avatarAhmed Bari | Enthusiast of Psychology and God


Light Upon Light, A Universe Enveloped

Upon the tales of time, upon the tales of light, upon the tales of parents, upon the wonders of God Most Mighty

“parents and children” created by Bing Image Creator.

To tell of a tale, is to phrase it well. To tell of wells, is to tell of sorrow. For wells of tears are raised upon sorrows. And sorrows upon a loss are endless. They are a void. They are emptiness. And in those emptinesses, are lessons to be learned, in the hearts of our children. For our children are the light of our eyes. And eyes which cross paths are such that light upon light guides. In the twinkles, in the depths, do we see, and get lost in eyes, for the eyes are pools of a universe, a darkness, waiting to be tapped of its essence. For the essence of light is a spark. And sparks which ignite upon the frontiers of a journey are such that they are enveloped within a time span of eons. For we are all connected by one.

“light” created by Bing Image Creator.

And He who connected all of us, together, individually, as communities, were such that we were meant to be together as a people, not as warring people. For the wars which wage between a people, are such that feelings are at the essence, history is at its course, and love is at its beckoning. For the beckoning of peace is at its peak in this time, as it was in other times, for evolution never ceases, and leaders never cease to come to change paradigms, for history is current, and in its current are the passions to connect people together. In the togetherness, we must understand, that unity between people is at its core. To drive people to the highest ground of insurmountable odds is the pinnacle of success. And success is given in the end.

“world” ai-generated creation by Bing Image Creator.

Though life has no end, as it continues through generations upon generations, to cycle the periods of hysteria and genuine concern for a people. People thrive, and people die. For the people who have yet to rise and thrive amongst the people to enjoin goodness and temper themselves within the multiplicity of weathering conducts, are such that they must learn to be resilient, they must learn to be proper, they must learn to be diligent upon their own shortcomings, and learn from them.

Learning from parents is a goodness that should be implemented, for they understand their children, and we learn from them as well, for the better. To ordain oneself self-assured of their own livelihood with the conscientiousness of the godly is to take of this world that is righteous and diminish the need for that which is not necessary in the callings to their duty.

“nature” ai-generated image created by Bing Image Creator.

To deny the essence of Lordship is to deny an essence of yourselves. Know yourselves, come upon the guardianship of the people, and know yourselves to be true to your word as you rise from the ashes. For you are to begin afresh, and virtue is a calling from the most Beloved. In the end, there is no material gain in anything in this world that will save us, save the Lord’s grace and mercy.

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