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Marriage 2.0: Harper and Joel #1

Horrified when her husband reveals a long-held secret desire to share her, Harper signs up for a new kind of marital counseling

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Joel Tarrant didn’t have any doubts at all about what his particular sexual fantasy was.

For years, he’d been religiously tapping in the letters H, O, T, W, I, F, and E into the search box for the usual array of pornographic websites. He’d even been active on a discussion forum related to his particular kink — forever labeled as a ‘wannabe.’

The other guys on the forum were amiable and supportive, and their own tales of consensual infidelity were often far more inspiring than a hundred video clips on pornographic websites.

But Joel had always assumed that his beloved wife, Harper, would never in a million years embrace the dark fantasy of her sleeping with other men.

Then, one fine month in the middle of a mild mid-life crisis, he decided to reveal his long-held secret fantasy to her. And, it turned out, he’d been right all along in supposing that Harper would be absolutely horrified to learn of his little kink about allowing other men into bed with her.

So here they were, signing up for a new kind of marital counseling.

Harper signed them up for a program called Marriage 2.0 — because that was the one her friends over in Brentwood had tried. And while they could not reveal too many details about what it had involved, all those friends were still married. And very happily married, as it happened.

Marriage 2.0 had started out with an office in the middle of New York, and now had offices all over. But these days, you could also register online. They even did house calls.

So while Joel could slip out of his office one lunch break and head to the new Marriage 2.0 office in Burbank for his assessment, Harper could do it all quietly and discreetly at their fine home in Malibu.

Discreet, private. Nobody need ever know.

Joel was somewhat surprised at what the assessment process had involved. They’d rigged him up with a kind of virtual reality headset, which apparently recorded his brainwaves or something like that. Then they’d shown him various images and video clips, sometimes virtual reality scenes that were just insane.

And what they showed him was, as the assessment went on, more and more explicit and erotic. Until it got to the point that they were basically showing him various types of porn and measuring his bodily responses.

When he got home that evening, Harper did not want to discuss her assessment. But she was unexpectedly cheerful that night — and much of the rest of the week.

And that night, for the first time in a long time, she wanted sex.

They still had sex, occasionally.

They didn’t really like to talk about it.

At bedtime, Joel occasionally arrived in the bedroom to find that Harper was already under the covers. And when he peeled back the aforementioned covers, he’d discover that she was naked.

He’d say something like, ‘Oh.’

And she’d give him a faintly embarrassed smile.

Then he’d dutifully remove his clothes and climb into bed with her. Invariably, sex involved some amount of kissing between them. Her hand would reach for his manhood to ensure he was sufficiently stiff.

Then he would climb on top of her and, as the French might say, Vive la France.

It never took very long. If it ever dragged on more than a few minutes, Joel would soon get the sense from her drifting eyes that the clock was a-ticking, and that some of them had to be up early to ensure the kids got to school.

But as with his work as an independent movie producer, Joel could usually deliver on time and on budget. Harper was attractive, after all. She took good care of herself. She regularly visited the gym down in their basement.

And if there was ever a problem, and Joel really wasn’t in the mood, then he could quietly bring to mind his particular sexual fantasy — and imagine there was another man in there with them, thrusting his big cock into Harper instead.

Joel only wished that his wife was into the whole sex thing a little more. That would have been better.

She didn’t even seem to come — ever. And it wasn’t an issue for her. She did the sex, occasionally, as though it was something to tick off her to-do list. Once she’d done it, it was done, and she wouldn’t have to worry about that sort of thing for a while.

She did it because she was married, and that was what married women were supposed to do with their husbands from time to time.

The guys on Joel’s favorite chat forum had suggested he could — should — someday casually reveal to Harper that he’d had a dream in which she’d slept with another man.

Maybe, went the theory, she’d respond to the idea. Maybe it would even turn her on. Then he could admit to her that he found the concept sexy. If she was amenable to it, he might then state that he’d harbored that particular fantasy for a while. That perhaps, if she was ever tempted by someone, she could someday fulfill Joel’s fantasy. If she liked.

