avatarDionne Charlet


Mild sensuality in free verse

Leaving You for Jellyfish Lake

to the depths Lachesis permits

Photo by Shot by Cerqueira on Unsplash

Drowsy, safe in your arms I turn with piques and squirms toward the documentary you’d abandoned between ear nudges and shoulder kisses.

I just might be misinterpreting accent, tongue, and script…

Among the Caroline Islands of Palau ocean salt presses where limestone allows toward the silvery lacuna of inland lake

…and already this is a good dream.

Medusas swell fringed round the labia like skirted ballroom virgins in a horizontal ballet.

Lacrimose, angels dive with thrusts of bells to the depths Lachesis permits.

Is it fate that binds us, or bindings that lead us into temptation

with a kick under the blankets.

Juts of mandrake sever diaphanous fell and impale gelatinous manna that cardinal fish suck and dispel in clots.

A bouillabaisse of flesh and saline churns cyan with mandrake back-lit above the thickening lake bed tumbling you and green.

Leaving You for Jellyfish Lake” was first published in Louisiana Inklings: A Literary Sampler [Gramlich, 2013].

Dionne Charlet is a former Renaissance and Medieval festival queen. Her poetry appears in print in the anthologies New Orleans by Gaslight [Black, 2013] and Cairo by Gaslight, [Black, 2015] under pseudonym Dionne Cherie.

Her poetry has won awards on Scriggler.com, and has been curated on Medium and published in ILLUMINATION, The Rebel Poets Society, The POM, Publishing Well, Ladowich Magazine, thewrytr, Blue Insights, and The Lark.

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