Leaving or staying in the current job?

Am I working for a same company for almost a year or even more? Is this a time to ask myself a question, should I leave? going to find a dream job? or staying because the current job is good enough or it was my dream job before. In this article I am going to answer what you need to do.
Codebase and standard parameters:
It is good to know that what are the parameters of an excellent working space? there is a test called Joel Test, these are the questions that we can answer them that help us compare jobs together.
- Can you make a build in one step?
- Do you use source control?
- Do you make daily builds?
- Do you have a bug database?
- Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
- Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
- Do you have a spec?
- Do programmers have quiet working conditions?
- Do you use the best tools money can buy?
- Do you have testers?
- Do new candidates write code during their interview?
- Do you do hallway usability testing?
These are more about development and the code base which makes your work more satisfying.
Here is the list of equipments and social working style of the environment who makes the work more fun.
- Lab or Hack day or being Creative
- Coffee machine
- Closeness to home
- Flexible hours
- Remote working
- Fun people
- Free food & drinks
- Technology Stack
- Growth opportunities
- Company reputation
- No dress code
You have thought about all of these and you are still thinking about future and money?
One of the most important reasons which makes somebody to leave their place is management style. You feel like in this company manager doesn’t respect me and he or she only cares about the task that I am doing.
Imagine you have arrived to the point that all of these ones are the same or is just with a little bit difference which might be not important for you.
But you have an offer with a huge difference like 15 to 20% more? think about it. you need to really think about it before ignoring it. Money is not a base to change your job and for so many people is not that important. What you need to do is to talk to your manager. Let them know that you have an offer. Either way if he is a good manager, will advise you that is there a good future for you in that company which probably worth staying or you need to leave.
Example of staying for a long time is CEO of Microsoft now. Satya Nadella worked in Microsoft for 25 years and then he is now the CEO. Probably he could find a better job somewhere else but he had decided to stay because of the future that he could see.
Have you thought about all of the above?
Change is always hard. but if you can not see your future in this company. or they don’t have a good manager or even they don’t even care about talking for salary. You have to change.
No one is happy about changing. Everyone wants to be stable in his job and have a growth in terms of future.
- https://www.joelonsoftware.com/2000/08/09/the-joel-test-12-steps-to-better-code/