avatarBeth Byfield


The article emphasizes the importance of making proactive choices today that contribute to one's future well-being and goal achievement.


The article "Make Three Choices Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For" encourages readers to take actionable steps towards their dreams and goals. It acknowledges the ease of dreaming and the difficulty of facing the work required to achieve those dreams, which can often lead to feelings of being overwhelmed and discouraged. The author suggests that by starting and maintaining good habits, individuals can make significant progress towards their goals, whether it be in entrepreneurship, financial independence, or health. The concept is likened to financial investments, where consistent contributions lead to growth over time. The article uses the fable of the ant and the grasshopper to illustrate the benefits of proactive planning and the pitfalls of procrastination. It provides practical suggestions for initiating change, such as setting aside time for goal-oriented tasks, organizing projects, engaging in physical activity, making mindful spending choices, and focusing on personal development through reading and skill acquisition. The overarching message is that by making three conscious choices today, individuals can break the cycle of busyness without progress and move towards a more fulfilling future.


  • The author believes that the accumulation of small, positive actions can lead to significant improvements over time.
  • There is an emphasis on the idea that being busy does not equate to making progress; one must be purposeful in their activities.
  • The article suggests that the choices made today will have a direct impact on one's future satisfaction and success.
  • It conveys a sense of urgency in taking steps towards one's goals to avoid future regret.
  • The author encourages readers to prioritize long-term benefits over immediate gratification, drawing a parallel between personal growth and financial investments.
  • The fable of the ant and the grasshopper is used to highlight the dangers of inaction and the rewards of consistent, forward-thinking behavior.

Make Three Choices Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For

Every day is a chance to make your life better

Photo by Vladislav Babienko on Unsplash

You have dreams about how you want your life to be.

But you let another day go by without doing anything to make them happen.

Let’s fix that.

It’s easy to dream. It’s also easy to get overwhelmed with all the work that has to be done to make those dreams come true. Feeling overwhelmed can lead to discouragement, and then you feel like giving up.

You don’t want to look back and wish you had done more to make your life better.

You also don’t want to get stuck in a dream state, always imagining what could be but never doing anything to make it happen.

It doesn’t matter if your goal is solopreneurship, financial independence, or better health; you’ll thank yourself later for starting good habits today and sticking with them. All the little steps you take will add up over time.

Think about money investments. You save money on a regular basis, and over time, it grows by earning interest. There are other factors that affect growth, of course, but that’s the general concept.

Making proactive investments in your everyday life now will pay off down the road. It’s easy to “live in the moment,” choosing fun and laziness over doing work that you may not immediately see the results of, but remember the cartoon about the grasshopper and the ants? The ants worked through the summer gathering food while the grasshopper fiddled and chomped on the plentiful green leaves. When winter came, the ants were warm in their tunnels, throwing parties of abundance while the grasshopper stumbled around in the freezing cold with nothing to show for all the wasted months except empty pockets and an empty stomach.

He wasn’t getting anywhere in life.

If you want to get off the path you’re on, you have to take a step in a different direction.

If you’re not sure how to start, here are some suggestions:

  • Set aside a block of time to work on your goals
  • Organize the tasks you need to do to get projects done
  • Go for a walk or do a workout at home or the gym
  • Think twice before you splurge on that tempting item
  • Choose a healthier meal option
  • Read a book that’s on topic with your goals
  • Read a book to learn something new
  • Brainstorm ways to increase your income
  • Scrutinize your finances to see how your income compares to what you’re spending
  • Set up a budget
  • Set up a savings plan
  • Do a brain challenge activity
  • Start learning a new skill
  • Invite a friend for lunch and go on a picnic instead of eating out

People today are constantly going, but they’re going in circles. Just because you’re busy doesn’t mean you’re making progress; it just means you’re doing a lot of stuff.

Make three choices today that will pull you off the hamster wheel and aim you toward the place you want to be. Your future self will thank you.

Growth Mindset
Taking Action
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