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Let’s Be Clear, Getting Older Sucks, But The Alternative Sucks More

And so does not knowing where to turn or what to do next.

Photo by Adi Goldstein on Unsplash

(Now, there’s no sales pitch here, I’m just chatting about what I’ve done and where I’m going — PROMISE!)

I’m approaching 60. I haven’t really even wanted to admit that out loud (or in print! and especially not in photos!!!) until very recently. It’s like I’ve been wearing this burden, if you will. I mean, I physically DO feel older than that at times, but I have reason for it that’s not age-related. In my mind, I’m nowhere near mid life, never mind senior status.

So like other things in my life, I find ways to make it acceptable in my mind, after all, I have no choice. I understand that due to one condition I have going on, I won’t be able to do the editing work I do at the pace I do it in forever, and I may not even be able to do it at ALL if it progresses that severely.

Similar to how I was impacted by the pandemic and realized that while I may be in a recession-proof field, it’s not pandemic proof, I need to find another way to earn income in the future.


I joined several (way too many) online courses, like many others, some were flops, but I found a few different areas that really struck home with me and made an impact. One “next” is I’ve started coaching and helping others navigate through transition periods.

I often refer to myself as a chameleon, I’ve written some about it, I’ve felt this way pretty much all my life. I just can’t do ONE thing. I’m always looking for something else. The world is too big to lock myself into one thing, right? So some of the additional “nexts” I do are spiritual and magical, are often referred to as “woo-woo” stuff, energy healing, hypnosis, NLP, EFT, chakra cleansing, meditation, tarot, reiki. I’m also a crafter. The list goes on.

So then this brings up the question: Who exactly are you going to help? Who wants to learn from someone who is not a master in one thing? Well, other chameleons, I would think. Other people who haven’t found their “thing” that makes them happy and content. It can literally be anything.

The most important step to any of it is the first one, getting started, getting past the desire stage and into the doing stage, or at least the planning stage, the learning stage. And that’s usually where people get stuck. They know they want to change, but they just don’t know where to get started, don’t know what changes they even WANT or NEED to make, they just know something’s got to change.

That’s where I can come in. I do have an amazing coaching package with soul-searching, life-changing questions. I help people see how their thinking shapes the course of their lives. However, when I set out on this journey, I sure wasn’t ready, willing, or able to hire a coach to work with. I joined coaching groups (two I’m still a member of) and that’s where I learned about the nuts and bolts.

Not everyone wants to be part of coaching, whether one-on-one or in a group. Well, another “next” is I’m building a library of courses to help those people too. Transformation happens on many different levels, mindset, business, relationships, self-care, diet and exercise, spiritual, and the woo-woo! I may even start a membership for us chameleon types and sprinkle a little bit of everything, it depends on the desire and need.

So yeah, I’m still doing a bit of everything. Still fighting the “niche down” cries. I can niche down when I’m advertising individual items/courses/ebooks and the solutions they bring, but I just can’t niche down Robin. I’m too many things, too many colors, too many flavors. Dare I say too set in my too-chameleon ways? Nah, I don’t so. Life is a ride and there’s lots of views. If you don’t like your view, change your seat. Changing seats — rather, the ability to change seats for a different view, yep, that’s me!

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