avatarJames Boylan


Life’s A B**** And Then You Die

was an old bumper sticker

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Years ago, I saw a bumper sticker stating “Life’s a bi***, and then you die.” I was probably in my late teens or early 20s and thought that this was so cool because it seemed at the time to be so true.

Looking back with 20/20 hindsight, although I had had some problems, my life wasn’t as bad as I imagined it to be at the time. I failed to realize that everyone over the age of 12 had a story that would bring tears to anyone’s eyes.

Using this 20/20 hindsight with what I have learned since being a teenager, I now see that many of my “tragedies” were actually blessings in disguise.

Of course, this begs the question of how can a disaster be considered a blessing. They can be considered a blessing when lessons are learned that make life better because of the initial “snag.”

My first marriage was a 16-year divorce just waiting to happen. How was this a blessing?

Two beautiful children, a son from my ex’s first marriage and a daughter of ours. To this day I have a loving relationship with my children, even though there are many miles between us.

When I was a Detroit copper, I was shot “point blank” in the chest and blown off of a porch during a drug raid and lived. How was this a blessing?

This was the very first time that I had worn an armored vest during a raid and I ended up with only minor injuries. But, the “life after death” experience that followed the blast brought me closer to knowing by feeling that God is always near; ready, able, and willing to help.

And, of course, as in anyone else’s life, there were many more such as traffic crashes and brushes with cancer. These all turned into tremendous learning experiences making me too blessed to be stressed.

Today, I am happy, joyous, and free all of the time. Of course, I am not happy about someone else or if I have a particular problem, but I am happy that I can resolve it or assist the other with a resolution if they ask for one.

How can you be happy, joyous, and free all of the time too? When in a white-knuckle situation, I don’t always remember The Serenity Prayer or some such but I can say “God, help me” and then get out of His way and let Him.

You can try this and hopefully, you will be too blessed to be stressed, too. You have nothing to lose by trying it other than misery and despair.

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