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The March 2024 Newsletter of "Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry" announces the publication's guidelines, schedule, featured poets, and the monthly poetry prompt themed around "False Spring and False Hopes."


The newsletter, delayed due to the editor's illness and workload, expresses gratitude to the community for their continued support and creativity. It emphasizes the submission criteria, including the exclusive acceptance of poetry, the necessity of a photo cover with proper credits, and the importance of editing work for grammatical accuracy. The editor also reminds contributors of the publication schedule, the maximum number of submissions per

March 2024 Newsletter — Is The Goddess of Spring Back In Town?

Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry

Cover Image is designed by the Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry (Tool: Canva Pro)

March 2024 Newsletter — Hello, Persephone!

Hello everyone and welcome to the March 2024 Newsletter!

Apollo, Dreams, & Poetry is a little late with publishing this month’s Newsletter. I apologize for being so. I have been extremely ill and overwhelmed with work once I got better.

However, I was super thrilled when I saw everyone was still here! I appreciate all your hard work and creation!

There is not much to be said in this month’s newsletter other than…why does it feel like Spring? Is Spring already here? Winter did not even truly come…and I live in Canada!

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Let’s get down to business!

Today we will go over a few things again:

  1. Reminder of the Submission Guidelines
  2. Publication Schedule Reminder
  3. The current list of the Poets in this Publication
  4. Poetry Prompt of the Month

Let’s get started!

Submission Guidelines

Although I love all your creations, I want to go over several things with you:

  1. I will only accept Poetry for this Publication. Although I appreciate blogs and short stories (I write them too), this publication is dedicated to all types of Poetry only. If you submit an article that is NOT in poetry format, I will not publish them
  2. Always have a Photo Cover with your article/poetry and please CREDIT THEM properly! Artists work hard for their creations. Please do not steal their work. If you make your Photo Cover from Canva like me, simply just state that you did. If you took a photo from Pinterest, credit the artist. Just tell me where you got the photo from. ☺️ Although in the past, I have made a Photo Cover for some of you, I will be taking a step back from now on in doing this. This will allow me to go through everyone’s submissions much easier and have them published on time. If you do not have a Photo Cover, I will leave an Editor’s Note and I won’t publish your submission until you have one.
  3. Edit your work as best as you can before you submit it. Even though I optimize and edit your work, please make sure that you keep the grammatical errors to a minimum. E.g. Proper Punctuation (.) (,) (…) (―) (;) (?) (!) (?!), Capitalization, Spelling Errors, Correct Usage of the Words, etc. If I see way too many grammatical errors, I will leave an Editor’s Note and I won’t publish your submission until you have gone through the errors as best as you can. I also suggest using Grammarly or any editing software to help you. I also bend grammatical rules to keep the rhythm going, but please try to keep your work coherent.
  4. Have a Title (this is that big T) and a subtitle (the small T). If you do not have a subtitle, that is okay as well. I will have your name as the subtitle so the readers know who it is by. However, having a Title is a must. If you do not know how to turn the text into a Title, simply just have it in quotations for me and I will edit it for you. Or tell me in brackets that you want this to be your title. E.g. “This Poetry is the Best! It made the Pantheon Gods Cry.” or This Human Boy Broke My Ancient Godly Heart (Title)
  5. Be original and do not plagiarize. Please do not steal from other writers. You don’t want your hard work to get stolen too, right?
  6. It is okay if you have some affiliation right after as long as you have proper disclaimers and disclosures (just don’t be spammy). I affiliate too and I understand the hustle ☺️
  7. State what your poetry is about. Not all readers have the same tolerance E.g. This poem is dark and it talks about sensitive issues. Reader discretion is advised. Or This is an erotica poem. NSFW. Reader discretion is advised
  8. Please no child pornography, or anything that glorifies abuse and violence (I am all for creative horror but glorifying abuse and violence is not it). If you are writing horror, erotica, or NSFW, put on proper disclaimers. It is an excellent habit to always have one
  9. Once you become a writer for this publication, be respectful to everyone. Abuse and harassment will not be tolerated. I will immediately remove you
  10. Max submissions from each author that will be published every Sunday will be eight (8 means good luck — I am not superstitious but…I am LOL). If you submitted more than eight, I will schedule the rest for the following Sunday! Don’t worry. Your creation will still be seen ☺️

Publication Schedule Reminder

  1. Submissions will be published every Sunday
  2. Max submissions from each author that will be published every Sunday will be eight (8 means good luck — I am not superstitious but…I am LOL)
  3. I will release a Newsletter at least once a month (every first Sunday of the month). The Newsletters will act as updates, announcements, tips and tricks, and highlighting the awesome poets that make this Publication a great place!
  4. Once a month (every first Sunday of the month) I will put out prompts that you can use as an inspiration! You do not have to use the prompt, but I thought it would add some fun. The prompts will be included in the Newsletter
  5. As I have previously mentioned, if you have submitted more than eight this week, I will schedule the others for next Sunday. 🖤 If you are particular like me, make a note for me which ones you want published that week

Awesome Poets in this Publication:

This Publication keeps growing! Say hello to our OGs and New Members:

Armanis Ar-Feinial

Chrysa stergiou



My Cozy Den

🌅🌅 Mindful Zen Garden 🌅🌅

Emma’s Book Talks

Harold James

Ivy Rose Marsh

Jay Wala

Jillian Spiridon

Joellyn Rose Keener, ✍️Author Deaf and Determined

Kanika A




Paras Ali


Robin Christine Honigsberg

Saachi Kaur

Sarah Little


Melody Mann

Temi O’Sola

Thomas Sturgeon Jr.

Check them all out and give them a follow!

March Prompt:

Ah…False Spring is here.

Am I going to die of overheating from wearing a coat, or would I freeze to death since I decided that I am hot enough to just wear just a hoodie (Spring must be here since the birds are back).

In the Greek Mythology, Spring usually comes once Goddess Persephone returns from the Underworld. But what about False Spring? Does that mean She just stops by and goes: “Yeah, not today, Earth. See you in a bit again…” If that is the case…then same here, Goddess Persephone. Same here.

For this month’s prompt: False Spring and False Hopes.

Write poetry about how false spring can bring out false hopes…or along those lines. 😏 Get creative. I am looking forward to all your submissions.


Last Note from Me:

This publication will always welcome new poets. Just let me know in the comments and I shall add you! Don’t forget to give this publication a follow, and to use this month’s Newsletter as your guide.

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