defense Mechanisms

  1. SameSite Cookies: This attribute prevents the browser from sending cookies in cross-site requests, mitigating CSRF risks.
  2. Anti-CSRF Tokens: Unique tokens included in web forms and verified on the server-side provide a strong defense by ensuring that the request originated from the intended user.
  3. Checking Referrer and Origin Headers: This method validates the source of the request, though it must be implemented carefully to avoid bypasses.


1. Changing User Email via CSRF

Suppose a web application allows users to change their email address through a simple form that submits a POST request. The form might look like this:

<form action="/change-email" method="POST">
    Email: <input type="email" name="newEmail"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Update Email"/>

An attacker could craft a malicious webpage or email that includes an auto-submitting form with the attacker’s email address:

    <body onload="document.forms[0].submit()">
        <form action="http://vulnerable-website.com/change-email" 
            <input type="hidden" name="newEmail" 
                   value="[email protected]"/>

If a logged-in user visits this malicious page, their email address could be changed without their consent.

Defense Strategy: Implement anti-CSRF tokens in forms. The server generates a unique token for each session and validates this token upon form submission.

2. Transferring Funds via CSRF

Consider an online banking application where a form allows users to transfer money:

<form action="/transfer" method="POST">
    Amount: <input type="number" name="amount"/>
    To Account: <input type="text" name="toAccount"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Transfer"/>

An attacker creates a webpage with an image tag designed to automatically issue a GET request to transfer funds:

<img src="http://bank.com/transfer?amount=1000&toAccount=attacker" 

This method relies on the assumption that the action can be performed via a GET request, which is a bad practice for sensitive operations.

Defense Strategy:

  • Change sensitive actions to use POST requests.
  • Implement SameSite cookies to prevent browsers from sending cookies in cross-origin requests.
  • Use anti-CSRF tokens.

3. Using JavaScript for CSRF

Attackers can also use JavaScript to send POST requests without the user’s knowledge, especially when they aim to bypass CSRF protections that might check for certain conditions in a form submission.

    function csrfAttack() {
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open("POST", "http://vulnerable-website.com/endpoint", true);
        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
        xhr.withCredentials = true;
    window.onload = csrfAttack;

This script could be embedded in a webpage and would execute when visited by the user, sending a POST request with the attacker’s data.

Defense Strategy:

  • Ensure that CSRF tokens are tied to the user’s session and are included in AJAX requests.
  • Implement Content Security Policy (CSP) to restrict the sources from which scripts can be executed.

4. CSRF in AJAX Requests

Modern web applications often use AJAX for dynamic content loading and form submission. An attacker could craft a CSRF attack using AJAX if the application relies solely on cookies for session management and does not validate request origins or CSRF tokens.

fetch('http://vulnerable-website.com/api/endpoint', {
    method: 'POST',
    credentials: 'include',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify({ data: 'maliciousData' }),

This script could be placed on a malicious site. If a user visits that site while logged into the vulnerable application, the script would execute and send a POST request with malicious data.

Defense Strategy:

  • Validate the Origin and Referer headers in requests to ensure they come from allowed origins.
  • Use anti-CSRF tokens in conjunction with AJAX requests, ensuring tokens are sent in request headers or body.

5. Auto-Submitting Form Using JavaScript

An attacker can craft a form that auto-submits upon page load, targeting actions such as updating user profile information or posting comments on a forum.

        <form id="maliciousForm" action="http://vulnerable-website.com/updateProfile" 
            <input type="hidden" name="email" value="[email protected]"/>
            <input type="hidden" name="bio" value="Hacked by CSRF"/>

When a victim visits the malicious page, the form is automatically submitted using their authentication cookies, changing their email and bio without their knowledge.

Defense Strategy:

  • Employ anti-CSRF tokens that are validated server-side for every state-changing request.
  • Use JavaScript to add the CSRF token to forms dynamically to protect AJAX-based forms.

6. CSRF Exploiting Image Tags for GET Requests

Attackers might use image tags to perform GET requests, exploiting actions that do not properly validate the HTTP method. This is particularly dangerous for actions that should only be accessible via POST requests.

<img src="http://vulnerable-website.com/deleteAccount?user=123"

This HTML element attempts to load an image from a URL that actually triggers a sensitive action on the target website, exploiting the user’s session cookies sent with the GET request.

Defense Strategy:

  • Ensure sensitive actions are only performed through POST requests.
  • Implement checks for X-Requested-With header in AJAX requests to distinguish them from regular browser requests.

