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Life is on a Keyboard

Work, office, and More Work Is that the meaning of life?

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Excels, words, and PowerPoints Endless rat race of programs Days, months and years Spends all on endless repetition

Life is on a keyboard! The clock goes fast and it’s boring The time, effort and dedication Burnt for a marginal monthly pay!

A technical issue in the machine The work was interrupted for a while, I rephrased the life that spent It was not as rosy as it felt

Stuck and exhausted The machine as well as the life, Though we never noticed We have already trapped and tricked

What if my life stops? As did my machine Am I happy today, this moment? With the things I possess

The frank answer is ‘No’ This is not the life I want I do things as it ‘needs to’ Not because I really ‘want to’

If this is not what I love Need to discover myself If there’s confidence and will There’s always a promising way!

Work, office and more work Is that the meaning of life? The self-satisfaction and the happiness Will be the meaning, yet to be achieved!

Life Lessons
Work Life Balance
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