On Love
Loving the Unlovely — Can You Love Someone You Hate? My Own Experiment
One of the last chapters in the Five Love Languages is titled “Loving the Unlovely.” The question is posed: “Is it possible to love someone you hate?” In an attempt to answer this “profound” question, Dr. Chapman conducts a six-month experiment with the patient that posed the question.
This chapter especially spoke to me because an experiment was exactly how I approached fixing my own relationship. My question: “If I do everything the books say to do, if I follow instructions from the professionals, if I put half as much effort into fixing us as I was trying to prove him wrong, would it work?”

M y experiment lasted for about three years and in that time, I found the answer to Dr. Chapman’s question. The answer was yes. Once I learned to love myself, things began to fall into place with my relationship. It was me that I hated.