avatarWalter Pop Matthews IV


Making Room for My Present Purpose

Sometimes what you’ve been searching for has be right there the whole time waiting for you to receive it.

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

My gift is writing. I’ll be honest I’ve ignored and didn’t take it seriously for most of my life. I tried to be an artist and made comic books but my drawing was mediocre. The original stories that I wrote for them stood out. Also I would score very high on the writing assessments in school but no one seemed to take notice. In high school I would write these long elaborate raps but didn’t have a strong enough delivery to recite them. My next writer’s phase is when I bought a guitar and wanted to be a singer/songwriter.

I can’t sing at all and I’m not a good guitar player but someone noticed the lyrics in my songs. The words captured them. Years later I became popular as a poet for being able to evoke emotions. Still didn’t feel special. I thought hey everyone was poet so it’s no big deal. Even wrote a book of poetry in 2005. That separated me from the pack of my musical peers. I had a glossy book and I was a self published author that had become the first in my circle to do so.

I continued chasing music throughout the years. The poet community wanted me to produce them in 2010 so I did. I produced over 20 full albums but there still was something missing. Producing poets had ran it’s course and then life showed me some challenges and transitions. For some reason I stopped writing for a decade. Guess I had to do some living huh?

I remember writing about what was going on for me started to become too overwhelming for friends and family in text and inboxes. It got to the point that it was even awkward. When I wrote long rants on my Facebook wall and you could hear crickets because no one wants to read long out drawn posts (Like this one?).

So I started writing my commentary on different social media groups. People started to take notice. I even went semi viral a couple of times. Hey, You know what? I may have something here. The pivotal moment in writing for me is when I started reading a writer that seemed like minded and felt like my reflection. I never in my life read someone that tapped into the depths of me.

Her stories captivated my mind and soul and made me not only love writing again but I also I started being excited to read. I don’t really like to name drop but but this is a popular writer that’s on this platform. I would’ve never found Medium if I didn’t follow her trail deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole.

The beautiful thing is that once I arrived here being a fan of one writer became being a fan of many writer’s and publications. All of these years of i’ve been searching for something that I was good at and I finally found a skill that’s been within me since I was very young.

I think I had to fall in love with reading someone else’s work to acknowledge the God given gift that I was born with. What a wonderful rediscovery. I currently have an abundance of stories, poems, commentary and articles to share with the world.

When you have something that flows so natural and with ease from you you begin to realize that it’s a part of your make up and being. It’s effortless. I now accept and embrace what I was put on this earth to do.

I believe that painting vivid imagery with my words leaves the reader feeling more hopeful, thoughtful, motivated, kind, loving and more inspired. I want to give my readers the same feeling of euphoria that I felt that eventually led me to this writer’s oasis. If I can do that then my gift is a the gift that keeps on giving.

A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men.

Proverbs 18:16

Self Improvement
Self Discovery
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