avatarWarren Brown


Laura Attraction- Chapter 2

Law of Attraction can be a distraction

Image provided by Author

Laura completes her work at home and she dresses up to wait for her friend Rita to arrive to take her to the party.

The bell rings. Laura opens the door to find Rita a tall slim looking brown-haired girl in a short pink dress with a lot of make-up.

“Hiya babes, are you ready to leave now,” says Rita with a big toothy smile.

“Yes, I’ll just grab my coat,” says Laura.

The two girls leave to go to the car. Andrew who was also from their college is waiting to drive the girls down to the party. Andrew was a serious guy and he was always working on his computer. He was some sort of computer programmer. Laura one day called him a nerd and he did not speak to her for a full week.

Andrew would usually carry around his case of comic books, superhero DVDs as well as attend comic conventions in the city of London. He liked to call himself a geek, but never a nerd.

At the party, Laura was having a good time with her friends, drinking wine, dancing, chatting, and laughing.

The music was good and the food provided at the party was delicious.

Holly came up to Laura. They had not met since college. Laura had been told that Holly was very successful in her career and she was an author. Holly’s novels were on the New York Times Bestseller List.

Laura did not have the time to read the romance novels penned by Holly, but her friends had told her that her writing was sensational.

“Hi Laura, how have you been doing? I haven’t seen you in ages,” said Holly, who was of medium height and build with long blond hair. Holly always wondered why Laura had not gone into modeling. Laura had the looks and the height and she always looked stunning in her outfits.

“Hi Holly, how are you? It’s so good to see you? I’m working as an Administrator in a shoe company in London,” said Laura a bit embarrassed about her job, which was not glamorous and not that special.

“I’m well. I’m going to have my book launch on the second of this month. The book is my latest romance novel, “The Passionate Affair Never Ends”. Why don’t you come for the launch? Another author Jake Reynolds is also going to launch his book on the Law of Attraction. We have the same publisher, so we are having a joint book launch.”

“Thanks, Holly that will be wonderful. I’m very interested in the Law of Attraction. I saw a television program on the Law of Attraction last night. “

The party ends. Laura and Rita are exhausted so Andrew drives the two girls to their homes and goes to stay with his father for the weekend. Andrew had an elderly father who used to be a policeman and who now stayed on his own after his wife died. Father and son were close. Andrew worked as a scriptwriter in a television company in the city.

The next morning when Laura wakes up from sleep, she is shocked to find that she has overslept. It is Sunday morning and she has to do the shopping to prepare lunch for her parents.

Laura rushes down to the supermarket and picks up chicken, sausages, and vegetables to prepare lunch for her parents.

Laura manages to get back home quickly and is getting the kitchen ready to start cooking when the doorbell rings.

“Not, now, I hope it’s not Mum and Dad, they’re pretty early. They did say they would come by two this afternoon,” Laura mutters to herself.

As she opens the door she is surprised to find Andrew standing in the doorway with his blue jeans and red T-Shirt on, smiling with his big warm smile and looking handsome, without his large spectacles.

“Hi Laura, Rita phoned me to tell me to come to help you out. She’s not feeling well today. But, she told me that she had told you earlier that she would help you prepare lunch for your parents. I came in her place.”

“You’re welcome, Andrew. Thanks for coming. I can always use an extra pair of hands.”

The young pair got the lunch ready in time. The fresh salad was whipped into a delicious-looking preparation by Andrew. Laura switched on the music and she played the country music songs, which her father Jack loved so much.

Laura next went to set the table for lunch, she laid out the cutlery her Mother had given her when she left home to live on her own.

“Something is burning in the kitchen,” yelled Andrew as he rushed into the kitchen to silence the alarm which was beeping like crazy.

“Good grief, I forgot to take the chicken roast out of the oven,” screamed Laura as she rushed into the kitchen in time to see Andrew take out a well-charred chicken roast. There was nothing left to eat of the ashen chicken.

“Not to worry, I saw that the vegetable pilau rice is ready, I’ll go and get a chicken curry from the Indian restaurant down the road,” said Andrew.

“Thank you, Andrew, you’re a Godsend. I’ll fry up the sausages.”

Andrew left to get three curries from the Indian takeaway. Laura’s parents had not yet arrived and Laura was now getting worried.

At twenty minutes past one in the afternoon, Laura’s parents arrived.

