avatarDamon Mildenhall


Lil reflection 20 years forward

Happy 60th Damo

Photo by AR on Unsplash

Its 7am just finish my morning swim about to go boil the jug for a rich morning roasted brew still love the smell of coffee maybe secretly its one of my life favourite aromas… still drinking plunger coffee did have a expresso machine 5 years ago the novelty wore off real quick

Fuck its annoying to clean to……….

So here i am sitting at the table oh yeah i write fulltime for a living now & lived in a few countries mostly where the sun is because of the bright vibes.. Currently in The Phillippines its nice here beautiful people safe cheap lifestyle dont think i want to leave everyone here is always happy the vibes so bright……

I really wonder what the heck i was doing all these years working in kitchens drinking smoking gambling been a absolute rat sprinting in this race…… it took me a bit to get out of the rut..

I had to get deep with myself like i went naked & started spitting questions at myself ( Spitting sounds)

What are you doing Where do you want to go ? what are you ?what is your purpose? why do you wake up everyday? why are you here?……………….. I found it really hard to fully answer most of them…. sure there were brief answers but when im standing naked in the mirror been spat at I felt like a lost soul who had been living in this auto 99.9% state for so long that it was like standing b4 the fires of hell…….

Ripped into me like you see when Jim Carey puts on the mask for the first time in that classic epic movie I was like that exactly like that shit was spinning crazy…… I was making those noises to… even crashed into few things around the room hectic ill tell ya

Well after all that when i finally could answer these questions deeply i realized all it took was to do it…. There was so much of

Oh I need to

Oh I should

Oh this sounds good

There was always this next big idea that somehow will set the gates open life will be perfect…..

Things get amazing when you do

Lifes good wish me learnt to do way way earlier perhaps in my 20s would have been optimal but im glad i learnt at 40 rather than at 60…… I feel great havent drunk alcohol for over 20 years now or smacked a dart ….. Life is still way better without them met some cool people through my writing journey… & general travels So when i can I go say yo……. its taken me to some cool places base of Mount Everest was great experience very surreal my uncles boss in the 90s was Sir ED so cool be amongst it

My nieces have come to visit a couple of times with their bfs on the last visit dam ones 29 the other one is 26 its crazy it seems like yesterday was in new zealand with them picking them up from school……

Its funny because i did spend alot of time with them its obvious they will grow up youll get old ish but at the time seems like those moments are so so long away…………..

They are great though both travelled when they turned 20 it was awesome because i always said to them dont do what your uncle did & spent his 20s clubbing and chasing & hung over & been a idiot go travel you will love it dont gve a fuck what your mates are doing either unless they keen to travel………

They keep telling me they cant believe how old i am i said well hey were not peter pan this is reality not never never land…

They just laugh think im silly oh they learnt to cook to so they cook me a feed when they come to stay…. I mean food here is so cheap anyway but its cool because i remember showing them how to cook scrambled eggs at 8 & 6

They tell me remember when you ate steak everyday the cast iron pan smoking the house out….. good times love the smell of seared beef still do. They seem to have a love of beef to must been that aroma on the daily apologies to the vegans well not really but you know I’m respectful

Ive really taken good care on my health in the last 20 years ive really done something crazy because i feel better than i did in my 40s shit is 60 the new 40 i can still run im still jumping around i can leap fences why are you even doing that simply because i can…

Bro where we living its a real community vibe we often eat togther have a laugh oh we even sing sometimes they love elvis here…… Oh one lady really loves to sing celine dion her voice is great but it gets a bit hectic when she starts drinking……. especially when she starts singing its all coming back to me

Reminds me of my drunk aunties back on the kareoke in the 90s in new zealand, haha i miss them i can see their faces wow they have been gone for so long i can still remember them like it was yesterday maybe its age but i feel 40 maybe im 30

How about those days we would stay up all night trying to clock resident evil then wake up in morning go fishing or to the pools… I swear I remember it like yesterday

I actually think i may live past 100 perhaps first family member to hit 100 so techinically still have 40 odd years & more holy shit thats insane heres my nieces telling me your old

Im young yo it could be this community i live in they all smiling the bright vibes keeps you jamming Although I use alot of AI these days where i live these people most dont even have phones they got family food and a house they happy asf.

Its funny because my nieces had those phones that is holographic i never use my phone on the internet so i went way back got a dumb phone it texts and calls….. Oh can only txt locally which i rarely use just call really…… sweet as though its fully like going back in time love it though

Photo by Sumeet Singh on Unsplash

Bro i havent really had a smartphone for years i do all my musts online with my laptop they have got pretty bujee these days the resolution is unreal…. sometimes I feel like I’m dialing into another planet

Technology is so incredible its made our lives so much easier we are so lucky…. Wasnt I saying 20 plus years ago Tesla will be the biggest company on the planet one day holy shit I didn’t realize it would be this big

Dad always said humanity have never had it better he was born in 48 so the old fella saw a bit…

God he had some stories he certainly loved a adventure… He use to say to me your crazy not traveling whe your young ME reply

Yea dad ill go next year ha next year that next year just kept accumulating

Well as the day slowly winds down oh it was nice to have video chats with the family around the world .. real happy the bro made the effort to call to we’ve actually known each other for 50 plus yrs….

Dam like we were never close just kept in contact I told him come for holiday he don’t like Philippines thinks its to dirty…. It’s all good he was saying that 40 yrs ago to me.. Its just nice we can stay in contact

Hard to hold friendship for 50 yrs… I’m sure we will organize to catch up soon.

Anyway green tea time soon & shuteye got to be up early got a date tomorrow well not really a date more catching up with a filo lass

I’ve known for a while she is beautiful though but look forward to seeing her… she loves yoga to now I’ve been doing yoga for 20 odd years maybe thats also what has kept me at 60 feeling like I’m 40.


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