avatarVanshika Sharma


Knock-Knock, Confidence ?

Most of you are living in two worlds. Aren’t you?

One world is in your head, where you are hyper-productive, super-confident, successful, happy, and always right.

The other world is your reality, where you fail often, fail to the edge of giving up, where you are underconfident and a champion in procrastination.

So, why this difference?

This difference is due to your beliefs and your conversation with yourself because your brain reacts to your thoughts, and how you think about yourself is exactly how you are living your life right now.

You are living the way you are thinking about yourself.

You feel stupid, dumb, an imposter, and bam here you are. You feel not in control of your life, you feel like a passenger, instead of the driver of your destiny.

Living life wasn’t meant to be this tough right?

But you are not consciously doing it. You too want to feel good about yourself, you want to do the work that brings you happiness, gives time to your family and friends, and pursue that hobby, but you feel either out of time or out of options. You are riding along a relatively short path.

The question is why are you doing this to yourself?

You were supposed to be your best friend, right?

You were supposed to be kinder, more forgiving, patient, and working for your growth, and your goals. But every time your actions result in some self-sabotaging talks with yourself.

You end up judging yourself worse than your relatives and critics.

Now, the question is how can you alter this loop of self-sabotaging yourself?

By altering your thoughts. Your thoughts can change your perception of your situation.

Talk to your problems. Talk to yourself.

This time not with a victim mindset, talk with a warrior mindset. Be solution-oriented, instead of problem-oriented.

Remind yourself of your plus points, your ability, and your blessings.

Also, remind yourself of your weaknesses, and areas where you need to be better. Accepting your flaws will help you in making peace with yourself.

Have the confidence and positivity of a child.

My nephew, who is three years old, falls frequently while running here and there at home, he cries and then carries on with his play.

He also observes why he fell and tries to not repeat that behavior.

You would have done the same when you were a child.

But now, you have started labeling yourself with your failures.

Start talking to yourself positively. Be your best friend and don’t ever leave yourself.

Wear the confidence and own your failures.

Learn and live! 😊

Self Improvement
Self Love
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