They were both troubled after the car broke down on their way to see their daughter.

“Our mobile phone was not working. I always tell your father to charge the phone every morning, but does he listen to me, no he doesn’t,” said Laura’s mother Gertrude, a tall slim lady with short blond hair, wearing a light pink dress with a floral pattern and a pearl necklace with pearl earrings, which were a Mother’s day gift from her daughter Judy, who lived in Australia. Laura always felt that Judy, her older sister was her parents’ favorite daughter, because she was highly accomplished as a lawyer, married with twin sons, and a husband who was caring and loving.

Laura’s father smiled and said, “Well we aren’t late for lunch, we are waiting for the Indian curries to arrive, I’m starving now. I ate breakfast at six this morning.”

Laura’s father Jack had retired from the police where he was an Officer for twenty years.

The main door opened and Andrew walked in holding a paper bag with the Indian curries, pickles, chutneys, and naan bread.

“Thank you young man for saving my daughter’s lunch from becoming a complete disaster,” said Gertrude, as she gave Andrew a wink.

“Gertie, why don’t you help Laura serve out the food in the kitchen?” said Jack.

Gertrude followed her daughter into the kitchen to help her with serving the lunch on the dining table.

Jack switched on the television, as Andrew switched off the music.

Over a hearty lunch, a number of topics were discussed, including if Andrew was single and ready to mingle because Laura was ready to get married and give them grandchildren, according to her mother Gertrude.

Jack discussed more serious issues like the state of the economy, politics, and the volatile pound after Brexit.

The topic next turned to “be careful what you wish for in life,” which was an article Jack had read in the newspapers.

“I’m sure that people would not intentionally wish for something bad to happen,” said Andrew.

“But, people like to punish themselves and it is part of human nature. We all tend to feel that we do not deserve to get the good things in life. We feel that we must struggle in order to reap the benefits of luxury and comfort, which is not true,” said Gertrude.

“I saw an interesting program on the Law of attraction, last night on television,” said Laura.

“It’s all about positive thinking and I don’t think it really works, it’s part of that new-age mumbo-jumbo,” said Gertrude.

“It’s the power of the mind,” said Andrew “and there may be some truth in the whole concept.”

“There are a lot of celebrities who believe in the Law of Attraction and their life stories are proof that it works if you just believe in it,” said Andrew.

“I didn’t know that you’re also interested in the law of attraction,” said Laura with a smile, as she tapped Andrew lightly on his shoulder.

“I believe that nothing can be got without working hard for it,” said Jack shrugging his shoulders.

“I’ve done a lot of research into the law of attraction and I’m sure that it works,” said Laura looking at Andrew with a smile on her face.

“If you’ve got enough research materials and data, I could always create a database for the law of attraction. I could also write some computer code for the program and we could test it to see if the Law of Attraction really works,” said Andrew.

“Gertrude, I think we better head home now, or we’ll be late getting back,” said Jack as he picked up the car keys from the coffee table beside him.

“Yes, it gets darker faster, now that winter is coming and anyways, these youngsters need some time together, I think,” said Gertrude with a smile and a wink at Jack.

After Laura’s parents left Andrew helped Laura clear the room, wash and dry the dishes.

As they were drying the dishes, they stood close together and Andrew could not resist the urge to kiss Laura lightly on her cheek.

“Andrew, Andrew what are you doing?” asked Laura shocked.

“I’m sorry Laura, I didn’t mean to it just happened,” said Andrew blushing.

“I didn’t mean to yell at you, I thought we were just friends,” said Laura, as she noticed Andrew for the first time that day. He looked handsome without his large spectacles and anyway he was a good friend.

“I better rush off now,” said Andrew.

“Andrew, I’m sorry, we should do this again sometime. I mean having lunch or dinner perhaps,” said Laura with a shy smile.

“Cheers Laura, that’ll be great,” said Andrew, as his heart skipped a beat.

“Don’t forget the program on the Law of Attraction. I plan to start a Law of Attraction Agency where people can learn about the Law of Attraction and then use that knowledge to attract whatever they want in life.”

“That’s a great idea and I’ll have the program ready in a week’s time. I’ll install the program on your laptop and I’ll show you how it works.”

“That’s super Andrew, thank you, and next Sunday we can have lunch here at my place,” said Laura.

Science Fiction
Law Of Attraction
Law Of Attraction Works
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