Let’s Play a Game of Monopoly — USA Edition
The rules will mimic the continuing reality of a select group in America.
I want to play a game of monopoly with my white friends wherein I, the bank, would seize all their money for 400 turns. For another 50 turns, I’d periodically seize the few properties they’re able to acquire despite the first 400 turns.
We’d place tax dollars and other fees in the free parking, but only my non-white friends would be able to win it. Also, my white friends wouldn’t be able to participate in the community chest unless a card is detrimental to them.

All too often, I’d take all the properties and money from one of my white friends and cause them to go bankrupt for looking at me the wrong way or asking questions about the rules.
We’d section off some parts of the board that my non-white friends should avoid buying, and I would enforce this through the bank; these are the only parts of the board that I’d allow my white friends to purchase. These parts would mainly be near the “Go to jail” spot. Yeah, I know, those are some of the best parts of the board, but it’s worth it because property is only good if wealthy people invest in them; we’d make do with the rest of the board.
Then, when my white friends start protesting and looting, I and my other non-white friends would tell them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. At some point, I’d start throwing them in jail for protesting my rules. I wouldn’t charge them with any rule violations, but I’d hold them beyond 3 turns even if they roll doubles.
When they finally start to burn the board, I and my non-white friends would say, “Hey hey hey, why are you burning down your own board?” Of course, we’d all know that my white friends don’t own any part of the board at this point, but we’d pretend everyone has had a fair chance at participating in the growth of the board.
At some point, some of my non-white friends would probably start to turn on me and become allies of my white friends. The burning would eventually end, some minor rules would change, and we’d continue playing the game.
Unfortunately for them, I would still make the rules and be responsible for holding myself accountable.
The inspiration for this article came from this chills inducing interview. Listen this lady speak.