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The article emphasizes the importance of letting go of control to embrace personal freedom and allow the universe to guide one towards a better, more aligned path.


The article "Let Go... and Set Yourself Free!" discusses the detrimental effects of holding onto things past their due time, whether it be limiting beliefs, outdated relationships, or nostalgic attachments. It advocates for self-prioritization and the release of what no longer serves us, suggesting that this act of surrender is not weakness but strength. The author shares a personal journey of transitioning from clinging to things to understanding that the universe's plan often involves letting go to make way for greater opportunities. The message is one of trust and positivity, encouraging readers to release the anxiety and stress of holding on and to welcome the ease and abundance that life has to offer when we align with the universe's flow.


  • Clinging to the past or to things that no longer serve us can cause more harm than good.
  • Letting go is a form of self-care and a step towards personal growth and freedom.
  • The universe may be redirecting us through unfulfilled desires, signaling that something better is in store.
  • When something is meant for us, it will come effortlessly, without doubt or stress.
  • Life is meant to flow with ease, and holding on to the wrong things can disrupt this natural flow.
  • Investing in oneself and becoming the best version of oneself is more important than clinging to past attachments.
  • Letting go is an act of strength and faith in the universe's plan for our lives.
  • The universe conspires for our benefit, and letting go allows us to align with its positive intentions.

Let Go...

and Set Yourself Free!

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

The more you try to control something, the more it controls you. Free yourself, and let things take their own natural course

How many times do we find it difficult to let go of control? It could be a limiting belief, something that has served its purpose, or even a broken relationship or friendship. We often cling to the idea of how good things were, but we fail to recognize how holding on is affecting us in the present moment.

Prioritizing ourselves and letting go of what no longer serves us is a path to freedom. It creates space for something that is meant for us, something better, something that aligns with our true selves. I want to share a personal journey with you, a realization that has profoundly impacted my life.

For the longest time, I had this tendency to cling to things, to hold on as tightly as I could. I believed that if I just held on a little longer, things would magically work out. But what I failed to see was that by doing so, I was only hurting myself. I was carrying the weight of what no longer belonged in my life, and it was holding me back.

Then, I began to understand that the universe works in mysterious ways. When something doesn’t go as planned, it’s not a punishment; it’s protection. It’s the universe’s way of redirecting us towards something better, something more aligned with our true path. I came to believe that when we desire something and it doesn’t materialize, it’s because the universe has something even more incredible in store for us.

So, the next time you find yourself holding onto something that’s turning into turmoil, remember this: The extra baggage and weight you’re carrying was never meant for you in the first place. Deep in your heart, know that the universe has a better plan and only wants the best for you. Trust in the process and let go to make space for the best.

If something is truly meant for you, you won’t doubt it. You won’t feel anxious or stressed about it. It will flow into your life as effortlessly as a breath of air. Life is supposed to be easy, not hard. So, why cling to something that is stealing your peace away? There are so many amazing things waiting for you.

Invest in yourself, become the best version of yourself, and when you look back, you’ll realize that the things you had to let go of had a reason behind them. They were clearing the path for the incredible journey ahead.

Letting go is not a sign of weakness; it’s a testament to your strength and faith in a better future. Embrace the freedom that comes with it, and remember that the universe is always conspiring in your favor.

With boundless love and unwavering positivity. ✨

© Poonam Vashist 2023

Life Lessons
Spiritual Growth
Better Humans
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