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Let It Be-Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Make the most of every day and don’t let little things get you down- Don’t worry, be happy

Photo by MI PHAM on Unsplash

Life is beautiful. There is so much happiness and joy in everyday life if only we focus on it. Maximize the moment, minimize the hassles. Don’t let the little things get you down. Instead, let the good times roll.

We all have the opportunity to follow the wise advice of the Beatles song from so long ago that still rings true today. “And when the broken-hearted people living in the world agree, there will be an answer, let it be.”

We can find joy in so many things in our everyday lives by celebrating the good times when they present themselves. We can indulge our spontaneity and express our true inner selves.

We can dance, we can sing, we can smile at other people just walking down the street every single day.

We have nothing to lose and everything to gain by just indulging our inner joy and happiness, our positive and happy true selves, and sharing and caring about other’s welfare.

Don’t sweat the small stuff, just let it be.

In every life, some rain must fall, but we don’t need to dwell on it, focus on it, or allow ourselves to be influenced by it. That’s no way to live. Just let it roll off your back and get on with your lives.

Let the doom and gloom people live in their own dystopian world of fear, despair, and hopelessness. Let them huddle in the shadows of darkness, jump at every sound, and cower in fear of “the others.”

It is their choice, and hopefully, they will see the light someday too. In the meantime, let’s live it up ourselves, let’s indulge our inner child, let’s simply choose to be happy.

It’s just that easy. Be happy we wake up each morning, be happy we have a bed to sleep in, and be happy we have a roof over our heads.

That is a great way to start your morning! Count your blessings before you even get up, and then hit the ground running.

Try smiling at everybody you encounter in your daily routine. You could be on your way to work, and feel lucky to have a job. You could be going to school, and happy you are getting an education.

You could be going to the grocery store, and be happy you have the money to pay for the food you and your family eat every day.

Smiling releases endorphins, and reduces stress. People can’t help but be influenced in a good way by your happiness, because smiling is definitely contagious.

One thing leads to another, and you are bound to leave people with a better impression of both you and themselves.

You will never know unless you try.

Smiling costs us nothing, but we reap huge benefits by being the ones who are spreading the message of love, hope, and goodwill.

Shout your joy and happiness from the rooftops, sing it along with the music in your car while you are driving, and share it when you get to your destination.

Be that ray of sunshine that lights up your office, your classroom, or your own household. Be the type of person who sets a positive example and a living affirmation of joy and happiness.

When people feel happy, they are more likely to be kind and generous rather than sullen or withdrawn.

They will be more likely to minimize their fears and doubts and maximize their own inner happiness, embrace a positive attitude, and live life to the fullest.

Life is beautiful. Just by smiling and being happy every day, you can create a ripple effect that can spread over large distances and last for a lifetime.

We have nothing to lose, and everything to gain. We are all connected…

Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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