She didn’t like.

When he finally found the courage to reveal he had had ‘dreamed’ that she’d slept with another man, she said simply that he shouldn’t eat cheese before bedtime.

After that whole idea had died a death, he’d waited a few months until taking another suggestion from the website. His last roll of the dice had been to reveal, in the middle of a rare incidence of sexual congress between them, that he sometimes fantasized about her ‘being’ with another man.

That had immediately terminated that particular incidence of sexual congress.

In fact, it closed down all subsequent incidences of sexual congress, too — until well after Harper insisted that they sign up for a marital counseling program by the name of Marriage 2.0.


Joel read everything he could find about Marriage 2.0 before and after his assessment.

He was surprised that Harper had decided they should do it — did she even know what it was? Or had she simply gone along with something her friends had done without really taking in the detail?

It appeared that this organization arranged ‘experiences’ or ‘adventures’ for couples specifically intended to rekindle the passion in a marriage.

It wasn’t really ‘marriage counseling,’ which Harper had insisted they needed after Joel’s unfortunate decision to open up to her about his dirty little secret.

Marriage 2.0 tested Joel and Harper to determine what kinds of things turned them on, and how best to take advantage of that to restart the sexual fires in their relationship.

Joel wondered how on Earth they would attempt to get any kind of sexual flames going in their marriage. And his best guess — his most confident prediction, in fact — was that whatever happened, Harper would object and refuse to take part. They would probably end up going to regular marital counseling, where Joel would no doubt be scolded for his little bout of perversion.

Marriage 2.0 could not possibly succeed with them, Joel was certain.

They would have to be very clever to get Harper interested in anything.


Two weeks after their assessment, Joel received a text message from a number claiming to be Marriage 2.0.

Congratulations! Your adventure with Marriage 2.0 has begun.

That was it. Joel was in the car on the way home when he received it — and it was duly read out to him by Apple’s virtual assistant, Siri.

It meant for the rest of the journey home, he was wondering what would happen — how would their ‘adventure’ go? Had Harper received a text message from Marriage 2.0, too?

How could they get Harper interested in taking her sexual relationship with Joel up a notch?

When he arrived home, he found Harper and the kids sitting at the kitchen table, eating dinner with their au pair Julie. There was a spare place laid out for him.

The fact that they were having dinner together when he came in wasn’t unusual — or the assumption he would be home in time to eat with them. Harper liked them to eat as a family — it was one of the only times in the day they could come together like that.

What stopped Joel in his tracks as he came into the large, open-plan kitchen was that while the kids and Julie were eating normal-looking — burgers and fries, in this instance — Harper’s plate, and his own, was piled high with raw vegetables and fruit.

Joel sighed. Harper had discovered a new food fad.

‘What’s with the rabbit food?’ he asked as he nervously approached his seat.

Harper rolled her eyes. ‘I had lunch with Georgina yesterday,’ she said, ‘and she looks amazing. I mean completely unbelievable. I’ve never seen her so full of energy. She has this new guru.’

Joel went looking for wine and stopped to sigh as his wife used the word ‘guru’ entirely without irony.

‘So we’re both supposed to eat like squirrels?’

The wine cooler was distressingly empty.

His dear, always-observant wife noticed him standing in front of the empty racks looking discontented.

‘I have some drink for you here,’ she said, pointing at my place at the table.

Joel peered over to the glass sitting there next to his plate of plant matter, and groaned. Some kind of juice — clearly part of the new fad diet.

‘Didn’t you think to ask me if I wanted to join you on this new diet of yours?’ he said as he took his seat and picked up his glass. Pineapple juice. Well, it could have been worse.

Harper smiled at him sweetly, and he discovered that, surprisingly enough, he still couldn’t resist it when she did that. It also made him realize she hadn’t sent too many smiles like this his way for a while.

‘For this one to work, we both have to do it,’ she said.

