avatarDeborah Barchi


The website content is an introduction by a retired librarian with a passion for nature, who is grateful for the Illumination community and reminisces about her lifelong love for reading and the natural world.


The author, a recently retired librarian, expresses deep gratitude to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz and the community of Illumination, including its writers, editors, and readers. She reflects on her initial dismissal of computers in her library graduate school days, acknowledging she's not a futurist. She describes her belief in the importance of libraries, her personal life as a mother, her lifelong love for books, and her enduring passion for nature which she enjoys through reading, observation, and writing. The author shares anecdotes from her childhood, her current joy in the natural world, and her appreciation for the simple pleasures in life, such as the return of familiar flowers in spring. She invites readers to explore her perspective through a poem titled "Find A Moment," which encapsulates her mindset of finding sublime moments in everyday life.


  • The author values libraries as essential to a free society.
  • She cherishes the Illumination community and its contributions to her life.
  • The author has a playful and appreciative approach to life, finding joy in the natural world and everyday experiences.
  • She has a longstanding connection with nature, which has evolved from imaginative childhood play to a more informed appreciation.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of being present and grateful, as exemplified by her delight in seasonal changes and natural phenomena.
  • She sees reading as a fundamental part of her life, to the extent that she will read anything available, not just traditional reading materials.
  • Through her writing, she conveys a sense of wonder and gratitude for life, encouraging others to seek out moments of beauty and reflection.

Let Me Introduce Myself on Illumination

Picking tulips this Spring

First, let me start by saying how grateful I am to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, the tireless founder and visionary behind Illumination and to all the writers, editors, and readers who make Illumination a thriving, exciting community.

I remember in the mid-70’s when I was in library graduate school, my father, a computer engineer, said to me, “Debbie, have you taken any computer courses at graduate school yet?” With amused impatience I replied to my father, “Oh, Daddy. I am going to be a librarian. Why would I need to know about computers?”

So obviously, I am no futurist!

What, then, am I?

Well, I am a recently retired librarian who passionately believes in the vital importance of libraries in a free society.

I am a mother of an adult son with whom I share an appreciation for blue grass music, hikes on Audubon trails, Christopher Guest movies, and cats (our own cats and the silly ones on YouTube.)

I was one of those children who loved books. Every week all through my childhood I would pedal the five mile round trip back and forth to my local library on my oversize, dented Raleigh bike. I returned with the wire bike basket loaded to the brim with ten books, the maximum we were allowed to borrow each week.

I still love to read. I am one of those people who read anything they can get their hands on, even if there are no books available. I have been known when desperate to read bread wrappers, shampoo bottles, and toothpaste cartons if nothing else is available.

But my real passion is nature: reading about it, observing it, and writing about it. This has been true since I was a little girl roaming around the vacant lots on my street. Always one to live in my book-inspired fantasies, I would roam these wooded lots pretending I was a jungle explorer, a runaway princess, or a castaway having to survive in the wilderness.

I would love to say that I took a scientific approach to learning the flora and fauna. But in fact, I never did learn many of the names of the birds, butterflies, and flowers at that point in my life. I merely loved them and waited every year for them to return.

Now many years later, I do know a little more about the natural world and cherish every bit of information or insight I can glean from my reading and observations.

But I am still that girl who laughs out loud when she finds a familiar flower making its annual spring appearance. And I am still that girl who listens to the owls calling on a still winter’s night; or the wind that sounds like surf high in the trees; or the tiny tap of an autumn leaf falling on the pavement.

Best of all, I am still that girl whose heart swells with gratitude, thinking, “how lucky I am, right now, to be alive.”

Here’s a poem published on Medium that gives you a peak inside my mind:

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Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash

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