avatarJames Boylan


The article emphasizes the importance of cultivating an attitude of gratitude to experience awe and joy in daily life, suggesting that five minutes of contemplation and appreciation of one's surroundings can lead to a more fulfilling and joyous existence.


The author, James Boylan, advocates for a daily practice of gratitude as a means to invoke feelings of awe and appreciation for the miracles in everyday life. Drawing on the wisdom of Wayne Dyer, the article suggests that dedicating just five minutes a day to contemplating the wonders around us can significantly enhance our emotional well-being. By focusing on the positive aspects of our lives, we attract more joy and love, and the Law of Attraction reflects this positivity back to us. The article also references psychological research linking awe and gratitude to other positive emotions such as joy, amusement, love, contentment, and pride. Through personal anecdotes, including observations from the author's front porch, the piece encourages readers to actively seek out and share moments of beauty and gratitude, thereby spreading love and joy.


  • The author believes that gratitude is the key to experiencing awe and that this practice naturally reduces the tendency to complain.
  • By expressing gratitude, one becomes more attuned to the miracles and positive occurrences in their environment.
  • The Law of Attraction plays a role in reflecting our emotional state; by projecting awe and joy, we receive similar experiences in return.
  • The article suggests that even a brief daily engagement with nature and our surroundings can lead to a deeper appreciation for life's wonders.
  • Sharing experiences of gratitude and awe with others is presented as a way to amplify these positive feelings and spread them throughout the community.
  • The author implies that true wealth comes from gratitude and the ability to observe and feel the miracles around us, not from financial abundance.
  • The author expresses a personal sense of peace and connection from listening to nature, especially at night, and encourages others to find similar moments of tranquility.
  • The article concludes with a call to action, inviting readers to subscribe for more content and to share the article on social media, indicating the author's desire to reach a wider audience with his message of gratitude and awe.

Let’s Get Awed

and be grateful for the feelings that you get

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Wayne Dyer said “Give yourself a gift of five minutes of contemplation in awe of everything you see around you. Go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you.

This five-minute-a-day regimen of appreciation and gratitude will help you to focus your life in awe.”

The easiest way that I know of to get this feeling of awe is to have and maintain an attitude of gratitude. I have discovered that, when I am counting my blessings, I don’t have time or even a desire to complain.

When I am in this frame of mind, I am awestruck by the miracles that are taking place around me. Why?

When my attitude is gratitude, I feel very blessed. This feeling of blessing brings out the desire to share because, whenever I share a good feeling, I become surrounded by others who are feeling good about themselves too.

The Law of Attraction is at work here. Whatever I place into my Mirror of Life, I get back the same as if I placed my image into a bathroom mirror. It reflects back to me exactly what I placed into it.

If you place awe and joy into your Mirror of Life, you will be the recipient of awe and joy many times over. You will attract others with similar feelings and attitudes.

In the online journal Cognition and Emotion, the author points out that awe and gratitude share similar qualities as joy, amusement, love, contentment, and pride — with joy and love distinctly sharing a display.

Getting back to Wayne Dyer’s suggestion that we “go outside and turn your attention to the many miracles around you…” we learn that by doing this for a mere five minutes a day we will quickly discover even more to appreciate and be grateful for.

With gratitude, you will be wealthy, no matter what your bank account says! Part of this new wealth will be the joy of observing and then feeling the miracles that have surrounded us forever but maybe not noticed.

Photo by author James Boylan

This is a shot from my front porch where I just spent five minutes listening to the birds and wildlife and the wind whistling through the trees of the adjoining wetlands.

The trees are actually much taller than they appear in this pic because there is a sharp dropoff beginning right at the tree line.

I especially like doing this on a still, damp night because the woods seem alive with the sounds of the crickets, frogs, and the occasional yelp as a predator grabs his prey.

Are you ready to become happy, joyous, and free? If so, don’t just glance around you but really look and see the miracles that are in place everywhere.

From the bird singing in the tree to the squirrel warning everything around it about everything with constant chatter and flitting around. To the child riding a two-wheel bike for the first time. The bus remaining stopped as a person runs to catch it before it leaves.

Then, if you really want to feel great, share your experiences with another. The other may try looking for the same joy and then pass the good feelings forward by telling another, too.

This is sharing the love and joy which, in turn, brings even more back to you.

Thank you, God!

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