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The article discusses the author's journey from living with the flow to living intentionally, highlighting the pros and cons of each approach and offering advice on choosing the best lifestyle for oneself.


The article begins with the author describing their experience of living with the flow, embracing spontaneity, and adapting to life's unexpected twists and turns. The author highlights the benefits of this approach, such as flexibility, stress-free living, and creativity, as well as its drawbacks, including a lack of concrete goals and inconsistency. The author then introduces their new chapter of intentional living, focusing on deliberate choices, goal-setting, and aligning actions with values. The pros of this approach include a sense of purpose, clarity, and harmony with values, while the cons include the weight of expectations, potential inflexibility, and uncertainty in outcomes. The author concludes by advising readers to reflect on their core values, comfort with the unknown, well-being considerations, and future aspirations to choose the best lifestyle for themselves.


  • Living with the flow can lead to a spontaneous and adaptable lifestyle, but it may lack direction and consistency.
  • Intentional living can provide a sense of purpose and clarity, but it may also bring added pressure and inflexibility.
  • Choosing the best lifestyle depends on one's unique situation, priorities, and comfort with unpredictability.
  • Balancing spontaneity and intentional actions can help strike a harmonious balance in life.

Living with the Flow vs. Living Intentionally

Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash


This is the story of the crossroads I find myself at. One of the “truths” that I aligned myself to is to “go with the flow of life” and “live your life and your decisions from the goodness of your heart” I have found myself sometimes swaying gracefully to the universe’s mystical melody, and at other times, I’m grooving to my own quirky rhythm. Ever since I can remember, I’ve lived like a leaf gently drifting down a meandering river, letting the cosmic currents and the purest intentions of my heart steer my course. This journey? It’s been nothing short of a rollercoaster — a kaleidoscope of ups, downs, and delightful detours.

You know, it reminds me of a line from a Paul Simon song, “And so you see I have come to doubt, All that I once held as true, I stand alone without beliefs, The only truth I know is you.” That’s kind of where I’m at right now.

I’m standing at this fascinating crossroads in life, looking back at the path I’ve wandered and peering curiously at the road ahead. And I thought, why not share this journey with you? Maybe it’ll spark some reflection in your world, too. So here goes nothing — a tale of ‘going with the flow’, the treasures it brought me, and my musings on what ‘living intentionally’ might unfold. Ready for the ride? Let’s dive in! 🌊✨

A leaf drifting happily in the cosmic currents

As a leaf serenely sailing on the cosmic streams of life, I embraced each encounter with an unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of others. Guided by universal love and a deep-seated trust in the universe’s rhythm, my actions were always spurred by what would bring joy or foster growth in those I cherished. My heart’s joy and sorrow became my compass, with the universe’s ebb and flow as my map. I reveled in life’s spontaneous unfoldings, convinced this enchanting dance would go on forever. This approach made me adaptable, the soul of spontaneity, thriving in gatherings and discussions. Yet, it also meant I was more of a life’s spectator than its director, led more by instinct than by methodical plans.

Pros: -Flexibility in the Face of Life: My life was a tapestry of adaptation, adjusting seamlessly to the unexpected twists and turns, never breaking under pressure. - Stress-Free Living: Embracing the moment, I was free from the constraints of stringent goals, finding fulfillment in the depth of my daily engagements. - A Fountain of Creativity: This path paved the way for innovative thinking, leading me to conceive out-of-the-box ideas and opening doors to unexplored territories.

Cons: - A Wandering Compass: Without concrete goals, I sometimes watched opportunities slip by, unnoticed, due to a lack of strategic pursuit. - A Double-Edged Sword of Inconsistency: The very spontaneity that made me a delight to be around sometimes left others grappling with my unpredictable nature. - Impulse Over Insight: My snap decisions, though exhilarating, often strayed from serving my long-term best interests, leaving room for future regrets.

An ant determined to push the sugar crumb up the slope — living intentionally

Embracing a new chapter of intentional living, I’m stepping away from the instinct-driven, spontaneous life I’ve known. It’s time to journey down a path paved with deliberate choices and goal-setting, aligning my actions with my deepest values and long-term dreams. I’m infusing intention into my daily life, dedicating 10 focused hours each day, regardless of the weekend or weekday, to nurture family, health, love, trust, and consistency.

Pros: - Pursuit of Purpose: My actions are now guided by clearly defined goals, climbing the proverbial mountain to reach the peak of fulfillment. - Navigational Clarity: Each morning brings a new sense of direction, a proactive path, though I remain ready to pivot in the face of life’s emergencies. - Harmony with Values: My choices now echo the core of what I hold dear, ensuring my journey aligns with my personal ethos.

Cons: - The Weight of Expectations: There are moments I miss the carefree days, as the weight of goals and daily achievements sometimes presses heavily on me. - Potential for Inflexibility: This new structured approach might close doors to life’s unexpected, spontaneous joys. - Uncertainty in Outcome: Shifting gears doesn’t guarantee a smoother ride to my aspirations compared to my previous, intuitive approach.

What’s Best for You?

Your choice between these lifestyles should reflect your unique situation and preferences: - Reflect on Your Core Values: What are your current priorities? Align your lifestyle choice with what truly matters to you. - Comfort with the Unknown: Evaluate how well you handle life’s unpredictability compared to your need for a stable, planned existence. - Well-being Considerations: Think about the impact each lifestyle has on your mental and physical health. Which approach fits your health needs and stress management style? - Forward-Looking Plans: Contemplate your future aspirations, including retirement, family, hobbies, and personal development. Decide which approach aligns with your long-term goals.

My Strategy for the Road Ahead

I’ve charted a course for my days, earmarking 10 solid hours for purposeful, intentional living. This time will be devoted to nurturing family bonds, excelling in my work, innovating, exercising, expanding my knowledge, meditating, and indulging in play. Beyond these structured hours, I’ll embrace spontaneity, allowing myself the freedom to create, explore, and simply be, with the reassurance that I’ve already invested meaningful effort into my core priorities.

This plan aims to blend the spontaneous flow of life with the rich tapestry of intentional actions. It’s about striking a balance and finding harmony between the unplanned adventures and the steps I take with clear purpose.

Your insights and experiences are invaluable to me. If you’ve walked this path or have pearls of wisdom to share, please reach out. As I navigate this transformative phase at my life’s crossroads, I promise to share the lessons and revelations I encounter along the way.

Self Improvement
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