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The website content discusses a Kubernetes coloring book that simplifies complex Kubernetes concepts using the story of the three little pigs, aimed at making the technology understandable to children and non-technical individuals.


The content reveals an innovative approach to teaching Kubernetes, a sophisticated cloud application deployment and management system, through a coloring book designed for kindergarten children. This book was discovered by the author during a diversity scholarship-funded trip to the Cloud Native KubeCon conference in 2019. The book repurposes the classic tale of the three little pigs to explain Kubernetes principles in a way that is accessible to both young children and those unfamiliar with technology, such as the author's grandmother. The article emphasizes the importance of clear communication and patience when explaining complex subjects, suggesting that the ability to simplify explanations is a sign of deep understanding, as per Albert Einstein's quote. It also encourages programmers to avoid unnecessary jargon and commends those who can break down technical details into simpler terms.


  • The author values simplicity in explanations and believes that the ability to explain complex concepts in a simple manner is a hallmark of true understanding.
  • The article suggests that using high-level jargon can be counterproductive and that clear communication is more valuable in a collaborative environment.
  • The author expresses admiration for individuals who can explain difficult concepts without making others feel foolish, considering it a special skill or talent.
  • There is an implied appreciation for RedHat's creative approach to education and inclusivity in technology through the production of the Kubernetes coloring book.
  • The article implies that patience and clarity in communication can lead to better understanding and more effective teaching or mentoring.


Kubernetes For Kindergarten Kids

A Lesson In Simplicity

Image courtesy author- Kubernetes coloring book

I was decluttering my bookshelves and discovered this amazing book from the Cloud Native KubeCon (conference) in late 2019. I had the wonderful opportunity to attend via a diversity scholarship in sunny San Diego.

I had almost forgotten about this cute coloring book with the story of the three little pigs that every kindergarten kid knows. I opened it, delighted to find a new book for my baby daughter. And guess what? The story was modified to explain the core concepts of Kubernetes.

For context, Kubernetes is an important open-source system to help deploy and manage applications in the cloud. Kubernetes developers are highly sought after in IT departments, often commanding salaries of $150,000 and above!

If you cannot explain it simply, you do not understand it well enough. — Albert Einstein.

Obviously, the folks at RedHat (an awesome tech company!) took this quite seriously. They used the little piggy story in a very clever way to explain highly complicated concepts in a way both a kindergarten kid or my aged grandmother would understand!

What can we take away from this children’s book?

  1. Next time you feel annoyed explaining something to your child or parent or junior, remember this and exercise more patience. Then examine if perhaps your explanation is lacking in clarity.
  2. If you are a programmer, stop using high-fangled jargon at every meeting. Sure, it may make you feel superior, and even impress a certain subset of people. However, it is not really needed. On the contrary, you will gain far more popularity by being the person who can "dumb down" complex technical details for non-techies to follow.

Did you have an excellent teacher or know someone with the knack for explaining everything in easy, simple terms without making you feel foolish? Answer in the comments below.

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