avatarEram Siddiqui


The article emphasizes the importance of gratitude, encouraging readers to appreciate and acknowledge their blessings rather than focusing on what they lack.


The author, Eram, a postgraduate from a reputable Indian college, reflects on the human tendency to overlook the blessings we have and instead complain about our circumstances. The article challenges readers to consider those less fortunate, such as individuals who struggle with hunger and lack basic necessities like clothing and parental care. It suggests that by showing gratitude for what we have and giving to others, we can transform our lives and potentially receive what we need from a higher power. The author advocates for hard work towards our goals while maintaining an attitude of thankfulness, arguing that ingratitude can lead to the loss of what we take for granted. The piece concludes by recommending an AI service, ZAI.chat, as a cost-effective alternative to ChatGPT Plus (GPT-4).


  • The author believes that people often neglect to be thankful for their blessings and instead focus on their deficiencies.
  • There is an opinion that we should be more mindful of those in more dire circumstances, such as the hungry and the orphaned, and recognize our relative fortune.
  • The article posits that a shift towards gratitude and generosity can lead to positive changes in one's life.
  • It is suggested that constant complaining without appreciation can result in the loss of what we have.
  • The author endorses the idea of giving before receiving and believes that this mindset can significantly impact an individual's life.
  • The piece promotes the concept that the life we have might be the life someone else dreams of, underscoring the need for gratitude.
  • Lastly, the author recommends ZAI.chat, implying that it is a valuable and economical tool for readers interested in AI services.

Kindly Count your blessings.

Hey,Eram here post graduated from one of the reputated college of India,,writing this just to see that can I write or not.

How many of us have never woken up in the morning, folded our hands, and thanked God for whatever we have.?????

We always focus on what we don’t have, forgetting to count our blessings.

We often complain about our lives and never think about the things that we have that others may dream of it…

  • As we often say “Today, we don’t have good food to eat”,

Have we ever thought about those who sometimes go hungry for days? I have seen some of them even pick food from the trash to eat .

  • Today, if we don’t have good clothes to wear, we complain. But do we realize how many people have only one piece of clothing, which they wash, wear, and wash again?
Looking for your help...
  • Our parents may treat us strictly, but have we ever thought about the children living in orphanages?

They wake up every day with the hope that someone will come and take them and that they’ll have parents to care for them when they’re weak.

There are so many things we complain about to God and others, without appreciating our blessings. We rarely acknowledge or thank God for what we have. The life God has given us could be someone else’s dream. If we don’t show gratitude, we have no right to complain to God.

We must work hard to achieve our goals, and make every possible effort, day and night. But we shouldn’t complain because complaining can make us lose what we already had but never appreciated. We often think what we have will always be there.

Before taking learn to give.

Give what you have, and see how God will give you what you need. Start giving before complaining, and show gratitude. Then watch how life changes for you. Don’t forget your blessings.

Work towards what you want and always show gratitude. Give before taking, and see the difference it makes in your life..

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