avatarJune Coffey



3 tasks and 10 key traits from someone who has interviewed over 3000 people

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

People don’t leave companies, they leave managers. This is what is often said to me. In over 15 years as a recruitment consultant, having interviewed over 3000 people, I find that this is true 60 percent of the time. The 40 percent of the time are when things that are completely out of the manager’s control, budgets, change in company direction, or simply because the person has outgrown the team.

I want to share what traits people appreciate the most in leaders.

First, there are 3 tasks that leaders and managers need to do. I find that most managers are good at and enjoy 2 out of 3 things. I have yet to meet someone who enjoys and excels at all 3.

1. Build

This is one of the most straight forward management tasks, to build a team or a product. Leaders and managers who are good at this task are good at hiring and putting teams together.

2. Maintain

This is when teams and products are running smoothly, leaders and managers need to maintain it. People who excel at maintenance are leaders and managers who are strong at motivating the team, good at cross-training the team, and good at career development.

3. Dismantle

This is when the team or product is in trouble or on fire, over budget or run out of funds. Leaders and managers who are good at this are good at narrowing into what is essential to the team and product, find the rock stars, and cut the rest to save the team or product.

Most of the time when I tell the leaders and managers this, they very quickly can identify which ones they are good at and enjoy. Knowing this really helps to figure out at what stage you should look to join the team and company.

Here are the top 10 leadership traits that make the most impact on the people in the team:

1. Vision

Strong leaders are very good at building a compelling vision for the future. This helps pull the team together and work towards a common goal. People follow leaders who have an inspiring vision of what they can build together.

2. Ask better questions

People appreciate when leaders ask better questions to lead them into figuring it out, as opposed to giving them the answer. This helps them learn to look inside themselves to figure it out, and I learned that this is very much appreciated.

3. Ownership

Good leaders take ownership of everything that is produced by their team, good or bad. They take ownership of their own mistakes and can admit when they do not have the answer.

4. Simplify things

“Complexity is the enemy of execution” — Tony Robbins.

Great leaders know that complexity can paralyze the best of us. They do their best to make things simple. A lot of people appreciate how the leaders they admire made it all look so easy.

5. They care about the little things

Birthdays, work anniversaries, kids’ names, and buying food for their team, all of the little things that show the team that they care, great leaders excel in that.

6. Clear communication

Communication is key in leadership and great leaders are very clear in their communication. People appreciate and respect when leaders communicate exactly what they think.

7. Delegate

Strong leaders know when and how to delegate. This helps to elevate their team and it does not go unnoticed.

8. Give credit

When their team does something great, good leaders know to give credit and acknowledgment to the individuals and the team. They show everyone how proud they are of them.

9. Honest

Honesty and integrity are amongst the highest qualities of leaders.

The lack of honesty and integrity is the number one reason why people leave managers. They feel that they were not honest about something, usually it is something they promised and did not follow through. It does not matter how big or small it is, once the trust is broken, that is usually when people decide to leave.

10. Train

Great leaders are not afraid to teach and train what they know. They continue to elevate their team however they can. It seems counter-intuitive, but I have seen leaders train their team to replace them have the most loyal following. Most times the teams follow them to different companies.

Leadership and management skills are things that are difficult to teach since no 2 situations or teams are alike. It takes the willingness to hone the skills and learn from mistakes to create great managers and leaders.

Leadership Skills
Management And Leadership
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