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The article discusses the impact of political policies on life expectancy in the United States, suggesting that Democratic policies may lead to longer lifespans compared to Republican ones.


The content of the website article addresses the life expectancy of Americans, noting that many individuals are living into their eighties and nineties despite the average life expectancy being 77 years. It highlights the challenges of aging, including health issues, and suggests that political policies, particularly those of the Democratic party, could contribute to longer lifespans. The article cites a study indicating that if Democrats had run states with conservative policies, fewer deaths would have occurred. It also criticizes Republican policies, blaming them for a lower average lifespan in the U.S. compared to other developed countries. The piece points to specific Republican stances on healthcare, taxes, and social programs as detrimental to public health and longevity.


  • The author, through the opinion of Thom Hartmann, implies that Democratic governance could lead to fewer deaths and longer life expectancies.
  • Republicans are criticized for policies that are believed to shorten life spans, with specific mention of opposition to healthcare reforms, pro-gun stances, and cuts to social programs like Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
  • The article suggests that the Republican Party's actions, including tax cuts and involvement in wars, have significantly contributed to the national debt without benefiting the average American's health and longevity.
  • The author expresses a clear stance against the GOP, characterizing them as detrimental to the well-being of the elderly and the nation's health in general.
  • There is an explicit call to action for voters to consider the impact of political policies on health and longevity when choosing candidates, with a preference for Democratic policies.

Many People Are Living Past The Norm

Americans and others seem to be living longer

Photo by Philippe Leone on Unsplash

There are many people in their eighties and nineties.

With the number of elderly living in the United States, it would seem that the life expectancy rate would be higher than the 77 years that it is reported to be. There are many who have reached that age and passed it, but there must be many more who died in their seventies or before that time.

Life continues to be challenging whether people are young or old. There are additional problems which come with age, such as physical and mental health issues.

An article stated that Democrats could help people live longer, and Republican policies shorten life spans.

An Opinion article by Thom Hartmann in Alternet was titled: “If Democrats ran red states, fewer people would die.”

Something terrible and deadly is happening here in the United States, and House Speaker Mike Johnson just announced that he wants to double down on it. More on that in a moment.

If you were born and live in Japan, you can expect to live to 85 years old. For South Korea average lifespan is 83, as are Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Israel, and Australia.

It’s 82 for Italy, Spain, Ireland, France, Finland, and New Zealand.

Cuba (!) and Panama are 79; Uruguay and Croatia are 78.

A total of 61 countries have average lifespans of 78 years or older, ranging from Singapore’s 84 to Estonia’s 78.

And then there’s the United States. Our average lifespan comes in at a paltry 77 years, along with Iran, Tunisia, and Morocco.

And it’s entirely because of Republican policies.

Hartmann refers to a study funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), which is a division of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) of the United States. The study concluded that if “liberals” (Democrats) had run all the red states, 171,030 few Americans would have died in 2019. It also stated that if “conservatives” (Republicans) had been successful with their tax, labor, healthcare, and gun policies in the blue states, there would have been 217,635 more dead Americans.

Another study by the Brookings Institution published two years ago said that the Republican anti-mask and pro-snake-oil policies killed 400,000 Americans during the first year of the COVID pandemic.

The article stated: That study, along with a report from Congress detailing Trump’s incompetent malicious response to the pandemic, provoked psychologist Mary Trump to refer to her uncle as a “mass murderer.”

Add to that the Republican anti-vax propaganda and, as The New York Times reports, GOP policies are continuing to kill Americans…

Photo by Danie Franco on Unsplash

A lot of factors go into determining how long a person’s life span upon the earth will be. We know that we will all die at some point in time. It is a part of life which we cannot escape.

There are many people still living who do not have a quality of life that they would like. Suicide could be a factor as well.

The policies of the political parties can make a difference in the total number of deaths among elderly people.

Regarding the first paragraph of his article, Hartmann stated: “And now House Speaker Mike Johnson wants to gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid because “we’re drowning in debt.” What he fails to mention is that 100% of our nation’s $34 trillion debt was caused by Reagan, Bush, and Trump tax cuts along with the $10 billion in illegal wars Bush and Cheney lied us into…

The Republican Party, as I noted last year, has ceased to be a legitimate political party with actual policy positions and become, instead, a loose collection of Nazis, cult-based “Christians,” antisemites, predatory hustlers, misogynists, gun nuts, bigots, and government haters, all funded by billionaires who don’t want to pay their taxes.

The article is obviously written by a person who is against having the GOP back in charge of the White House and the Senate. He is trying to get people to vote for the Democrats.

He makes some interesting points about the aging population in the United States.

Thanks for reading.

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