Joel speared a carrot baton with his fork and sighed. If Harper had decided they were both going to become vegans, they would both become vegans. There was no stopping her.

The only thing keeping Joel from a meat-free gloom was the thought, underneath it all, that they were due some kind of adventure that was supposed to rekindle their sexual desire for each other.


After dinner, the kids did their usual thing until bedtime, while Joel responded to a few emails about his current movie financing project. Once the au pair was done getting them ready for sleep, Joel went up to read them stories.

On his way upstairs, he passed Harper, who was clearly on her way out for the evening.

He assumed from her smart casual jeans and button-down shirt that it was simply an evening out with her girlfriends. If she’d had a fund-raiser or something of the sort, she’d be wearing a dress.

Citing their usual hangout, he said, ‘Flavio’s?’

But Harper smiled. ‘Not tonight. We’re all going to Georgina’s for the complete rundown with her new guru.’

Joel raised his eyebrows. ‘I guess I won’t have to worry about you drinking too much.’

She laughed. ‘I guess you won’t!’

As she turned to go, he paused, watching her descend the staircase and then leave the house. There was a decided spring in her step. Was something going on with her?

It made him wonder what this guru guy was all about. You couldn’t be cheerful just because you switched to a new vegan-style diet. Was it Marriage 2.0 pulling her strings? What was it getting her to do?

He tried not to think about it as he spent time with the kids before they went to sleep. But afterward, as he collapsed into bed without even bothering to remove his clothes, Joel couldn’t stop wondering what Harper was up to.

He tried catching up on some more Academy Award nominees he hadn’t yet watched, but the questions kept whirling around his head.

Was this new guru some kind of Charlie Manson?

Was she forming a new plant-eating cult with her girlfriends?

He vaguely fantasized about Harper being drawn into some kind of cult-based orgy. Surely Marriage 2.0 wouldn’t have the capability to persuade her into anything like that? Even if her friends were all doing it.


He snapped out of his daze to find himself watching ‘The Fabelmans’ with an erection. What an idiot. There was no way Harper would get involved in anything risqué. She would follow her friends into eating bowls of shredded cardboard if she believed it would be self-improving and reputation-affirming. But sex was just embarrassing, wasn’t it?


And then Harper strolled around the bed wearing that white button-down shirt and nothing else. Sipping on a glass of something. Her tanned legs looked phenomenal without pants.

‘I thought you weren’t supposed to drink on this new diet of yours,’ Joel said.

‘Passionfruit juice,’ she said, turning toward him to show him her glass, watching his face as her unbuttoned shirt opened to expose her trim body and black, sexy bra and panties.

Now she came to sit on the be beside him, her hand moving over the bulge his body made in the bedsheets.

‘What’s going on?’ he said, any ounce of sleepiness forsaking him as he saw that her black brassiere was see-through.

‘What do you mean?’ she offered him a mischievous, knowing smile. ‘Can’t a wife come home to her husband…’

She slid her hand over his thigh, finding the thickening erection beneath the bedcovers.

‘…and want to make him feel good?’

She climbed onto him, straddling him, her hands sweeping up his body to find the burgeoning erection under the duvet.

Joel was just a little stunned. He hadn’t seen her like this in years. The lust in her eyes as she pulled back the cover to reveal his stiffening cock.

‘Did Georgina hire the cast of Magic Mike as your evening’s entertainment?’

‘I told you,’ she said, removing his pants, draping herself over his bare legs. ‘Georgina’s guru gave us all a fascinating little seminar.’

She took his cock in her hands, gazing at it as though it was made of 24-carat gold, as though it had been sculpted by Michelangelo. Then she licked it.

‘And what, exactly, did this guru put in your fruit juice?’ he asked, moaning as she took the tip of his manhood in her hot mouth.

‘There’s nothing in the juice except juice,’ she said. ‘It’s not about the juice…’

‘What is it about?’

‘It’s a whole… thing…’

She squeezed his shaft and stroked it, flicking her tongue around its helmet.