7. CSRF Via Social Engineering in Emails

Attackers can use social engineering to trick users into clicking on links that perform CSRF attacks. This could be particularly effective in emails where the user is asked to “confirm” or “verify” their email address but instead performs an unintended action.

<a href="http://vulnerable-website.com/changePassword?newPassword=hacked">
   Confirm your email address</a>

This link could be embedded in a phishing email, misleading users into clicking it, which would then change their password without their consent.

Defense Strategy:

  • Utilize CAPTCHA on sensitive actions to ensure that the request is made by a human and not a script.
  • Implement email confirmation for critical account changes that require users to validate their actions through a link sent to their registered email.

8. Exploiting Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

If a web application has a misconfigured CORS policy that allows any domain to make requests, attackers can craft CSRF attacks from their domains using JavaScript that makes authenticated cross-origin requests.

fetch('http://vulnerable-website.com/api/endpoint', {
    method: 'POST',
    mode: 'cors',
    credentials: 'include',
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    body: JSON.stringify({ action: 'maliciousAction' }),

This code snippet can be placed on an attacker-controlled website. When the victim visits that site, the script makes a request to the vulnerable website with the user’s credentials.

Defense Strategy:

  • Strictly configure CORS policies to only allow trusted domains.
  • Validate Origin headers for critical actions and ensure that CORS requests require CSRF tokens.

9. CSRF via WebSocket Handshake

WebSockets provide a method for full-duplex communication between client and server. An attacker might exploit this by initiating a WebSocket connection that carries out a CSRF attack during the handshake phase.

var ws = new WebSocket("ws://vulnerable-website.com/socket");
ws.onopen = function() {
    ws.send(JSON.stringify({action: "performAction", data: "maliciousData"}));

Placed on a malicious site, this script opens a WebSocket connection to the target site and sends a message performing an unwanted action, utilizing the user’s current authentication status with the target site.

Defense Strategy:

  • Validate Origin headers in WebSocket handshake requests to ensure they come from allowed sources.
  • Implement CSRF tokens in WebSocket messages for sensitive actions.

10. HTML5 Storage-based CSRF

Modern web applications often use HTML5 storage mechanisms like localStorage and sessionStorage for storing data in the browser. An attacker could exploit this by crafting a CSRF attack that manipulates stored data through cross-site scripting (XSS).

localStorage.setItem('userPreferences', JSON.stringify(
{theme: 'dark', layout: 'maliciousLayout'}));

This script, if executed in the context of the victim’s session, could alter user preferences or perform actions without direct interaction with the server.

Defense Strategy:

  • Implement Content Security Policy (CSP) to mitigate the risk of XSS attacks that could lead to CSRF.
  • Validate all data retrieved from HTML5 storage before use, especially when it influences server-side actions.

Note on CSRF Attack Vectors and Security Tools

It’s important to understand that the list of CSRF attack scenarios and examples provided above is non-exhaustive. Attackers continuously evolve their techniques and find novel ways to exploit vulnerabilities in web applications. As such, staying informed about the latest security threats and defense mechanisms is crucial for maintaining robust security.

In addition to implementing the recommended defense strategies, leveraging security tools can significantly enhance your ability to detect and mitigate CSRF vulnerabilities. Several tools and frameworks are designed specifically for this purpose, offering automated scanning, testing, and protection capabilities. These tools can efficiently identify potential CSRF vulnerabilities in your application, allowing for timely remediation.

Some popular CSRF security tools include:

  • OWASP CSRFTester: A tool for testing CSRF vulnerabilities.
  • CSRF Protector PHP: An open-source library that automatically adds CSRF protection to your PHP applications.
  • ModSecurity: An open-source, cross-platform web application firewall (WAF) that can provide CSRF protection among other security features.

Remember, while tools can greatly assist in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities, they should complement, not replace, a comprehensive security strategy that includes secure coding practices, regular security training, and staying up-to-date with the latest in cybersecurity threats and defenses.


Understanding and defending against CSRF is crucial for the security of web applications. By implementing robust defense mechanisms and keeping abreast of the latest security practices, developers can significantly mitigate the risk posed by CSRF attacks.

Call to Action: I encourage readers to apply these CSRF defenses in their projects and share feedback. Your engagement helps improve security for everyone.

Remember, the cybersecurity landscape is always evolving, so continuous learning and vigilance are key.

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