avatarLivia Dabs RN,MSc


Living In Blue Zone: Firsthand Experience

Anyone who wants to experience this, at first needs to forget about materialism…

Photo by Sarah Mutter on Unsplash

Not long time ago, I saw the movie about the Blue Zone, and I am sure many of you did too.

What really got my attention was the Greek Island called Ikaria.

As the author Kyle Kowalski discovered the secret of a happy and healthy life in Ikaria:

“I would say Ikaria’s (from the Blue Zones) are the most sane humans on the planet. Long healthy life, minimal impact on the planet, meaningful relationships (“us” vs. “me”), plant-based diets, drinking wine and tea with family and friends, clear purpose based on satisfying low-level needs, no care about time, walkable communities, gardening, enjoy physical work and find joy in everyday chores, enjoy being outside, etc.”

Why specifically this Island?

Because it reminded me of the place I live currently. Almost a carbon copy of the lifestyle and environment, I lead in Guejar Sierra, Spain. It was like watching my own life through Ikarians. I know we aren’t recognized on the Blue Zone map but hear me out.

I am immediately hit with a wave of nostalgia as the Ikarian way of life reminds me of my own in Guejar Sierra, Spain.

Every morning I take my energetic dogs to the lake for a frisbee game and one-hour walk, returning home only to feed our cats, dogs, and chickens, prepare the garden, and indulge in breakfast around 9:45.

I make homemade meals every day, following in the footsteps of traditional cooks.

To me, anything not made from scratch can’t really be called a meal.

Throughout the day I read and write, take naps, meet neighbors or friends for a coffee, or wine, and sometimes harvest depending on the season.

It’s like living my own life through those of the Ikarians.

My health has seen a remarkable transformation since I cured my insomnia, and digestive issues, and shed excess pounds (like 35 lbs.) that have stayed off for many years. I’m happier, healthier, and younger-looking.

All it took was creating and living in the right environment; no pricey diets or pills, or joining a gym membership necessary.

I realize that I don’t need the luxuries and conveniences of modern society to live a satisfying life.

My days are filled with meaningful interactions with nature, animals, and people. I am connected to the earth and to my community in a way that I never was before.

As I take a sip of my homemade tea, I can’t help but smile at the simplicity of my life. My mind is at peace, and my body feels alive. I am content and fulfilled.

Living in the Blue Zone may not be attainable for everyone.

But can anyone create their own version of it?

Can it be done in societies that value materialism and consumerism?

I will let you know in my next story below:

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