‘It’s not a diet… it’s a lifestyle.’

He would have rolled his eyes and emitted sighs thick with sarcasm, since she’d said plenty of similar things over the years concerning various fad diets — from the South Beach diet to Volumetrics, via Atkins and Paleo.

And it wasn’t as though she hadn’t done the Raw Food diet before. But the Raw Food diet had never made her ravenous for cock like this.

‘So… tell me how it works…’ he said, trying to maintain his conscious thought as she sank down on his shaft, taking him surprisingly deeply in her mouth.

‘Mmm…’ she moaned, lifting her head to gaze upon his erection again as though it were a gift from the gods. ‘It’s all about self-worth,’ she said, licking his tip, smiling up at him as though he were Arthur to her Guinevere.

Self-worth… I’m all for self-worth,’ he said, trying not to come too quickly, though it felt incredible.

‘Are you going to come for me?’ she said softly, pumping his shaft, and her words nearly made him erupt there and then.

‘Oh God…’ he moaned.

He couldn’t remember the last time she’d given him a blowjob. It had been one of those things they’d long since abandoned in the pursuit of swift and efficient sex. It felt good.

It seemed so strange that Harper was doing it. His obscene phallus disappearing into her beautiful face. Her perfectly applied lipstick rubbing all over his thick shaft. His unseemly manhood jammed in her eloquent, educated, sophisticated mouth.

But it certainly wasn’t the case that she was holding her breath, pinching her nose, screwing up her face, and doing something she found distasteful. She looked as though she was loving every moment as much as he was, and as she sucked on him, and lashed him with her tongue, she was moaning and purring like the cat that got the cream.

‘Come for me, darling,’ she was murmuring, like some kind of medium trying to contact the spirits of the dead. ‘Come for me… Mmm… let me have it, my darling…’

He wanted this to last — he hadn’t felt this good in ages — but it felt so intensely good.

And then she paused in her pursuit of his orgasm and knelt between his legs, her hands slipping under the waistband of her panties, dragging them down her body to reveal her perfectly trimmed pubic hair.

To his astonishment, she removed her little black panties, wrapped them around his shaft, and started jacking him off with them.

It felt surprisingly good — unexpectedly wicked, feeling her intimates around his manhood, the expensive lace grazing against his throbbing shaft.

A little while later, she paused to remove her bra, exposing her gorgeous tits, giving him a show before diving back down to take his cock in her mouth some more.

What had gotten into her?

What the hell had been in that damn seminar Georgina’s guru had given them?

Had some kind of alien pornstar entity taken possession of his wife?

He’d never seen anything so insanely hot.

And then, when he couldn’t take anymore, he did his utmost to warn her that the end was nigh — ‘I’m coming… honey… I’m coming… I’m going to come… I can’t stop…’

He thought she would quietly reach for a hand towel, a wad of tissues, or a jay cloth or something, but she merely moaned and cooed, ‘Yes, my sweet… come for me… give me your come…’

She stretched her lips around his throbbing cock and sank down as deep as she was able — and then he was groaning and jerking and shuddering and bucking and letting everything go — his hot seed shooting out into her mouth, pumping down her throat as she fought valiantly to swallow every drop.

‘Oh, God….’

Where was the woman who used to hold his cock at arm’s length and direct his spray of semen all over his stomach before flinging a towel at him as she disappeared into the bathroom to clean herself up?

She was gulping it down.

And then, when he was done, she cleaned up every drop, every hint of stickiness on his manhood, and quietly lay down beside him, uttering an unmistakably contented sigh.

She said, ‘Good night, my love.’

And that was it.

She wasn’t demanding her own turn, she wasn’t upset that he couldn’t get hard straight away to return the favor, she wasn’t even demanding he service her by hand.

It was as though swallowing his come was her intended reward.

What the hell had Georgina’s new guru been saying to her and her friends?

Marriage 2.0 — Season Two continues with Harper & Joel #2 >>

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