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Life Restarted With Life Mastery

Life Was a Bad Dream Until I Mastered This

Simple technique = massive results

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Have you ever felt that you cannot make it or that it is going to end badly? No matter how much you think or try, your luck will suck it all up.

I had felt the same, not once, but many times.

Life was looking like a mess, and I was feeling stuck in this messy situation.

Due to this, I was waking late and sleeping late every day. Life was absent from my days and nights. Even in the office, I was just trying to complete the tasks assigned and send emails. There was no learning or looking for new ways.

I added one good thing to my life, and that was reading books and articles. I made a list of good things that can help me get out of this menace very easily.

I created my own ways of mastering my own life.

I chose a few points from many, and these changed my life.

Know your Self — Self Awareness

This is the stage where we construct our lives. Knowing ourselves is at the core of mastering ourselves. Life mastery is not just a technique but a journey to make the most of our lives.

I made a list of my strengths and weaknesses. I started making choices as per my strengths and worked on my weaknesses.

My choices were according to my strengths and passions.

Our decisions should be based on what we know about ourselves.

I was just wasting my days and nights scrolling through reels on Instagram and watching videos that were not able to add some value to my life. My strength was writing. I chose writing as my hobby and started writing my stories and my experiences, and believe me, it changed my life altogether. I was learning every day from myself.

The way to Set Goals.

We all have goals — short-term goals and long-term goals. These goals gave direction to our lives. I was setting goals, but without any idea how to set them or what to achieve, what would be the end result? There is a technique called “SMART”. We all should set goals according to this SMART criteria.

S: Specific M: Measurable Achievable R: Relevant T: Time-bound goals

If we start setting our goals according to these criteria, believe me, we will easily achieve them.

Diverse through Adversity — Being Resilient

I learned this one from the ISRO scientists. Chandrayaan 2 was launched by ISRO (Indian Space Research Organization) scientists, but it failed. This failure was not taken as a setback by them, though it was taken as a challenge, and they worked hard on this failure and finished Chandrayaan 3 this year. It was a successful one, and India became the first country to reach the south pole of the moon.

It teaches us a lesson: never be afraid of your failures; rather, take them as challenges and clear them with flying colors.

The same thing happened to me. I applied to one organization many years ago. I uploaded my resume when I had a little experience; I updated my skills and everything on the portal. But after a few days, I got the email that I was not best suited for the job.

It was a sad moment for me. It was one of my dream organizations to work for. I was broken for a few days, but yes, I took it as a challenge and worked the way I was doing. After a few years, I got a call from that organization for an interview. The interview was fantastic, and I was selected. I was very happy to know that I had been appointed as tech lead. It was a big thing for me in those days. I cracked it because I didn’t give up and added more skills to my resume.

Finding Balance :

Finding Balance is one of the most important points I love. Till I read about it, I was getting stuck in one thing or two at a time. It was not manageable for me as well.

Then I planned my days for work-life balance. I worked hard when it was my office(9–5) time and enjoyed a lot with family and friends. But most important for me was, that I get some time for me as well. I was able to spend some time with myself, and time for my hobbies and interests. I was able to write articles and poems. Due to this balance, I was able to write my first book and then my second.

We all are busy in this modern world. In this modern and busy life, we need to master these above points to be able to enjoy every bit of life.

If we follow these points, we will be able to live a stress-free life and very engaging and enjoyable life.

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Life Lessons
Self Improvement
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